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1、第16课时 Unit 3Unit 4,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.restroom n. (美)洗手间;公共厕所 2.stamp n. 邮票;印章 3.beside prep. 在旁边;在附近 4.postcard n. 明信片 5.pardon v. 原谅 interj.请再说一遍 6.bathroom n. 浴室;洗手间 7.rush v.东方,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,13.convenient adj. 便利的;方便的 14.corner n. 拐角;角落 15.request n

2、.进球,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,22. background n.背景 23. interview v.采访;面试 n.面试;访谈 24. deal v.对付;对待 25. dare v.敢于;胆敢 26. ton n.吨 27. private adj.私人的;私密的 28. guard n.警卫;看守 v.守卫;保卫 29. require v.需要;要求 30. public n.民众 adj.公开的;公众的,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,31. ant n.蚂蚁 32. seldom

3、adv.不常;很少 33. influence v.常规的 n.将军 38. introduction n.介绍,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.suggest suggestion n.建议 2.center central adj. 中心的;中央的 3.direct direction n.方向;方位 4.polite impolite (反义词)不礼貌的 politely adv.礼貌地;客气地 5.speak spoke (过去式) spoken (过去分词) speaker n.发言者;讲(某种语言)的人 speech n.讲话;发言

4、 6.silence silent adj.不说话的;沉默的 7.help helpful adj.有用的;有帮助的 8.Europe European adj.欧洲人的,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,9.Africa African n.非洲人 10.exact exactly adv.确切地;精确地 11.pride proud adj.自豪的;骄傲的 12.humor humorous adj.幽默的 13.Asia Asian adj.亚洲人的 n.亚洲人 14.Britain British adj.英国人的 15.fail failu

5、re n.失败 16.convenient convenience n.方便 17.correct correctly adv.正确地 18.absent absence n.缺席 19.general generally adv.普遍地;广泛地,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.turn left 向左转 2.between.and 在和之间 3.on ones way to 在去的路上 4.pass by 路过;经过 5.pardon me 抱歉;请再说一遍 6.from time to time 时常;有时 7.deal with 应对;处

6、理 8.be able to do 有能力做某事,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,9. get tons of attention 吸引无数的目光 10. in public 公开地;在别人面前 11. do well in 在做得好 12. be absent from 缺席 13. boarding school 寄宿学校 14. in person 亲身;亲自 15. take pride in 为感到自豪= be proud of 16. ask for help 寻求帮助 17. depend on 依靠;信赖 18. look forw

7、ard to 期待(后面跟动词的ing形式) 19. take up 占据;占用,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,20. hang out 闲逛;常去某地 21. a number of 许多 22. to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 23. move away 搬走 24. pay attention to 关注;注意,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.你不需要仓促。 You dont need to rush . 2.起初我好害怕,但大声喊还很管用。 I was scared at

8、 first,but shouting did help . 3.两种说法都正确,但是第一个听起来没那么礼貌。 Both are correct,but the first one sounds less polite . 4.看起来说得客气要比说得直白更难一点。 It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. 5.自从我们上次看到小学同学有三年了。Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句

9、型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,6.坎迪告诉我她过去是真的害羞,于是开始从事唱歌应对害羞。 Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. 7.当她较好些的时候,她敢在她的同学面前,然后在整个学校面前唱歌。 As she got better,she dared to sing in front of her class,and then for the whole school. 8.仅有很少数量的人成功到达顶部。 Only a very sma

10、ll number of people make it to the top. 9.她建议他们亲自去同他们的儿子谈话。 She advised them to talk with their son in person. 10.很难相信他曾经在学校有困难。 Its hard to believe that he used to have difficulties.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,1.宾语从句(特殊疑问句的宾语从句) (1)你能告诉我校图书馆在哪里吗? Can you tell me where the school library

11、 is ? (2)我不知道他的电话号码是多少。 I dont know what his phone number is . (3)你知道我怎样能到最近的医院吗? Do you know how I can get to the nearest hospital? (4)他不知道什么时候开始。 He didnt know when to start.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,2.used to do 的用法 (1)你叔叔是干什么工作的? Whats your uncle? 他以前是银行职员,但现在他是一名导演。 He used to be

12、a bank clerk but now hes a director. (2)他过去个子矮,是不是? He used to be short, didnt he? 是的,他过去个子矮。/不是,他过去个子不矮。 Yes,he did ./No,he didnt . (3)他过去戴眼镜吗? Did he use to wear glasses? 是的,他过去戴眼镜。/不,他过去不戴眼镜。 Yes,he did ./No,he didnt .,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,口语交际,重点词汇过关检测,礼貌的询问信息、跟随信息 1.Excuse me,do you know wh

13、ere I can buy some postcards? Sure.Go to the second floor.Theres a bookstore between the bank and the supermarket. 2.I wonder where we should go next. You should try that new ride over there. 谈论过去的样子 1.I used to be short. 2.I didnt use to be popular in school.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,

14、一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1.The children rushed (急忙) down the stairs when the class was over. 2.Write your name in the upper right-hand corner (拐角) of the page. 3.She was asked to give a formal address (讲话) at the ceremony. 4.The next song is a request (请求) from one of our listeners. 5.When is a convenient (方便

15、的) time for you to visit Disneyland? 6.I often go to work by bike,but sometimes by underground (地铁).,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,7.Look!The boy is running in the direction (方向)of the train station. 8.Its impolite / rude (没礼貌的) to talk during the performance. 9.He knew he had to make a cho

16、ice (选择). 10.The little boy told his mother that he had to go to the bathroom (卫生间).,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,二、选词并用其适当形式填空 Europe seldom email stamp proud 1.They seldom go to the movies,do they? 2.The visitors come from European countries. 3.I was proud that I never gave in. 4.My fath

17、er really enjoys collecting stamps . 5.He seems to spend most of his time these days reading emails .,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,三、根据首字母或用所给词的正确形式完成句子 A) 1.Lily has lots of stamps(stamp).She can learn much from them and use them to mail letter. 2.It might seem more difficult to speak pol

18、itely than directly,not hurting others. 3.Could you please tell me your e-mail address? 4.Could you please not watch(not watch)TV now?Im studying for my test. 5.When Manchester City terrorist attack happened on May 22nd,people were so afraid that they ran in all directions. 6.Could you please fix my

19、 phone? Sorry.The shop next may be helpful(help).,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,7.Could you please offer me some advice in my research? Yes,sure. 8.More and more people come to visit Miyi County to enjoy the sunshine in the winter. You are right.It has become the pride of Panzhihua. 9.Li Mi

20、ng has been absent/bsnt/ from class three times this week.,单词必会,词汇拓展,短语必背,句型掌握,重点语法,重点词汇过关检测,口语交际,B)选出与下列句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项 1.John used to be the last to leave school last month. B A.was used to B.was often C.was used D.got used to 2.Did you see the movie Dangal last weekend? No,I hardly go to the cin

21、ema these days.I am busy writing a book report. C A.often B.always C.seldom D.usually 3.Tom was absent from the important meeting this morning. A A.didnt take part in B.held C.didnt like D.took an active part in,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点1suggest v.建议;提议,词语冲关,句型冲关,归纳suggest的用法 (1)suggest sth.to sb.意为“向某人提建议”。如: W

22、hat did you suggest to the manager? 你向经理提了什么建议? (2)suggest doing sth.意为“建议做某事”。如: I suggested having a good rest for a day. 我建议好好休息一天。 (3)“suggest + that从句(虚拟语气)”意为“建议做某事”。如: The doctor suggested that I(should)come again the next day.医生建议我第二天再来。 拓展suggest做动词,还可译为“显示,间接表明,暗示”。如: Her expression sugges

23、ted pleasure.她面露喜色。,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点2require v.需要;要求,辨析request与require,词语冲关,句型冲关,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点3pride n.自豪;骄傲,词语冲关,句型冲关,归纳pride的用法 pride做名词,意为“骄傲;自豪”。常构成短语take pride in,意为“为感到自豪”。其形容词形式为proud,构成be proud of短语,意为“以而自豪”。如: Im proud of being a member of this class. 我为自己是这班上的一员而感到骄傲。 They were always thinking

24、of me and would take pride in everything good that I did. 他们总是想着我,以我所做的一切好事为荣。,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点1Pardon?Restroom? 请你再说一遍?休息室? 归纳pardon的用法 pardon为语气词,在这里意为“请再说一遍”,表示没听清或没听懂对方的话,请对方再说一遍,说时用升调,也可说成Pardon me?或I beg your pardon?如: Wheres the post office? 邮局在什么地方? Pardon?/I beg your pardon? 请问,你说什么? I asked wh

25、ere the post office is. 我问邮局在什么地方。,词语冲关,句型冲关,拓展pardon的其他用法 (1)表示道歉,比“Im sorry.”更正式,意为“对不起”。如: Pardon,I suppose I should have knocked. 对不起,我想我本来应该敲门的。 Thats quite all right.那没关系。 (2)用来提出异议,这样用时语气坚定且不友好,意为“对不起”。 Pardon,but this is my coat. 对不起,这是我的外套。 (3)用来引起对方注意,意为“对不起;打扰一下;请问”。 Pardon,is this your h

26、andbag? 对不起,这是你的手提包吗?,词语冲关,句型冲关,考点2I was scared at first,but shouting did help. 起初我好害怕,但大声喊还很管用。 归纳此句相当于“I was scared at first,but shouting really helped.”原句是一个表示强调的句子,助动词did在句中起到强调作用,通常用于肯定句中,放在动词原形之前,意为“一定;确实”,只有一般现在时和一般过去时。如: Please do be careful.请一定小心。 He did warn you the other day,remember? 他前两

27、天就警告过你,还记得吗?,中考话题作文微讲堂系列问路今天是周末,你计划和家人去动物园游玩。爸爸因有事外出,将晚到一个小时,你和妈妈计划在 Tiger Mountain和他会合。请你给爸爸写一张留言条,告诉他按下图所绘路线前往Tiger Mountain。要求:80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,体裁分析本次写作任务是给爸爸写一张留言条。留言条是一种简单的书信,格式比一般书信更自由。开头称呼语可以直接写名字,省去Dear;结尾略去表示祝贺的话。 审题指导细读所给文字提示,可以提取以下信息: 1.根据所给要求,可以从空间方位来描述所去的地方; 2.要正确地使用留言条的格式; 3.时态以一

28、般现在时为主; 4.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,写作提纲,素材积累 Asking for help寻求帮助 (1)Could you tell me the way to Peking University? (2)How can I get to the Statue of Liberty? (3)Would you tell me where the nearest bank is? (4)Which bus could I take to the Summer Palace? Helping a stranger帮助陌生人 (1)Dont stop along this

29、 street until you find the hospital. (2)Walk down the street and turn left at the second traffic lights. (3)Take the No.332 bus and get off at the terminal. (4)Turn right at the end of Bridge Street into Riverside Road. (5)Its not far from here.Its only about ten minutes walk.,我的作文 Dad, Well go to t

30、he zoo first and meet you at Tiger Mountain.It is not very difficult to find your way from the gate to Tiger Mountain.At the gate of the zoo,you will see a washroom on your right.You are on Forest Street.Walk along Forest Street,and you will see Elephant House and Flamingo Pond.Stop at the crossing and then turn left.Now you are on Main Road.There is Lion House on your left.On your right,you can see Tasmanian Devil House and Platypus House.Go straight ahead!You will see Koala Garden on your right and Tiger Mountain on your left. Do come soon! Tom,


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