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1、 宜昌市 2019 届高三年级元月调研考试试题 英语答案解析 听力 15 ACACB; 610 BCCBC;1115 BABCA; 1620 ABCAB 阅读理解 2123ABB 21. 根据本文第二段 Known as one of the most family-friendly vacation destinations in the country, Branson, MO also comes to life around the holidays 可知,一家人最适合去 Branson。 22. 根据本文第三段 You can create unforgettable memorie

2、s while experiencing the cheer of the holidays in this southern city.可得。 23.根据本文第一段 If you are looking to add some holiday spirit to your next vacation, these destinations are a great option! 可推断出为 B。 2427BABD 24.根 据第三段可以推断 古铁雷斯对安南的评价是基于安南为联合国做出的伟大贡献。 25.根据上下文可得知该计划是如此的成功 所以接下来将会有更多的可持续性发展计划。 26.根据第

3、二段,第五段,第六段,第七段细节判断。 27.本文主要介绍了 Kofi Anna 为人类和平和人权作出的贡献。 2831 DABC 28.D 根据文章第二段可 推 知 防晒霜中含有的 Oxybenzone and Octinoxate 对海洋生物和珊瑚有害,该禁令有利于保护它们 。 29.A 根据 第五段可推断评论家们认为该法案缺乏足够的科学研究作为依据会 误导人们 。 30.B 根据 最后一段 The only way to know if a sunscreen doesnt contain Oxybenzone and Octinoxate is to check the label.可

4、知 B 为正确选项。 31.纵观全文可知作者只是陈述了人们对法案的不同观点,没有做主观表态。 3235 BDCA 解析: 32. 根据第二段可以排除 ACD,由第三段可以推出 B。 33. 根据划线词的前两句话 可知,性别歧视不是个例,而是普遍存在的现象。 34. 根据最后一段可知 Noda 毫不掩饰 她想要打败安倍的雄心 。 35.全文由东京医科大学蓄意压低女性考生分数事件引出主题,日本社会仍然存在性别歧视 , 真正想要赋权于女性 还要很长的一段路要走 。 3640ADGEC 36. A 这一句所在的位置为过渡句,前后出现转折,锁定 A 和 B,第二段内容告诉我们这种情况可以改变,故选择 A

5、 项; (B 为干扰项 ) 37 D 这一句与段中前一句形成对照,引出下面的内容,干扰项为 F, F 讲的是写作技能的提升,与文章无关;( F 为干扰项) 38.G 这一句为主题句, “演说素养 ”可以学习,以及后面的 they 可知。 39.E 这一句为细节理解,与前面的 “对世界产生影响不再是 ” 形成对照; 40.C 这一句为主题句,作者呼吁在 21 世纪应大力提倡此方面的教育以及后面的两个时间形成对比。 完形填空 4145 CBADA 4650 BDCDA 5155DACBB 5660 CBCDB 41. C。需要高分被大学录取的学生不会选很难得分的物理学科。 42. B。为了在大学学

6、物理专业,我只得冒这个险。 “take the risk” 冒险做某事。 43. A。因为每次得分相当低,根本都不可能被大学录取,所以很绝望。 44. D。如果失 45. 46. 47. 利,根本都不可能被大学录取,更不用说上自己选择的大学。 48. A。他并非最聪明却次次得满分让我们很惊讶。 49. B。我们就揣摩出他得高分的原因。 “figure out” 想出,弄明白。 50. D。三个物理班依次按第 3、第 4和第 5节课的顺序分别进行考试。 51. C。 “convince sb. of sth.” 我们深信他是提前弄到了题目才考得这么好的。 52. D。写匿名信为了不被别人发现,故

7、选 unknown。 53. A。戴手套好不留下指纹,故选 “fingerprints”。 54. D。 “go through”通读,查阅。浏览报纸,从中寻找所需之词。 55. A。把报纸上的字剪下来,用胶粘在新买的纸上。 56. C。 Jack 在班上宣布此事,要求马上找出写信人和舞弊者,但没有找到。 57. B。 “in vain”徒劳,无效。 58. B。 Jack老师这么做很明显,想传达出这样的信息。 “message”消息,信息,启示。 59. C。除非有人揭露作弊者,否则全部倒霉。 60. B。根据上文可知。 61. C。多年后无意中看到 Charles在物理上取得卓越的成绩,感

8、到震惊。 62. D。 60. B。原来他根本就没有舞弊,只是在物理上比我们学得更好而已。 语法填空 61. longest 考 查 形容词最高级。 62. which 考 查 定语从句。 which 指代 the bridge,在句中做主语。 63. to celebrate 考 查 非谓语动词。此处用不定式做目的状语。 64. The 考 查 冠词。特指港珠澳大桥。 65. branches 考 查 名词复数。这座 Y 形大桥两个分支连接珠海和澳门。 66. to 考 查 介词。 from . to . 67. had built 考 查 时态。 This was the first ti

9、me 句型用完成时。 68. respectively 考 查 副词做状语。 69. making 考 查 非谓语动词。现在分词做结果状语。 70. set 考 查 非谓语动词。过去分词做定语 。 短文改错 On-line voting becomes increasing increasingly popular. Many competitions get people involvinginvolved in it. It is beneficial to some people, but it puts the others into a dilemma over ifwhether

10、to vote or not. In hismy/ouropinion, on-line voting should to be welcomed, since it is just a way to participate in public life. It is similar to ordinary voting events,whichwhere orwhichin candidates go around to seek votes. In addition, the Internet makemakesvoting easy and convenient, regardless

11、of time and space. Things will turn much goodbetter if we can work out some rulerulesfor people to obey, I hold a positive attitude towards it. 【参考 范文 】 Dear John, How are you doing lately? Im glad to receive your letter in which you asked me about Spring couplets. Now Id like to offer some relevant

12、 information at your request. As we know, Spring Festival couplets are just rhyming poems, made up of three parts. The left and right scrolls, always consisting of 4 to 8 characters, are stuck on either side of the door. And the four-word central part, called the top scroll, is pasted on the top of

13、the door. These couplets are normally in the color of red, which represents good luckand fortune. Not only are they used to decorate our houses, creating a festive atmosphere, but also they serve to convey our best wishes like a good harvest. I hope the information above can be of some help to you.

14、If you have any more questions, please contact me. Good luck! Yours sincerely, Li Hua Text 1 M: Im afraid you cant leave your car there, Miss. W: But I shall only be a few minutes. My friend is coming here soon. M: Please look at the sign “No parking”. You can park in the next street. Its usually qu

15、iet there. Text 2 W: Textbooks are so expensive. Ive spent $200 on them already! Lets share one for chemistry, since were in the same class. M: Good idea. I havent bought mine yet. The chemistry book is $100, so Ill give you $50 tomorrow. Text 3 W: What are you watching, Andy? It sounds like a Spani

16、sh movie. M: Close. Its an Italian film. Im going on a trip with my family to Sicily. I learned both French and Italian at home growing up, but its been a while. Text 4 M: Were almost on the ground. Did you put the bags above us? I hope theyre easy to find. W: No, theyre two seats ahead. There wasnt

17、 much room since the flight was packed. Text 5 W: I feel so lazy since school ended for the summer. Gym class every day and after-school football practice kept me fit and strong. What can I do now? M: How about joining a swim club? W: Thats a great idea for summer. Thanks! Text 6 W: How long have yo

18、u played the piano? Youre great! M: Thanks! Ive been playing since I was nine.And now Im 17! I have to practice for two hours every day, but I love it. W: Thats good, since you do it so much. I wouldnt be able to sit still that long! Why do you like it? M: Well, now that I have more experience, I wr

19、ite my own music. I feel creative, and I enjoy making people happy as they listen to me. W: Thats cool! I feel that way when I play soccer. When I play, I feel good about using my skills. And people like to watch me. You know what I mean? M: Exactly! Text 7 W: What a happy ending! M: So, David final

20、ly came back? W: Thats right. Lillian had been waiting for six months. Every morning, she would put fresh flowers in the vase by the window. Every afternoon, she would fix her hair and makeup, hoping he would come home from the mountains. And every evening, she would set the table for two. She never

21、 gave up hoping that he would come back. M: He is so lucky. He was missing for so long W: Until a few days ago. You didnt hear how it ended. David had gone to research the language of people living in a far-away village. He became very sick while he was there and couldnt get in touch with anyone. Fi

22、nally, he got better and was able to find his way back. After walking through the jungle for two days, he reached the main road and found a ride to town. Text 8 W: Hello, Martin. Long time no see! I heard you went to France to study. How was that? M: I was only there for a year, then I took a year o

23、ff to travel around Europe. W: Where did you go? M: I went to Switzerland first, and then Germany and Austria. I was planning to end my trip in Italy, but it didnt work out. W: Oh, well. Is it good to be back? M: Of course, but Im returning to France to finish my degree. Its a four-year program. W:

24、Oh. So youre just back to Beijing to visit your family? M: Yeah. Im here for another two months. W: Any plans? M: In July my mother is turning seventy, so well do something special for her. Next month were going to drive to the coast. Then I will be back to France before September 1st. W: Good for y

25、ou. Do you think you could fit me in to your busy schedule? M: Ha-ha. I can always make time for my friends. How about tonight? W: Deal. Text 9 W: Hong, it seems like you really struggle to learn English. Is this level too hard for you? M: I dont know I think its just boring. I dont like the workboo

26、ks, because the lessons talk about baby things. Im not a little child. I want to learn something more exciting. W: Hmm I have an idea that youll like. This week, you can do a special project for class. M: Oh? Whats that? W: I want you to watch some Youtube videos of people speaking in different Engl

27、ish accents. Ill send you the links for the ones you should watch. Theyre very funny. One person does about 30 different accents in ten minutes! M: Wow, thats great! But wont it be harder for me to learn English if Im listening to so many different ways of speaking the language? W: It shouldnt. This

28、 is just a fun project to help you get more interested in the lessons. Theres a more serious side to it, though. I want you to write a one-page essay about the videos and tell the class about your project on Friday. You can show some of the videos during your presentation, too, if you like. I think

29、the whole class will benefit from this. M: I cant wait to get started! Thank you, Ms. Winters. Text 10 It is strange how sometimeseven the smallest conversation with someone can change how you think. For me, it happened last Sunday. Twice a week I run through the park by my house. In one area of the

30、 park there is an open area, with a beautiful lake in the middle. Sometimes I can see turtles swim in the lake. The last couple of weeks I had noticed an old lady sitting on a bench with some turtles. My curious nature finally made me approach her, and I asked her what she was doing. She told me she

31、 was cleaning off the tiny plantlife from the turtles shells. She said that it builds up and prevents their shells from being healthy and strong. Apparently, she had been doing this once a week for the last year. I also learned that even though this lake was not polluted, this was a common problem f

32、or turtles. I was amazed at this womans commitment to helping out these helpless animals. So I asked her, “If what you say is true, then how will this really matter in the end?” She carefully set a turtle free back into the lake and watched it swim away. “I like to think that every little bit of help counts. And I think if they could talk, they would say it matters to them.”

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