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1、1Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three yearsSectionB(2a-2d)知能演练提升.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.The car is quite small, e if you have children. 2.He has never c how to solve the problem. 3.They have (相反的) ideas on the question. 4.He h the thief by the arm yesterday. 5.There are 100 years in a c . .单项选择1.I dont b

2、elieve that this boy can paint such a nice picture. A.five years old B.five-years-oldC.five-year-oldD.five year old2.Peter, can you tell me the differences the four words? Sorry, I dont know.A.between B.amongC.for D.on3.The basketball match was really fantastic, when he scored in the last second. A.

3、probably B.especiallyC.exactly D.mostly4.Ive no idea where to go next month.Why not visiting Beijing? There are so many places of interest there. A.suggest B.wonderC.consider D.regard5.Rose finished her study in the university and went to a good job. A.take after B.look afterC.care for D.search for.

4、完成句子,每空一词1.真惭愧我已经三年没回故乡了。that I havent returned to my hometown for 3 years. 2.为了七点前到那里, 我们起床很早。get there before seven, we got up early. 3.没有什么总是一成不变的。Nothing always . 24.他把我视为他最好的朋友。He his best friend. 5.这条围巾对我来说很特别。This scarf is . .用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空(有两项多余)already since consider among own while intere

5、st fan listen so wonder takeThere is a beautiful bookshelf full of books in my bedroom. 1 all of my books, the HarryPotterseries is my favorite. I was a Harry Potter 2 and I only watched the movies before. I had never thought about reading the books. But after I watched the second movie, I 3 what wo

6、uld happen next. One of my friends has 4 read the whole series, so he started telling me the story. I thought instead of 5 to the story from her, Id better read it myself. That was when my reading began. It 6 me almost two months to read all the seven books. After I finished the last one, I became 7

7、 in reading. 8 I started reading other books, more and more. It has been years 9 I read HarryPotter. By now I have 10 hundreds of books. Reading helps me become what I am today. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 参考答案.1.especially 2.considered 3.opposite 4.held5.century.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D.1.Its a shame 2.In order to 3.stays the same4.regards me as 5.special to me.1.Among 2.fan 3.wondered 4.already 5.listening6.took 7.interested 8.So 9.since 10.owned3

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