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1、1Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum第一课时 (1a2d)Step 1 Revision( )1.Have you met Mr. Li _?Ayesterday Bago Cyet Da moment ago( )2.We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl.Aknow Bhad known Chave known Dknew( )3._ you _ the text yet? Yes, we _ it two hours ago.ADid; copy; did BHave; copied; have doneC

2、Have; copied; did DDid; copy; have done( )4.I _ my grandpa last Sunday.Ahave visited BvisitedCwas visiting Dhas visited( )5.I _ todays homework already. What about you?Ahave finished BfinishCto finish Dfinishing( )6.His parents arent surprised. Maybe they _ the truth.Aknew Bhave knownCknow Dwill kno

3、w答案 16 CCCBAB【设计意图】 通过习题检测学生对现在完成时的掌握程度,为接下来的教学提供参考。Step 2 LeadinOne must travel. If you often travel, your life will be rich, and your feelings will be great. It will influence your opinion of something.We will talk about where you have ever been in Unit 9.【设计意图】 通过微博上的一段话,自然导入“你曾经去过某地吗”这一话题,揭开本课的序

4、幕。这使师生之间多了一些了解,增加了些亲和力,拉近了师生之间的距离,营造出轻松的学习氛围。Step 3 Preview 预习检测1太空博物馆_ 2.水上公园_3游乐场_ 4.乘地铁_5 “你去过科学博物馆吗?”_“是的,去过。 ”/“不,没去过。 ”_6我也是(我也去过)。/我也没去过。_7我去过艺术博物馆很多次。_8我从没去过那儿。_答案 1space museum 2.water park3an amusement park 4.by subway/take the subway5Have you ever been to science museum?Yes, I have/No, I

5、havent.26Me too./Me neither. 7.I have been to an art museum many times.8Ive never been there.【设计意图】 采用竞赛的教学方法,检测学生预习情况,调动学生的学习积极性,促使学生积极思考、快速反应,做到在短时间内自觉掌握并运用新知识去解决目前面临的问题。Step 4 Drills1Show students the pictures of the Great Wall and Sanya. And make conversations with them like this:T: Have you eve

6、r been to the Great Wall?S: Yes, I have. I have been there before.T: So have I.T: Have you ever been to Sanya?S: No, I havent. I havent been there before.T: Neither have I.2Let students talk about the places in 1a, then ask them to make conversations.【设计意图】 通过图片及和教师之间的交流感知新的句型。Step 5 Listening1Have

7、students pay attention to the instructions: Claudia and Sarah are talking about these places. Check where they have been.2Play the recording, check the answers. (Has Claudia been to the space museum?)3Play the recording again, and let students answer some questions.( )1.When did Sarah visit the Nati

8、onal Science Museum?AToday. BYesterday. CLast year.( )2.When did Claudia visit the nature museum?ALast year. BLast summer. COn her last school trip.( )3.What may the relationship be between the two speakers?AFriends. BTeacher and student. CMother and kid.答案 13 CCA【设计意图】 听力训练是对前面的词汇、句型和情景对话的延伸,并且也是对前

9、面各项学习的一个大检阅,让学生体验语言和感受语言。Step 6 Outreach training1Show students several pictures. Let them work in pairs to talk about their own past experiences.2Let them write a short passage about their own experiences according to what they said just now.【设计意图】 学生们通过小组中相互交流,用英语表达自己曾经去过某地,并询问他人的情况,通过合作与交流,培养积极的情

10、感态度,把自己融合在集体的智慧中,一起成长,一起进步。Step 7 SummaryHave you ever _(去过) the nature museum?Yes, I have./No, I _Ive_(从未) been to a water park. _(我也没去过)3Ive _(曾经) been to the art museum. _ (我也去过)答案 been to; havent; never; Me neither; ever; So have I【设计意图】 通过展示本课的词汇和重点句型,让学生回顾前面所学的内容并巩固本课的语言知识。Step 8 Exercises.用所给

11、词的适当形式填空。1_ Dave ever _(be) to China before?2I hope that they will have a wonderful time in the _ (amuse) park.3.I have never seen such an interesting water park.Me_(neither)4My friend Amy _(be) to the zoo many times.单项选择。( )1.I dont want to watch TV._AMe, too BMe, neither CI, too DMe, also( )2.I wa

12、nt to see the film Harry Potter again, although I _ it twice.Asaw Bwas seen Chave seen Dhad seen( )3._ of my parents likes music. They have never been to a concert.ABoth BNeither CAll DEither( )4.Ive _ been to the park, because Im so busy every day.Aever Bnever Cneither Djust( )5.Have you ever visit

13、ed the history museum?No, I _ never _ there.Aam; / Bwas; /Chave; been Dhave; been to答案 .1.Has; been 2.amusement 3.neither 4.has been.15 BCBBC导学设计 一、导学领航1根据音标学习新单词,并记住中文意思。2熟读 1a中的词语和图中对话。3跟小组长读重点单词和短语,并结对轮流说出中文意思。二、自主学习写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词is _ _ write _ _ read _ _study _ _ have _ _ eat _ _start_ _ live_

14、_ help _ _travel _ _ say_ _ hear_ _答案 was; been; wrote; written; read; read; studied; studied; had; had; ate; 4eaten; started; started; lived; lived; helped; helped; traveled; traveled; said; said; heard; heard三、合作探究1个人或小组读 1a中的单词和图中对话。2听录音完成 1b。3对话练习,完成 1c。四、交流指导1看 2a中的地图,我们一起来编对话。A: Have you ever

15、been to?B: Yes, I have.A: When did you go there?B: I went thereA: How did you go there?B: I went there byA: Where are you going next week?B: Im going toA: How are you going there?B: A: Who are you going with?B: 2个人或小组读 2b中的句子。3听录音完成 2a,2b。4对话练习,完成 2c,2d。五、巩固提升1 “Have you ever been to an amusement pa

16、rk? ”和“I went to Fun Times Amusement Park last year.”这两句话在时态上有什么不同?为什么?_2根据下面三个句子,讨论 neither的用法:(1)Me neither. Lets go to the water city.(2)Neither answer is right.(3)Neither of them knows me._第二课时 (3a4c)Step 1 Greetings and RevisionLook at the pictures of some places and make a conversation.A: Have

17、 you ever been to?B: Yes, I have./No, I havent.Step 2 Before reading1Brainstorm: think of the kinds of museums that you can name.2Watch a video about the International Museum of Toilets.3Talk about the video.Step 3 Fast readingMatch the words with their meanings and learn some new words.Read the sta

18、tements and write T for True, F for False.( )1. American Computer Museum only has information about different computers there.( )2. Ken thinks computers will do more work in the future.( )3. International Museum of Toilets is a very unusual museum.( )4. India has the most advanced toilet.5( )5. Linl

19、in doesnt know why her grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.答案 15 FTTFFStep 4 Detailed readingRead the article again and answer the questions.1Which three museums do the students talk about?_2What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?_3What can we learn at the International

20、Museum of Toilets?_4Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?_5What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?_Step 5 Language points(详见 P 课堂互动探究)invent; unbelievable; collect; German; a couple ofStep 6 Exercises.按要求完成下列各题。1My parents have come back alread

21、y.(改为否定句)My parents _ _ back _. 2The boys have been to Japan lots of times. (改为一般疑问句)_ the boys _ to Japan lots of times? 3Has your sister gone to the bookstore?(作肯定回答)_, she _4I have been to the theme park three_times. (对画线部分提问)_ _ times have you been to the theme park?5The movie has been on for_ha

22、lf_an_hour. (对画线部分提问)_ _ has the movie been on?.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1I _ (work) in this city for 7 years. 2How long _ she _ (live) here?Since she _ (get) a new job here. 3How many words _ you _ (learn) since two years ago?4My mother _ never _ (hear) of this man. 5Tom _ (be) to China twice.答案 .1.havent come; yet 2.Have; been 3.Yes; has4How many 5.How long.1.have worked 2.has; lived; got 3.have; learned4has; heard 5.has been6


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