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1、1Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings单元基础回眸三.单词卡片.根据课文内容,完成下面表格身体部位名词 手指_ 脚_ 尾部_其他名词感觉_ 机器人_ 照相机_ 选手_ 家庭作业_ 问题_ 米_ 地面_ 少量_ 胃痛_ 头痛_药_ 休息_ 玻璃_ 眼镜_ 部分_动词 微笑_ 意思是_ 嗅;闻起来_ 笑_ 停留_ 伤害_形容词生病的_ 足够的_ 更好的_ 恐惧的_ 不同的_逗人喜爱的_ 有趣的_ 痛的_数词 十二_ 十三_介词 倚着_ 在上面_副词 几乎_ 足够地_ 更好地_.短语归纳1和一起玩_2听 _3看起来像 _4感冒 _5待在家里 _6休息一下 _7看医生 _8多高

2、 _9头痛 _10胃痛 _11看起来不同 _12有点儿;稍微 _13看起来很酷 _14wave ones hand _15stand up against the wall _.句型在线1我喜欢和我的同学们玩儿。I like to _ _ my classmates. 2你能为我写我的家庭作业吗?Can you_ _ _ _ me?3.我们可以成为朋友。We _ _ friends.4红色让我感觉很开心。2Red makes me _ _5我们经常听英文歌曲。We often _ _ English songs.6你能用颜色来表达你的情感吗?Can you _ colours _ your _

3、?7不要生气。Dont _ _8 “你哥哥多高?” “他身高 1.8 米。 ”_ _ _ your brother?He is 1.8 _ _9她妈妈有点儿矮。Her mother is _ _ _10今天你感觉快乐还是难过?Do you feel_ _ _ today?11我们都有情感。We all _ _12 “你怎么了?” “我头疼。 ”_ _ with you?I _ _ _13你最好去看医生。You_ _ _ and see a doctor.14医生对我说:“在家好好休息。 ”The doctor says to me, “_ _ _ _ at home.”15你妈妈长什么样?_

4、_ your mother_ _?16她留着黑色长发。She has_ _ hair.17我哥哥快十三岁了。My brother _ _ _ years old.18他又高又瘦。He is _ and _19丹尼看上去很可笑。Danny _ _20我们班很多同学都戴着眼镜。Many of my classmates _ _3教师详解详析.身体部位名词: finger; foot; tail其他名词: feeling; robot; camera; player;homework; question; metre;ground; bit; stomachache; headache; medic

5、ine; rest; glass; glasses; part动词: smile; mean; smell; laugh; stay; hurt形容词: sick; enough; better; scared; different; cute; funny; hurt数词: twelve;thirteen介词: against; upon副词: almost; enough; better.1.play with 2.listen to 3.look like4have a cold 5.stay home6have a rest 7.see a doctor8how tall 9.have

6、 a headache10have a stomachache11look different 12a bit 13.look cool 14.挥手15靠着墙站起来.1.play with 2.do my homework for3can be4feel happy5listen to 6.use; for; feelings7be angry 8.How tall is; metres tall9a bit short 10.happy or sad11have feelings12Whats wrong; have a headache13had better go 14.Have a good rest15What does; look like 16.long black17is almost thirteen 18.tall; thin19looks funny 20.wear glasses


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