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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,单元主题写作十,Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,单元主题写作十,话题分析,本单元的话题是“居住环境(Living environment)”。在初中阶段,以“居住环境”为话题的写作通常会涉及你所在的城镇或城市的变化情况等。在写作的时候注意使用不同的时态,比如一般过去时及现在完成时。,单元主题写作十,典 型 例 题,某英文杂志刊登了一则以“Changes in Our City”为主题的征文启事。假如你准备参加这项比赛,请围绕以下要点合理发挥想象,写一篇70

2、词左右的短文。 1你出生在农村,三年前随父母来到了该城市上学; 2简要描述近三年里你所在城市的变化; 3对城市未来的希望。,单元主题写作十,思 路 点 拨,本题要求写一篇文章描述你所在城市的变化。写作时可以按照如下思路进行: 1简要交代自己的相关情况。描述这些内容时,主要用一般过去时。根据题目要求可知,要涉及以下两方面的内容: (1)生于农村。 (2)三年前随父母一起搬到了这座城市。,单元主题写作十,2描述你所看到的变化。写该部分的时候,可适当发挥想象,从以下几个方面展开叙述: (1)有更多高楼、购物中心和宾馆。 (2)城市变得更大,也更美丽。 (3)人们在这里过着更美好的生活。 3描述你对城

3、市未来的希望。在描述对城市未来的希望时,可以使用“I hope (that)”句式。,单元主题写作十,素材积累,常用词汇 1发生 _ 2过去是;曾经是 _ 3搬到 _ 4高楼 _ 5宽阔的马路 _,take place,used to be,move to,tall buildings,单元主题写作十,wide roads,6干净的街道 _ 7巨大的变化 _ 8越来越好 _ 9越来越富有 _ 10快乐地生活 _,clean streets,great changes,better and better,单元主题写作十,richer and richer,live happily,单元主题写作十

4、,常用句子 1Ive been in the city for many years.我已经来到这座城市很多年了。 2He lives in a small city with a population of about 50,000.他生活在一座约有5万人口的小城市。 3People are getting richer and richer.人们越来越富裕了。 4Great changes have taken place in my city.我的城市发生了巨大的变化。,单元主题写作十,5Its convenient for people to go shopping.人们购物很方便。

5、6Im happy to see all these changes.我很高兴看到这些变化。 7I hope my hometown will be better and better. 我希望我的家乡越来越好。 8Im sure people will live a happier life in the future.我确信将来人们会过上更幸福的生活。,单元主题写作十,Changes in Our CityI was born in the countryside. I moved to the city with my parents three years ago. Now I stu

6、dy in a middle school here.Ive lived in the city for three years. It has changed a lot. There are more tall buildings, shopping centers and hotels. The city is bigger and more beautiful, the streets are much wider and tidier, and people live a better life here. I hope the future of the city will be

7、better.,高分模板,单元主题写作十,名师点评,准确运用本单元所学知识现在完成时与“for时间段”连用。 比较级的运用突出了现在与过去相比各方面都有了很大的变化。,小试身手,单元主题写作十,假如你生活在一座约有5万人口的小城市。你的英语老师布置了一篇题为“Changes in My Home”的作文。请你根据所给的关键词合理展开想象,写一篇70词左右的短文。 提示:1.in the past: old, few rooms, on foot, by bike 2now: great changes, take place, more rooms, by bus, by taxiChange

8、s in My Home _,单元主题写作十,One possible version:Changes in My HomeI live in a small city with a population of about 50,000. In the past, we lived in a little old house. There were few rooms. I shared a room with my sisters. We could go to school on foot or by bike. Now, many changes have taken place. We live in a large house with more rooms. I am very happy to have my own room. Now we can go to school by bus or by taxi.,


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