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1、12015-2016学年高一英语下学期 reading test (3) AA Maya pyramid is a base with four triangular (三角形)sides. Without metal _1, they built pyramid that were 200 feet high.The Mayas built _2 kinds of pyramids. Both pyramids had steep( 陡峭的)steps_3_ up to a flat top, but only one type of pyramid was _4_to be used. T

2、he other was designed to be _5_-it was designed to honor a 6 Tikal, one of the major Mayas cities, had especially large number of_7_. Some were designed to be climbed, and some were notThe type of pyramid that was designed to be used was used by the priests (祭司). Priests climbed the pyramids to 8 ce

3、remonies on the steps, which symbolized _9_from the Earth to the heavens, since they started from the ground level right up to the 10 on top. The most important ceremonies were conducted at the very top of the pyramids. 11 some ceremonies were held at the top of pyramids Maya pyramids had 12 tops.Th

4、e other kind of pyramid looked remarkably 13 .These pyramids also had flat tops and steep steps 14 the steps were not be used. These pyramids were built lo honor a god 15 , you could climb the steps, although they were very sleep. You might even find a doorways here and there. The doorways 16_ tunne

5、ls that went nowhere. Some tunnels were rigged(装备) with deadly 17 .The Maya people 18 which pyramids were designed to be used and which were designed to be honored. But archaeologists(考古学家)today must climb very 19 ,because it is sometimes hard to 20 the two differenttypes of Maya pyramids apart.1. A

6、. doors B. parts C. tools D. bridges2. A. few B. some C. many D. two3. A. climbing B. leading C. moving D. coming4. A. designed B. allowed C. opened D. closed5. A. displayed B. admired C. kept D. touched6. A. god B. king C. hero D. solder7. A. people B. house C. mountains D. attend8. A. enjoy B. obs

7、erve C. conduct D. pyramids 9. A. looking B. rising C. shouting D. growing10. A. stone B. wall C. temple D. station11. A. Because B. Although C. Unless D. Until12. A. wide B. flat C. clean D. quiet13. A. public B. fine C. similar D. high14. A. since B.so C. for D. but15. A. At last B. For example C.

8、 Of course D. Above all16. A. consisted of B. differed from C. stood for D. led to 17. A. traps B. blows C. disease D. snakes18. A. believed B. knew C said D. answered 219. A. carefully B. slowly C. patiently D. happily 20. A. draw B. cut C. break D. tellBRuth Elizabeth Becker, was one of the younge

9、st passengers on the Titanic at twelve. She was one of the few remaining Titanic 21 .Her story is amazing. Its inspirational(鼓舞人心的)that someone so young was able to show such_22 ;even the face of a(n) 23_ disaster that few of us can truly picture in our minds.Ruth was born in India in 1899. When her

10、 brother was ill, her mother decided to take him and the rest of the family to Michigan for medical _24 . Ruth, her mother, and her younger brother and sister boarded the Titanic as second-class passengers with her father 25_ behind in India to join them later.Ruth and her family were _26_ at the be

11、auty of the ship, but their trip took a horrible _27_ when disaster struck. The Titanic struck an iceberg and began _28_ rapidly.Ruths mother _29 to get into Lifeboat No.l1 with her two youngest children, but there was no 30 left for Ruth She 31 as she was separated from her daughter. Who ended up i

12、n Lifeboat No.13.As Ruth lifeboat was lowered into the 32. it was nearly crushed(压垮) by Lifeboat NO.15.which was being lowered too quickly. The air was filled with the 33 from the people in the icy water. A young Polish woman in Ruths lifeboat cried as her baby was 34 . He had been separated from he

13、r much like Ruth had been separated from her family. Though she didnt understand German, Ruth did her best to 35, the upset mother.Finally, the lifeboat was 36_. After several tense hours of waiting. Ruth was _37_ to see her mother and sibling(兄弟姐妹)alive. She was also happy to 38_ that the Polish wo

14、man from her lifeboat had been reunited with her baby. .Rush once 39 to talk about the sinking incident for many years. 40 later, she began to talk about it, and made appearances at Titanic Historical Society along with other Titanic survivor21.A.designers B.directors C.survivors D. researchers22.A.

15、expression B. bravery C. carefulness D. responsibility23.A.endless B. impressive C. exciting D. terrifying24. A.education B. service C. advice D. treatment25. A.falling B. waiting C. arriving D. working26. A.puzzled B. confused C. satisfied D. amazed27. A.turn B. way C. choice D. decision28. A.sinki

16、ng B. running C. operating D. sliding29.Astopped B. prepared C. managed D. dreamed30.A.room B. bed C. road D. house31Aaigued B. begged C. cried D. shouted32.A.land B. water C. ship D. sand333.A.apologies B. complains C. whispers D. screams34.A.missing B. safe C. weak D. rough35A.welcome B .teach C.

17、comfort D. please36A.repaired B. observed C. touched D. rescued37.A.disappointed B. inspired C. delighted D. encouraged38-A.remember B. discover C. expect D. accept39.A.agreed B .refused C.hoped D. determined40.A.But B.And C.Or D. SoCIf you go back in history far enough, youll come to a time when th

18、ere were no clocks or watches. But people still needed a way to time how long they worked and how long to leave the bread over the fire. Shadow clocks were a “hot“ item around 1500B.C. But these were only useful during the daytime and only on sunny days! Soon better ways to mark time were invented.E

19、ver set your clock on fire? Many cultures did! The Chinese took a rope, tied several knots (结)in it ,each one the same distance apart, and set it burning. As fire passed each knot, a period of time was counted off. Later, they spaced weights evenly (均勾地)along the rope and placed something like a bel

20、l beneath it. As the rope burned, the weights would drop and “say“ the time! Other cultures did the same thing with evenly spaced pins (针)in a candle .When the candle burned down low enough, the pin would drop and strike the pan below. It must have been “quiet enough to hear a pin drop!“It is very l

21、ikely that you have played with a sandglass-or hourglass. It is an ancient clock. Can you guess what these ancient sandglasses were filled with? Times up! If you said, “Sand/,you are wrong! In most cases, the available sand was too coarse(大颗粒的)to flow smoothly, so powdered (粉末状的)eggshells were used

22、instead. Ancient Greeks used the sandglass to measure cooking time .Contrary to what their name means, hourglasses can measure anywhere from two minutes to four hours, depending on the amount of sand,er,eggshell in them!41. What did the “clocks” mentioned in the second paragraph have in common?A. Th

23、ey were all reusable clocks.B. They all relied on fire to work.C. They all cloud measure time exactly.D. They all should work in quiet places.41. Which of the following about the sandglass is NOT discussed in the last paragraph?-A. Who invented it B. What it was used for.C. What was contained in it

24、D. How long it can measure.42. Why wasnt sand put into ancient sandglasses?A. Because the ancient sand was too expensive. B. Because the ancient sand was powdered.C. Because the ancient sand was too big to flow. D. Because people couldnt find 4sand easily.43. The text is mainly about .A. why shadow

25、clocks became popular. B. what the worlds oldest clock was.C. when the first clock was invented D. how the ancients marked time.45.How does the author develop the text?A. By providing examples. B. By making comparisons.C. By following the order of time. D. By following the order of importance.5DSamu

26、el de Champlain was a French explorer, navigator (航海家),and mapmaker. He explored much of eastern Canada and became known as the Father of New France55.Born into a family of sailors, Champlain, while still a young man, began exploring North America. In 1603, he sailed up the Saguenay River and the St

27、. Lawrence River. From 1604 to 1607 Champlain joined in the exploration and settlement of the first permanent (永久的) European settlement north of Florida. Then, in 1608, he established the French settlement that is now Quebec City. He also made the first accurate (精确的)map of the Canadian coast.Champl

28、ain spent most of the rest of his life going between France and Canada. His goals were to map North America and find a quicker way to get to the Pacific Ocean:In 1629 Quebec was controlled by the English and Champlain was taken to England as a prisoner. When Canada was returned to France in 1633 Cha

29、mplain returned to Canada as governor of Quebec and remained in Quebec until his death on Christmas Day in 1635.Champlain was the first European 如 explore and describe the Great Lakes, and published maps of his journeys and reports of what he learned from the natives and the French living among the

30、natives. Champlain was memorialized as the “Father of New France”,and many places and streets in North America use his name. The most famous of these is Lake Champlain, which lies between northern New York and Vermont.46. Which is the correct order of the events about Champlain?a. established the se

31、ttlement in Canadab. traveled up the St. Lawrence Riverc. returned to Canada as governor of Quebecd. was taken to England47.What can we learn from the passage that ?A. Champlain was important to Canadian history.B. Champlain was famous for the lake named for him.C. Champlain was the first person to

32、explore North AmericaD. Champlain was the first family member to work on a ship.48. The underlined word Memorialized5* in the last paragraph probably means “ ”.A. described B. chosen C. remembered D. trusted49. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Exploration of North America B. Origin of Lake Ch

33、amplainC. Foundation of Quebec D. Father of New FranceEMany people believe that paper started with the ancient Egyptians. However, this is not exactly true. Instead, 5,000 years ago, Egyptians used a material called papyrus (纸莎草纸),which was made from the stems (茎)of river plants. They put 6these fla

34、t pieces together to create a larger flat sheet (簿片),on which Ancient Egyptians wrote like paper.But the paper we know today did not exist until 3,000 years later. It was created in China No one knows who first invented paper. But history does tell us about one man who improved the process. It was i

35、n the year 105. A man named Cai Lun began to use many materials to make paper. He took the outer coveting of a tree, pieces of net and cloth, broke these materials down into very small pieces and mixed them with water. Then he pressed out the water, and all that was left was a thin sheet of paper.Pa

36、per quickly spread to other areas of the world. In the Middle East, people made, paper thicker and also made it easier to produce quickly. From the Middle East, paper traveled to Europe and then the Americas. For many years paper cost a lot of money and time to create. But in the 19th century, peopl

37、e began to create paper from wood.Paper changed the way people lived. Long ago, when paper was difficult to make, people only used paper for special purposes. Government officials would write important laws on it Explorers drew maps of the world on it But common people did not use it. As paper becam

38、e easier to make, it was used for more things. People wrapped (包裹)it around gifts. Paper was also used as money. Today people use paper for even more things.50. According to the text, papyrus _A. was made from cloth B. has a longer history than paper C. is difficult to produce D. was introduced to E

39、gypt from China51. Paragraph 2 is mainly aboutA. how Cai Lun improved paper B. the long history of paper in ChinaC. why Cai Lun wanted to make paper D. the invention of the first piece of paper52 Whats the spreading route of paper?A.Asia the Americas Europe the Middle EastB.Asia Europe the Middle Ea

40、stthe AmericasC.Asia the Middle East Europe the AmericasD.Asia the Middle East the Americas-1 Europe53. When it was first invented, paperA. could only be used by government officials B. was expensive and difficult to makeC. was sent to others as a gift D. was too thick to write onFNo one person inve

41、nted the bicycle. Instead, many people worked together over time. Experts say that the first plans came from Leonardo da Vinci. This famous inventor and artist wrote plans for a modem bicycle hundreds of years ago. But inventors did not create the first working bicycle until the early 1800s.The firs

42、t bicycle had wheels. But it did not have pedals (踏板)to move the wheels. The rider pushed the bicycle forward by pushing his feet against the 7ground. People called this bicycle the “pushbikes”.In the 1850s and 60 French inventors changed the design of the bicycle. They made the front wheel larger a

43、nd put pedals on it Riders used their feet on the pedals to push the bicycle forward. They made this bicycle with a heavy steel frame (框架). And they made the wheels out of wood and iron People called this bicycle the “boneshaker”. On the stone streets of that time, the bicycle shook the rider very h

44、ard.Over the next ten years, inventors made the front wheel even larger to increase its speed. They also added rubber tires (轮胎)on the wheels. People called this bicycle “the ordinary”. But these kinds of bicycles were difficult to push forward and it was difficult to change directions while riding.

45、In 1885, JK Starley invented the first modem bicycle. He put similar-sized wheels on the front and back of the bicycle. He also added a thin metal chain that worked between the pedals and the wheels. But it was still difficult to ride a Starley bicycle. In the 1890s inventors made more movements to

46、the bicycle. They used better rubber for the wheels. They developed good brakes (杀车)to stop the bicycle. It was not long before people all around the world used bicycles for sport and play.People also say that making bicycles helped scientists and inventors make better machines. In fact, famous inve

47、ntors like Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers used bicycle technology to create cars and airplanes!54. According to the text, pushbikes. A. had one wheel B. had a heavy steel frameC. had no pedals D. were easy to push forward55. The “boneshaker bicycle got its name probably because .A. it was made of iron and steel B. it did harm to the bone growthC. it was used on the stone streets D. it made the rider uncomfortable56. What do we know about a Starley bicycle?A. It had good brakes. B. It offered a smooth ride.C. It was used mainly for sport. D. It looks similar to the bicycle today.

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