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1、Section A,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,课前自主预习,Section A,never,shower,brush,station,oclock,night,Section A,funny,exercise,group,early,late,up,down,tooth,teeth,Section A,usually,usual,forty,fortieth,fifty,fiftieth,job,work,best,good/well,Section A,get dressed,radio show,take a s

2、hower,get up,at night,be late for,Section A,刷牙,从到,广播电台,去上学,去上班,(在)周末,Section A,Section A,答案15 CEABD,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,Section A,1 dress v. 穿衣服 n. 连衣裙,观察 The threeyearold boy can dress himself. 那个三岁的小男孩会自己穿衣服。 The girl in a blue dress is pretty. 穿蓝色连衣裙的女孩很漂亮。 Hurry up and get dressed.快点穿上衣服。,Section A,探究 d

3、ress既可以作动词,也可以作名词。get dressed意为“_”。,辨析 dress, wear与put on,穿上衣服,Section A,Children like wearing new clothes.孩子们喜欢穿新衣服。 Its very cold today. Please put on your coat. 今天很冷,请穿上你的外套。,活学活用,Section A,(1)2017绥化 Youd better _ your coat. Its very cold outside. Awear Bput on Cdress,B,【解析】考查动词(短语)辨析。wear意为“穿”,强

4、调“穿”的状态;put on意为“穿上”,强调“穿”的动作;dress意为“给穿衣服”。根据后面的“Its very cold outside”可知,外面很冷,需要穿外套。此处强调动作,故选B。,Section A,(2)2018兰州Though the little boy is young, he can dress _(he) without anyones help.,himself,Section A,2 usually adv. 通常地;一般地,观察 I usually take a shower at six forty.我通常六点四十洗淋浴。 What time do you

5、usually get up?你通常几点起床?,探究 usually是频度副词,常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。always (总是), often, never, hardly(几乎不) 用法与usually相同。,活学活用,Section A,她通常步行去上学。 She _ goes to school on foot.,usually,Section A,3 job n. 工作;职业,观察 Scott has an interesting job.斯科特有一份有趣的工作。 Hes never late for work.他上班从来不迟到。,探究 a joba piec

6、e of work一份工作,辨析 job与work (1)job是_名词,指具体的工作。 (2)work是_名词,通常指抽象意义上的工作。work还可作动词,意为“工作,劳动,干活”,而job不能作动词。,可数,不可数,活学活用,Section A,(1)Im busy. I have much _ to do these days. Ajob Bjobs Cwork Dworks (2)If you can speak English well, you will find a good _. Ajob Bwork Cfriend Dnight,C,A,【解析】考查名词的用法。job意为“工

7、作”,为可数名词;work意为“工作”,为不可数名词;friend意为“朋友”;night意为“晚上”。句意:如果你英语说得好,你将会找个好工作。故选A。,探究 exercise作“锻炼”讲时,有动词和名词两种词性,注意这时是不可数名词,如:do much exercise意为“做很多锻炼”。,Section A,4 exercise v. & n. 锻炼;练习,观察 After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. 在那以后,我通常在大约10点20分锻炼。 I usually go swimming for exercise.我通常去游泳

8、作为锻炼。,拓展 exercise作“练习题;体操”讲时,是可数名词,如:do some math exercises 意为“_”; do morning exercises 意为“_”。,Section A,做一些数学练习,做早操,活学活用,Section A,2018广安Danniel did the_ (练习题) too carelessly(粗心地), and it made his teacher angry.,exercises/exercise,Section A,1 From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning

9、. 从晚上12点钟到早上6点钟。,句型透视,探究 fromto 意为“_”。 from Friday to Sunday 从星期五到星期天 from the library to the school 从图书馆到学校,从到,Section A,辨析 at, in 与 on 在时间名词前的用法 (1)在具体时刻前用at。at seven oclock 在七点钟 (2)在年份、月份、季节等较长的时间前用in; 泛指“在上午/下午/晚上”也用in。 in 2017在2017年 in April 在四月 in spring 在春季 in the afternoon 在下午 (3)在具体某一天或某一天的

10、上午、下午、晚上等要用on。 on May 2nd 在5月2日 on Monday evening 在星期一晚上 on the morning of May 2nd 在五月二日的早晨,Section A,活学活用,学生们周一至周五上学。 Students go to school _ _ _ _.,from Monday to Friday,Section A,2 What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty. “你通常几点起床?”“我通常六点半起床。”,探究 (1)询问“某时某人在做什么”的句型结构: What timedo/does主语动词原形其他? (2)询问“几点钟”的句型: What time is it? Whats the time?,Section A,辨析 what time与when what time 提问具体时刻; when 提问年份、月份、日期等笼统的时间,也可用来询问具体时刻。,Section A,活学活用,She goes to school at eight(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ she go to school? _ _ she go to school?,What time does,When does,


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