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1、- 1 -Module 9 friendship【主备人】 【从备人】 【 教学内容】Module 9 friendshipUnit 3 Language in use 【课型】Revsion【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】一、学习目标::1. 熟记记本模块词汇2.通过练习充分理解 whether/if及疑问词引导的宾语从句的运用二、学习重难点:Whether/if 及疑问词引导的宾语从句运用三、学习过程:一:词汇训练:翻译短语1. 拒绝做某事 2. 后悔做某事 3.鼓励某人做某事 4.捎口信 5.对- 有耐心 6、没什么,没关系 7.参加 8.听见某人正在干某事 9.安静地;沉

2、默地 10.允许某人做某事 11一天天地;渐渐地 12.保持联系 13.把某人介绍某人 14. 向 - 某人提到某事 15. 在 - 方面有问题 (目的:考查本模块所学的重点词汇。方法:学生个体活动。 )二:语法训练题组一 :用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. The twins got _ (separate) two years ago. 2. We should think about Janes _ (suggest) about our school sports meeting. 3. The eight-year-old girl can look after _ (she) w

3、ell. 4. Sorry, I regret _ (hurt) you, Mike. 5. Rose is afraid _ (speak) Chinese in front of strangers. 题组训练二: 用所给单词填空。1. Please let me know _ we have a school field trip.2. Mary cant remember _ Jane comes from.3. Tonys parents hope _ Tony can study English well this term.4.The teacher asked_ picture

4、 was the most beautiful in our class.5. Can you tell me _ you came to school late today?6. Do you know _ film they saw yesterday evening?7. My uncle asked _ I would like to visit the Summer Palace with him.8. I didnt know _ they were waiting for over there.9. Linda wants to know _ they can go campin

5、g on Sunday or not.10. Please show me _ you did the maths problem yesterday. (目的:本活动在考查学生对宾语从句的理解及具体运用。方法:学生个体活动,然后组内交流选择引导词的依据,并相互改错,教师引导总结宾语从句在语序和时态上需要注意的问题。 )题组训练三 任务型阅读“(A) 你是我最好的朋友。 ” Its the nicest thing you can say to someone. Itsalso the nicest thing you can hear from someone. Good friendshi

6、p may begin in middle school. Your parents arent around, so you(B) _ (spend) lots of time every day with your classmates. You talk withthem, you study with them and then you make friends with them. But not all ofthem will become your good (C) _ (friend). The best friend likes you andunderstands you

7、most. Its easy for you to work with him or her and have fun.Sometimes its not easy to find the best friend. And sometimes you may feel alittle lonely. (D) Maybe you dont have the best friend now, but it doesnt meanyou wont have one in the future. 根据短文内容,按要求完成 下列任务。任务一:将文中(A)处画线句子 翻译成英语。1. _任务二:根据短文内

8、容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。2. (B) _ (C) _ 任务三:判断句子正(T)误(F) 。3. Its not easy for us to work with the best friend and have fun. ( ) 4. Sometimes we may feel a little lonely if we dont find the best friend. ( ) 任务四:将文中(D)处画线句子翻译成汉语。that which whether whose where why who when how if - 2 -5._(目的:培养学生综合运用语言能力。方法:学生个体活动,组内交流,全班核对答案。 )Homework: 板书设计课后反思:【主备人】 【从备人】 【 教学内容】Module 9 friendship【课型】Writing【备课日期】 【上课日期】 【二次备课审批人】1.写作任务:描写你的一个朋友,并着重描述两人之间的友谊是如何开始的,经常一起做些什么,你认为友谊的要素是什么,将来你们的友谊会坚持下去吗?语法正确,可适合发挥,70 词左右。2. 思路点拨:确定时态、主要短语、核心句。3. 内容提示:- 3 -


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