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1、1Unit 5 Family and HomeLesson 28 A Family Picnic单词闯关1.野餐pknk _2携带;搬运kr _3篮;筐bskt _4.许多lt _5安静的;平静的kwa t _6tableclothteblkl_短语互译1.小心;注意 _2去野餐 _3.在湖边 _4a basket of_2句型在线1.我妈妈正在做什么?_ _ my mum _? 2她正在做沙拉。She is _ _ _3有许多水果和蔬菜供我们食用。There are _ _ fruits and vegetables for us.4.我爸爸正在做三明治。My dad is _ _5鲍勃和琳

2、正在做什么?What _ Bob and Lynn _?6他们正在画画。_ are _1 carry v. 携带;搬运观察 Bob is carrying a big basket of food.鲍勃正提着一大篮子食物。辨析 carry, take, bring 与 get/fetch都有“拿”的意思,其区别如下:词条 用法 例句carry 意为“携带;搬运” ,指搬运较重的 Will you please carry the box 3东西,不强调动作的方向性。 for me? 请帮我搬那个箱子好吗?take意为“拿走,带走” ,强调远离说话人。Take the box to your r

3、oom, please.请把这个盒子拿到你的房间去。bring意为“拿来,带来” ,强调靠近说话人。Dont forget to bring your homework to school tomorrow.明天别忘了把你的作业带到学校来。get/fetch 意为“去取” ,强调往返。Could you fetch me my bag?你能帮我去取我的包吗?图解 活学活用1(1)明天把你的 CD带给我好吗?Can you _ _ your CD tomorrow?(2)你给我提着手提箱好吗?Could you _ the suitcase _ _?2 lots of 许多观察 There ar

4、e lots of fruits and vegetables for us. 有许多水果和蔬菜供我们食用。探究 lots of相当于 a lot of,表示“许多” ,既可修饰可数名词(相当于 many),又可修饰不可数名词(相当于_)。拓展 a lot为副词短语,意为“非常;十分” ,相当于 much/very much,修饰形容词、副词和动词,在句中作状语。例如:4Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。活学活用2.(1)篮子里有许多苹果。There are _ _ apples in the basket. (2)鲍勃对詹妮非常了解。Bob knows _ _ about Jenny.3

5、 look out 小心;注意观察 Look out! There is a car coming. 当心!汽车过来了。Look out! Its dangerous!小心!危险!探究 look out 相当于 be careful。拓展 与 look相关的短语:look for寻找 look after 照顾look over检查 look up 向上看;查阅look around 向四周看 look at 看活学活用3(1)_! Your baby is climbing up the tree.ALook outBLook inCLook atDLook down(2)Dont worr

6、y. I can help you _ your pet cat when you go on a trip.Alook up Blook atClook after Dlook like54 quiet adj.安静的;平静的观察 They are very quiet. 他们很安静。Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.安静!宝宝正在睡觉。探究 quiet在句中作表语或定语,即“be quiet”或“quiet名词” 。其副词形式是 quietly。活学活用4(1)My father is sleeping. _ _(安静), please.(2)Lucy is _

7、 _ _(安静的女孩)She likes reading. There are lots of fruits and vegetables for us. 有许多水果和蔬菜供我们食用。探究 (1)there be 句型是倒装句,句子的主语是后面的名词。若后面的名词为单数或不可数名词,be 动词用 is;若后面的名词为复数,be 动词用 are。当后面接多个名词时,be动词与离其最近的名词在数上保持一致,即遵循“就近一致”原则。例如:There _ a map on the wall.墙上有一张地图。There _ two pencils on the desk.书桌上有两支铅笔。There i

8、s a dog and two cats under the tree.树下有一条狗和两只猫。There are two oranges and an apple in the basket.篮子里有两个橘子和一个苹果。(2)there be句型还有其他的时态变化,如一般将来时、一般过去时、现在完成时等。(3)there be句型表示“存在;有” ,而 have/has当“有”讲时,表示某人拥有某物。6记忆口诀there be句型有特点,主语跟在 be后面;单数主语用 is,复数用 are也不难;多个主语若并列,be 随第一主语变;否定 be后加 not,疑问 be在 there前;介词短语表

9、地点, “有”是“存在”记心间。活学活用There _ some beef in the fridge. Lets make some beef noodles.Aam BisCare Dbe7详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1picnic 2.carry 3.basket 4.lot5quiet 6.桌布;台布短语互译1look out 2.go on a picnic3near the lake 4.一篮子句型在线1What is; doing 2.making a salad3lots of4making sandwiches5are; doing6They; painting【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 (1)bring me (2)carry; for me2 much (1)lots of (2)a lot3 (1)A (2)C 4 (1)Be quiet (2)a quiet girl句型透视 is; are B


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