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1、1Unit 1 School and FriendsLesson 6 Things for School课时分层训练(六)Lesson 6.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1I _ (需要) to buy some pencils.2_ (这儿) is our new school.3I buy _ (八) crayons.4Many school _ (东西) are in my bag.5This is a word _ (清单).用方框中所给词的适当形式填空shop, seven, nice, need, lab1Danny and I have _ erasers.2Please look

2、at these _ lists.23These new books are very _4They _ to go home now.5The two _ are very big.单项填空( )1.Can you lend(借给) me _ eraser, Alice?Sure. Here you are.Aa B/ Csome Dan( )2.What do you want to buy?_ my list.AHere is BHere are CIs here DAre here( )3.What about _ a ruler?OK.Abuying Bto buyCbuys Dbu

3、y( )4.I need to buy a box of crayons._?I dont need them.AWho is heBLet me see CWhat about youDWhose socks are these( )5.Please buy all the things _ the list _ our classmates.Ain; for Bon; for3Cfor; with Dwith; in ( )6.How many _ do you have this afternoon?Two. AP.E. class and a music class.A. books

4、Blesson Cclasses Dlab( )7.I need _ some English books from the school library.Aborrow Bto borrowCborrowing Dborrows( )8.Tomorrow is my birthday. All of my _ will(将) come to my party.Athing Bthings Cfriend Dfriends( )9.Are his new school things here?Yes, _Ahe is Bit isCthey are Dshe is( )10._ your sc

5、hool library?Its big and high.AWhat BWhat aboutCHow DWhere.连词成句1ruler, is, here, my_.2teacher, about, your, what_?3great, China, is_.44six, I, pencils, have_.5buy, things, you, to, some, need_.任务型阅读AHello!My name is Jenny. Im a girl. My telephone number is one six six eight,three nine eight eight.BH

6、i!Im Bob. Im a boy. My telephone number is five three two four,seven zero eight two.CHello!My name is Wang Hong. Im a girl. My telephone number is three five eight nine, six seven four one.1 题判断正(T)误(F);23 题完成句子;45 题简略回答问题。1Jennys telephone number is 16883988.( )2Jenny and Wang Hong are _3Bobs telep

7、hone number is _4How many boys are there in the passage?_5Is Wang Hongs telephone number 35897641?_5课时滚动训练Lessons 46.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1我猜那是一块橡皮。I _ that is _ _2这是她的第一节课。This is her _ _3我可以借两本书吗?_ I _ two books?4你需要做一个购物清单。You _ _ make a shopping list.5明天见。_ _ tomorrow.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1Im Alice.(用 she 改写

8、句子)_ _ Alice.2He is a student.(改为复数句)_ _ _3This is his eraser.(改为否定句)This _ _ eraser.4There are some pencil boxes.(改为否定句)There _ _ pencil boxes.5That is a_ruler(对画线部分提问)_ _ that?6.完形填空A:Excuse _1_Whats _2_, please?B:My name is David Smith. And _3_?A:Wang Yang._4_ you do?B:How do you do?A:_5_ in the

9、bag? Is it a ruler?B:No. Its _6_ eraser.A:_7_ erasers do you have?B:I have one.A:May I _8_ your eraser, please?B:_9_Here you are.A:Thank you very much.B:_10_( )1.A.my Bme CI Dyou( )2.A.that Byour nameCthis Dit( )3.A.are you Byou Cname Dyour( )4.A.How BHow doCHow are DHow old( )5.A.Whats BIs CWhat DH

10、ow( )6.A./ Ba Can Dthe( )7.A.What BHowCHow many DWhats( )8.A.lend Bborrow Cbring Dmeet( )9.A.No BSorry CSure DExcuse7( )10.A.Sorry BSureCYoure welcome DNo.补全对话A:Hello, Bob! How are you?B:Im fine.1._ And you?A:Im fine,too. Whats this?B:2._A:3._B:I have four.A:4._B:Sure. Here you are.A:Thanks.B:5._AHo

11、w many crayons do you have?BMay I borrow one crayon, please?CYoure welcome.DIts a crayon.EThank you.阅读理解Danny needs to buy some things for his lessons. Here is his shopping list:three erasers, two pencils,one ruler, seven crayons, five pens and one pencil box. His mother has a shopping list,too. Her

12、e is his mothers shopping list:a red skirt(短裙), green pants(绿色裤子) and some vegetables(蔬菜)They want to buy all the things at the store near his school.( )1.What will(将) Danny do today?APlay sports. BGet books.8CGo shopping. DMake a list.( )2.How many crayons does Danny need?AOne. BFive. CSeven. DEigh

13、t.( )3.Dannys mother wants to buy a red skirt,green pants and _Aerasers Ba sweaterCa pencil box Dvegetables( )4.Where are Danny and his mother going today?ATo a library. BTo a classroom.CTo a store. DTo a school.( )5.How many shopping lists are there in the passage?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.9详解详析【课时分

14、层训练】课内基础自测.1.need 2Here 3eight4things 5list.1.seven 2shopping 3nice4need 5labs 课后巩固提升.1.D 2.A3A what about 后通常接名词、代词或动名词。4C 由答语可知问句在问别人需不需要买蜡笔。英语中常用“What/How about you?”询问别人的意见。故选 C。5B6C how many 用于对可数名词的数量提问。问句句意为“你们今天下午上几节课?”故选 C。7B need to do sth.意为“需要做某事” 。8D 该句意为“我所有的朋友们都会来参加我的聚会” 。all of 后接可数名

15、词的复数形式。109C 10.B.1.Here is my ruler2What about your teacher3China is great4I have six pencils5You need to buy some things.1.F 2girls 353247082 4One.5No, it isnt.课时滚动训练Lessons 46.1.guess; an eraser2first class/lesson3May/Can; borrow/have4need to5See you.1.She is 2They are students3isnt his 4arent any

16、 5What is .1.B2B 由答语可知,问句是“Whats your name, please?” 。3B 4B “How do you do?” 为两个人初次见面的问候语,意为“你好?” ,其答语也11为“How do you do?” 。5A 问“袋子里是什么?”用“Whats in the bag?” 。6C7C 由答语可知是对可数名词的数量提问。how many 意为“多少” ,对可数名词的数量进行提问。8B lend 意为“借” ,指借出;borrow 意为“借” ,指借入;bring 意为“带来” ;meet 意为“会见” 。由语境可指是“借入” ,故选 B。9C 由“Here you are.”可知选 C。10C.15 EDABC.15 CCDCB


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