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1、- 1 -Feelings and impressions【主备人】 【从备人】 【 学习内容】Module1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1-1 It smells delicious.【课型】Listening and speaking【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】【学习目标】 : 1.知识目标:记住(sound,smell,look,taste,feel)打出来单词并会用句型“主语+系动词+形容词”造句。2.能力目标:能够用表感觉和知觉的系动词表达自己的感情.【学习重难点】 能够正确使用表示感觉和知觉的系动词: sound,smell,lo

2、ok,taste,feel,掌握“系动词+形容词”句子结构学习难点: 掌握使用表示感觉和知觉的系动词及系表结构,能够正确表达对食物的感觉和对人的印象。【教学准备】 Tape recorder, multi-media【学习过程】一、情景导入:(通过重复强化记忆本节课出现的相关词)Cookie cookie cookie, sweet sweet sweet. Cheese cheese cheese, strong strong strong.Sweater sweater sweater, soft soft soft. Music music music, nice nice nice.G

3、irl girl girl , pretty pretty pretty. Me me me , clever clever clever.Smell smell, the apple smells delicious. Taste taste, the cookies taste sweet.Look look, the girls look pretty. Feel feel , the sweater feels soft.二、学习探究一)设问导读(通过幻灯激发学生求知欲,大容量的句子呈现与操练帮助学生快速的理解与掌握本课重难点)1.Look at PPT and learn the n

4、ew words.2.Pair work: Look at pictures and practice in pairs.Eg: A: How does the soup taste?B: It tastes salty.3. Listen and Complete P2 Activity1.2.4. Listen and read the conversation and check what Betty is making.5.Read in pairs then translate the important sentences(翻译重点句子):1). What a delicious

5、smell! _2). It tastes too strong. _3). Im afraid I dont like cheese. _4). It doesnt smell fresh. _5). They feel soft in the middle. _6). Apple pie sounds nice. _7). I have a sweet tooth. _8). Its my lucky day! _二) 、自学检测(自学与小组讨论完成本课词组与句子,培养学生自学以及从阅读中发现细节信息的能力) Do A4 andA5(独立完成并做汇报)四、巩固练习(巩固与总结感官系动词的用

6、法) 1. The cookies tastes_. We like them very much.A salty B sour C soft D delicious2. These oranges look _ and sell _.A good; good B well ; well C good; well D well; good3. Country music _beautiful. Many old men enjoy listening to it.A looks B sounds C tastes D smells4. Your mother _ young. A feels

7、B smells C looks D tastes5. The air in the countryside smells _.A. sour B. soft C. delicious D. fresh五、拓展延伸You and your friends are at a party. There is a lot to see, to eat and to drink. And there is also beautiful music. Talk about your feelings and impressions about it. Make a dialogue with your friends. Practice like this:Do you like flowers?Yes, I do. They smell nice. Do you like bananas?板书设计 sound The music sound strange. Have a try!taste The soup tastes delicious. 课后反思: - 2 -


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