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1、第1课时分层训练,Unit 11 How was your school trip?,课内基础自测,课后巩固提升,课内基础自测,第1课时分层训练,.写出下列动词的过去式 1visit_ 2.play_ 3study _ 4.worry _ 5ride _ 6.feed _,visited,played,studied,worried,worried,fed,第1课时分层训练,7go _ 8.stop _ 9do _ 10.grow _ 11have _ 12.take _ 13eat _ 14.see _ 15buy _,went,stopped,did,grew,had,took,ate,s

2、aw,bought,第1课时分层训练,.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1I _(feed) the chickens and it was fun. 2He often _ his bike to the farm. But he _ a horse there yesterday.(ride) 3There are quite a lot of _(horse) on the farm. 4Grandma _(grow) many vegetables last year. 5These _(farm) are very friendly to us in this village.,fed,r

3、ides,rode,horses,grew,farmers,课后巩固提升,第1课时分层训练,.单项填空 ( )1._ you _ to the park last week? Yes, I did. ADo; go BDid; went CDo; went DDid; go,D,【解析】含实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句要借助于助动词did,行为动词应用原形。故选D。,第1课时分层训练,( )2._ did you do yesterday? I washed clothes. AWhere BWhat CWhen DHow,B,第1课时分层训练,( )3._ was your summer

4、vacation? It was great. AHow BWhere CWhat DWhen,A,【解析】 “How is/was?”用来询问对某事的感觉如何。,第1课时分层训练,( )4._ in New York? It was sunny. AHow was the weather BHow were they CWhat did you see DWhere did you go,A,【解析】由答句可知上句询问天气,且为一般过去时,故选A。,第1课时分层训练,( )5.Did you see any apples? _We only saw some strawberries. AY

5、es, we did BYes, we do CNo, we dont DNo, we didnt,D,【解析】此题考查由助动词did引导的一般疑问句,其肯定回答:Yes, we did.否定回答:No, we didnt.根据答语可知选D。,第1课时分层训练,( )6.Cindy, can you _ us _ your school? Ashows; around Bshow; around Cshow; of Dto show; in,B,【解析】情态动词can后接动词原形;“show sb. around地点名词”表示“带领某人参观某地”。,第1课时分层训练,( )7.I _ some

6、 apples just now. Please take them _ home. Apick; to Bpicked; / Cpicked; at Dpick; /,B,【解析】 just now是一般过去时的标志词,所以用picked; taketo意为“把带到”, 地点为副词时,要省略to,故选B。,第1课时分层训练,( )8.Mr. Brown learned _ about Chinese history. Aa lot of Blots of Ca lot Dmany,C,第1课时分层训练,( )9.I _ some photos of the animals last week

7、. Atake Btook Ctakes Dam taking,B,【解析】考查动词时态。根据last week判断用一般过去时,因此答案选B。,第1课时分层训练,( )10.He _ his homework last night. Adoesnt do Bdidnt do Cwasnt do Ddidnt did,B,第1课时分层训练,.根据提示词用适当的句子完成对话1.A: _ (how)B: It was rainy. 2A: _(do, last night)B: I visited my uncle.,How was the weather?,What did you do las

8、t night?,第1课时分层训练,3A: _(day off)B: It was great. 4A: Were there any students on the playground? B: _(no) 5A: _(fun, yesterday)B: Yes, I did.,How was your day off?,No, there werent.,Did you have fun yesterday?,第1课时分层训练,.句型转换 1I asked them some questions.(改为一般疑问句) _ you ask them _ questions? 2Did she

9、see any chickens there?(改为陈述句) She _ _ chickens there.,Did,any,saw some,第1课时分层训练,3She eats some icecream every day.(用yesterday改写句子) She _ some icecream yesterday. 4They talked on the phone last night.(对画线部分提问) _ _ they _ last night? 5My trip was great last week.(对画线部分提问) _ _ your trip last week?,What did,ate,do,How was,


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