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1、知识点一 一般现在时的被动语态 教材原文 This is called The Blue Danube. 这首乐曲叫蓝色多瑙 河。 本句中的is called是一般现在时的被动语态,表示“被称为;被叫作”。 一般现在时的被动语态的结构是“be+过去分词”。例如: The lion is called the king of beasts. 狮子被称为百兽之王。 The knife is used to cut things. 刀是用来切东西的。,例 (2018湖南岳阳中考)Our classroom by students every after- noon. A.is cleaned B.w

2、as cleaned C.cleans 解析 本题考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:学生每天下午都打扫我 们的教室。主语是Our classroom,它和clean之间是被动关系,再根据ev- ery afternoon可知,要用一般现在时的被动语态,结构为“be+过去分 词”,故答案为A。 答案 A,知识点二 反意疑问句的用法 教材原文 You listen to pop music,Lingling,dont you?玲玲,你听流行音 乐,是吗? 如果陈述部分是肯定结构,反意疑问部分要用否定结构;反之,如果陈述 部分是否定结构,反意疑问部分要用肯定结构。在附加问句中,主语要 用对应的人称代词

3、。例如: He is at home now, isnt he?他现在在家,是吗? Mike doesnt like swimming, does he?迈克不喜欢游泳,是吗? 注意 陈述部分含有hardly,never,few,little,nothing等表示否定意义的词 时,其反意疑问部分应用肯定形式。例如: Lily hardly goes swimming, does she?莉莉几乎不去游泳,是吗? My sister has never been to Beijing, has she?我妹妹从来没有去过北京,是吗?,例 (2018黑龙江龙东中考)People in the pa

4、st could hardly eat fresh veg- etables in winter, ? A.could they B.couldnt they C.could people 解析 本题考查反意疑问句的结构。陈述部分使用了否定词hardly “几乎不”,附加问句要用肯定结构,先排除B;在附加问句中不能用 people,而应该用对应的人称代词,故答案为A。 答案 A,知识点三 noisy的用法 教材原文 Its so noisy!它太吵闹了! 本句中的noisy是形容词,意为“吵闹的”。例如: Its too noisy here. 这里太吵闹了。 拓展 同根词:noise n.噪

5、音 反义词:quiet adj.安静的 派生词:noisily adv.吵闹地,例 (2017湖北武汉黄陂区部分学校5月月考)Mr. Smith lives in a neighborhood and he cant sleep well at night. Thats too bad! A.clean B.tidy C.noisy D.quiet 解析 clean干净的;tidy整洁的;noisy吵闹的;quiet安静的。根据题干中 的“他晚上睡不好”可推断,他住的地方很“吵闹”,故所缺的词是 noisy。 答案 C,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.I like the song b

6、ecause it sounds (轻快的). 2.(2017四川乐山中考)I didnt hear the phone because it was too (吵闹的) in the supermarket. 3.(2017广西柳州期末)My grandma likes Beijing (歌剧) very much. 4.David is interested in playing the (鼓). 5.I (相信)that you can do it very well.,6.She has a sweet (声音)and she sings well. 7.I want to know

7、more about (现代的)history. 8.(2016山东聊城中考)I think (两者都)of you are right.,答案 1.lively 2.noisy 3.Opera 4.drums 5.believe 6.voice 7. modern 8.both,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. (2017天津和平区期末)I like pop music while my sister enjoys (west) music. 2. (2017江苏盐城期末)I like the quiet countryside. The city is too (noise) for me.

8、 3.Can you see the instrument over there? It is (call)a violin. 4.Come and try it. It is a (tradition)food in Britain. 5.He is a German and he was born in (German). 6.My sister is a (beauty)lady and everybody likes her.,答案 1.western 2.noisy 3.called 4.traditional 5.Germany 6.beautiful,.单项选择 1.(2018北

9、京昌平临川育人学校期中)Bob can play basketball but cant play violin. A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the D.a;the 答案 C 根据play basketball和play the violin的固定搭配可知答案 为C。 2.(2018吉林长春中考) clever dog Lucky is!It can understand Mr. Smiths orders. A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 答案 B 句意:Lucky是多么聪明的一条狗啊!它能理解史密斯先生的 命令。本题考查感叹句。分析句子结构可知

10、,感叹句的结构为“What a /an+adj.+n.+主语+谓语!”,故选B。,3.(2018安徽合肥包河区期末)Its really a class. Yes. Students never stop talking there. A.noisy B.perfect C.clean D.quiet 答案 A 本题考查形容词的词义理解。noisy吵闹的;perfect完美的; clean干净的;quiet安静的。根据答语中的“学生从来都不会停止交 谈”可推断,这个班真是太“吵闹”了,故答案为A。 4. (2017安徽合肥瑶海区期末) Who sings the best in your cl

11、ass? Joy does. She sings well because she has such a good . A.sound B.noise C.voice D.face 答案 C 根据本题语境可知,她唱得很好,因为她拥有如此动人的“嗓 音”,故所缺的词是voice。,5.(2018湖北武汉江岸区期末)What do you want to drink, coffee or wa- ter? is OK. I really dont mind (介意). A.All B.Either C.Both D.Each 答案 B 由答语中的“我真的不介意”可推断,咖啡和水两者中的任 何一个都

12、可以,故either符合题意。 6. (2017上海中考) Professor Tu Youyou never stops doing research on Chinese medicine, ? A.is she B.does she C.isnt she D.doesnt she 答案 B 本题考查反意疑问句的结构。陈述部分含有never,附加疑问 部分要用肯定结构,先排除C和D;再结合stops可知附加疑问部分要用助 动词does,故答案为B。,7.(2018山东济南历城区期末)David, are you reading or watching TV now? . A.Im read

13、ing B.Im thirteen C.Yes, I am D.No, he isnt 答案 A 本题考查选择疑问句的答语。选择疑问句不能用yes或no来 回答,先排除C和D;再根据问句的含义“你现在正在看书还是看电视” 可知答案为A。,8.(2018天津中考)Dr Bethune still in both China and Canada today. A.is;remembered B.is;remembering C.will;remember D.has;remembered 答案 A 本题考查被动语态的用法。句意:现在,在中国和加拿大,白 求恩医生仍然被缅怀。表示“被缅怀”要用re

14、member的被动语态,结 合一般现在时的被动语态可知答案为A。,.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.I can play the piano, but I cant play the v . 2.I left my keys in the room, so I had to get in the room t the win- dow yesterday. 3.My grandparents like to listen to Beijing O . 4.I told Tony his parents were in Shanghai, but he didnt b me. 5.Mik

15、es parents are b teachers.,答案 1.violin 2.through 3.Opera 4.believe 5.both,.单项选择 1.(2016安徽中考)Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A.sleep B.idea C.voice D.time 答案 C 句意:Cathy有如此好的嗓音,以至于她去年在歌唱比赛中得 了许多奖。本题考查名词辨析。sleep睡眠;idea想法;voice 嗓音;time时 间。根据句意可知答案为C项。,2.

16、(2017山东临沂中考)Do you plan to watch a talent show or a sports show tonight? . I cant stand them. I plan to watch a sitcom. A.Neither B.Both C.None D.Either 答案 A 本题考查neither的用法。结合答语中的“我受不了它们,我 计划去看一部情景喜剧”可推断,neither“两者都不”符合题意。 3. (2017重庆中考B卷) bad day! Its raining hard. We have to stay at home. A.How a B

17、.What a C.How D.What 答案 B 本题考查感叹句的结构。句意:真糟糕的一天啊!雨下得很 大,我们不得不待在家里。感叹名词day要用what,先排除A和C;day是可 数名词的单数形式,what后不能缺少不定冠词,故答案为B。,4. (2017吉林长春中考)The final exam is over. Will you stay at home or visit your grandparents? . I miss them very much. A.Yes,I will B.Ill stay at home C.No,I wont D.Ill visit my grand

18、parents 答案 D 本题考查选择疑问句的答语。选择疑问句不能用yes或no来 回答,先排除A和C;再根据答语中的“我很想念他们”可推断,我会去看 望我的爷爷奶奶,故答案为D。,5.(2016江苏宿迁中考)There is a beautiful park near your school, ? Yes. I often go walking there. A.is there B.isnt there C.are there D.arent there 答案 B 本题考查反意疑问句。陈述部分用的是There is.,根据“前 肯后否”的结构可知,反意疑问部分要用isnt there。,6

19、.(2016四川绵阳中考)Your classroom is so clean. Of course. It every day. A.is cleaned B.was cleaned C.cleans D.cleaned 答案 A 本题考查被动语态。it指代的是“你们的教室”,它和clean 之间是被动关系,根据被动语态的结构可先排除C和D;再根据every day 可知,要用一般现在时的被动语态。,.根据汉语提示完成句子 1. 这条河流穿过那个小村庄,使村庄变得更漂亮了。 The river the small village and make the village more beau-

20、 tiful. 2. 我觉得摇滚乐听起来有点儿吵闹。 I think rock music a little . 3.莉萨喜欢游泳,不是吗? Lisa likes swimming, ? 4.你喜欢流行音乐还是摇滚乐? Do you like ?,5.她是一个多么漂亮的女孩啊!beautiful girl she is! 6.这首歌叫生日快乐。 The song Happy Birthday.,答案 1.goes through 2.sounds;noisy 3.doesnt she 4.pop music or rock music 5.What a 6.is called,.按要求完成句子

21、。每空一词 1.(2018新疆中考)She is a lovely girl.(改为感叹句)lovely girl she is! 2.Do you like country music?(借助pop music构成选择疑问句) Do you like country music ? 3.They both like the singer. (改为同义句)them like the singer. 4.(2018黑龙江绥化中考)He hardly watches TV. (变为反意疑问句) He hardly watches TV, ? 5.(2018黑龙江绥化中考)People drink

22、Chinese tea all over the world. (改 为被动语态) Chinese tea all over the world.,答案 1.What a 2.or pop music 3.Both of 4.does he 5.is drunk,.补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子,填在横线处。 A:Have you ever been to a classical concert? B:Never. 1 I think it is boring. A: 2 B:I like pop music. A: 3 B:Leehom Wang. A: 4 B:Yes, he is. Do

23、 you like pop music, Jenny?,A:No, I dont. To tell you the truth, I like Beijing Opera. B: 5 A:Why do you say so? B:Because I think Beijing Opera is popular among old people. And you are just a teenager. A.Who is your favourite singer? B.Its really a surprise. C.I am not interested in it. D.He is als

24、o a great actor,isnt he? E.What kind of music do you like? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,答案 15 CEADB,.阅读理解 Mozart was an Austrian composer and pianist. Many people think he was one of the best composers of music.,Mozart was born in Austria in 1756.He was educated by his father, a very good violinist. His father st

25、arted to give him piano lessons when he was 4 years old. When he was 6, he went on his first musical tour of Eu- rope. Mozart also wrote music. When he was only about 5 years old, he started to compose music. At the age of 8, he composed his first real song. As he grew up, he wrote some of his most

26、beautiful music ever heard. However, he died when he was only 35 years old. 1.What was Mozart? A.A composer. B.A dancer. C.A doctor. D.A teacher.,2.How old was Mozart when he started to write music? A.4 years old. B.5 years old. C.6 years old. D.8 years old. 3.How old was Mozart when he wrote his fi

27、rst real song? A.6 years old. B.8 years old. C.35 years old. D.56 years old. 4.As he grew up, Mozart . A.wrote some beautiful music B.wrote some beautiful stories C.made some beautiful pianos D.made some beautiful violins,5.It seems that the writer . A.didnt like Mozarts music at all B.liked Mozarts

28、 book very much C.thought Mozart could die earlier D.wished Mozart could live longer,答案 1.A 由第一段中的“Mozart was an Austrian composer and pianist.”可 知答案为A。 2.B 由第二段中的“When he was only about 5 years old, he started to compose music.”可知答案为B。 3.B 由第二段中的“At the age of 8, he composed his first real song.” 可知答案为B。 4.A 由第二段中的“As he grew up, he wrote some of his most beautiful music ever heard.”可知答案为A。 5.D 由第二段中的最后一句“However, he died when he was only 35 years old.”可推断答案为D。,


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