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1、 1Module2 Experiences【主备人】 【从备人】 【学习内容】Unit 1-1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions.【课型】Listening and speaking【学习目标】 1.学习词汇: ever, enter, competition, prize, dream,afford, pity, invite2.能够听懂用现在完成时描述的经历。3.能够运用现在完成时询问和表达经历。【学习重难点】1.识记并掌握新词汇2.运用现在完成时谈论自己及他人的经历。【教学准备】 Tape recorder, multi-med

2、ia【学习过程】一、情景导入A: Everyone has lots of experiences. I have seen the sea .My son has entered many competitions, and he has ever won some prizes.A: Tell me your experiences.B: I have climbed the Great Wall, I haveA: Oh, that sounds wonderful.(目的:简单的说出自己的经历去引导学生说出 have +V.ed 的句子。方法:教师做示范,学生模仿说出句子。)二、设问导

3、读1. Look at PPT and learn the new words.2. Listen to the tape, finish A 1 and A 2.3. Listen to the conversation, and choose the best answer.What kinds of competitions are mentioned in the conversation?A.Speaking and readingB.Reading and writingC.Writing and speaking4. Read the conversation, then do

4、A3.5. Work in pairs and do A 4.Read the passage again.(目的:听懂用现在完成时描述的经历,并完成各层次任务。方法:PPT 学习新单词,听录音回答问题,个体读,小组读,完成相关练习。)三、自学检测. Read the conversation, find the phrases and sentences, then translate:1.演讲比赛_ 2.write a short sotry about_3.提高你的讲话水平 _4.That sounds wonderful!_5.获奖_ 6.make up_7.去梦想的假期_ 8.inv

5、ite sb. to do sth._9.那可惜了!_ 10.the book called_11.考虑_ 12. the first prize_. Listen to A 6, and then work in pairs to act it out.(目的:理解并掌握本单元重点短语的运用,从而理解并表演对话。方法:个体完成,小组核对,齐声朗读短语记忆。小组合作表演对话。)四、巩固训练. 完成句子1. 你曾经进入过太空吗?_ you ever _ into space?2. 魏明曾经坐飞机游遍全国。Wei Ming _ _ _ _ China by plane.3 还有他没参观过的地方吗?

6、Is there anywhere that he _ _?4 Sally 曾经邀请我哪天跟她一起待在英国。Sally _ _ me to stay with her in England one day. Do A5 .(目的:掌握对话中知识点在语境中的应用。方法:独立完成,两人组核对,纠错,巩固。)五、拓展延伸Listen and repeat ,then make a dialogue after model.Eg. -Have you ever entered a competition?-Yes ,I have. /No,I havent.(目的:拓展现在完成时句子的应用,练习使用一般疑问句及答语。方法:小组循环问答,谈论自己的经历,询问别人的经历。)2Homework:Do A8, make up a dialogue.板书设计Unit 1 Ive also entered lots of speaking competitions.have +V.ed make uphave seen invite sb. to do sth.


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