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1、1Unit 6 Lets Go!Lesson 31 Lets Go to the Bookstore!单词闯关1.骑;乘坐rad _2离开;关上f _3女士;夫人;小姐led _4直(的)stret _5交通;车辆trfk _6.幸运;运气lk _7bookstorebkst _8brokenbrk n_9lostlst_2短语互译1.下车;从下来 _2迷路 _3.on the way to _4look for _句型在线1.“我们怎样才能到那里?”“我们可以骑我们的自行车!”_ can we _ _?We _ _ our bikes!2它坏了。Its _3.咱们乘公交汽车吧!_ _ the

2、 bus!4但是,在去书店的路上他们迷路了。But they _ _ on the way to the bookstore.5沿着这条街往前走,在交通灯处左拐。_ _ this street. _ _ _ the traffic lights.1 get off 下车;从下来观察 Danny and Jenny get off the bus.丹尼和詹妮下了公共汽车。We must get on the bus one by one.3我们必须一个接一个地上公共汽车。探究 含有 get的短语:get on/off 上/下(公共汽车、火车、飞机、轮船、地铁等)get into/out of上/

3、下(小轿车、出租车、电梯等)拓展 get off 还可以表示“从下来” ,相当于 get down from。例如:Please get off the tree! Its dangerous!请从树上下来!危险!活学活用1Dont _ the bus until it stops. Safety is first.Aget into Bget toCget off Dget up2 get lost 迷路,走失,丢失观察 But they get lost on the way to the bookstore.但是,在去书店的路上他们迷路了。Betty is very sad becaus

4、e her watch gets lost.贝蒂很难过,因为她的手表丢了。探究 get lost 意为“迷路,走失,丢失” ,相当于 be lost。get 在此处是系动词;lost是形容词,意为“失踪的,迷路的,丢失的” 。 活学活用2我经常在大城市迷路。I often _ _ in big cities.3 on the way to 在去的路上观察 But they get lost on the way to the bookstore. 4但是,在去书店的路上他们迷路了。I will buy some fruit on my way home.我要在回家的路上买些水果。探究 (1)o

5、n the way to 意为“在去的路上” ,相当于 on ones way to, ones为形容词性物主代词,要和主语在人称上保持一致。(2)若 on the way to后接表示地点的副词,如:here, there, home等,则要省去介词 to。活学活用3.Jack finds a poor cat _ home.Aon the way toBon his way toCon her wayDon his way4 look for 寻找观察 We are looking for the bookstore.我们正在寻找书店。I looked for my pen here an

6、d there.But I didnt find it.我到处寻找我的钢笔,但是没有找到。辨析 look for 与 find(1)look for 强调“寻找”的过程。例如:Im looking for my English book.我正在找我的英语书。(2)find意为 “找到;发现” ,强调“找”的结果。例如:I cant find my dictionary.我找不到我的词典了。活学活用4(1)约翰,你正在找什么?What are you _ _, John?(2)吉姆找不到他最喜爱的玩具。5Jim _ _ his favourite toy.1 How can we get the

7、re?我们怎样才能到那里?探究 (1)这是询问交通方式的特殊疑问句,相当于“How to get there?”how 在此处用作疑问副词,意为“怎么;怎么样;以什么方式” 。(2)get there 意为“到那里” 。get to意为“到达” ,there 是副词,故其前省略介词_。活学活用1(1)_ does Bob usually go to work?He usually rides his bike.AWhat BWhoCWhere DHow(2) Does your brother get _ work by bus? No, he rides a bike. Sometimes

8、he walks.Ain BonCto Dfor2 Excuse me. Can you help us? We are looking for the bookstore. Where is it?Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. Then go straight and you can see the bookstore.“打扰了。你能帮助我们吗?我们在找书店。它在哪里呢?”“沿着这条街往前走,在交通灯处左拐。然后一直走,你们就能看到书店。 ”探究 (1)“Excuse me. Where is?”是问路的常见句型。

9、 “Excuse me.”位于句首,表示礼貌。(2)go down意为“沿着走” ,此处 down是介词,意为“沿着” 。该短语还可表示为 go along或 walk down/along。(3)turn left意为“向左转” ,相当于 turn to the left。6拓展 问路与指路的常用语:问路常用语1. Where is?2How can I get to?3Can you tell me the way to?4Do you know the way to?5Is there anear here?指路常用语1Walk along this street andis on yo

10、ur left.2Go down this street and turn left at the first crossing, and youll find3is behind/near/next to/on the left of4You can take No.1 bus and get off at the second stop. And youll see it.5Its aboutmetres from here.活学活用2Excuse me. _?Yes. Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. Its ne

11、xt to the bookstore. ACan I help youBWhere are you goingCCan you tell me the way to the cinemaDHow far is the post office from here7详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1ride 2.off 3.lady 4.straight5traffic 6.luck 7.书店 8.坏的;破碎的9迷路的短语互译 1get off 2.get lost3在去的路上 4.寻找句型在线1How; get there; can ride 2.broken 3Lets take 4.get lost 5Go down; Turn left at【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 C 考查动词短语辨析。get into意为“上(小轿车、出租车、电梯等)” ;get to 意为“到达” ;get off意为“下车” ;get up 意为“起床 ”。句意:等到公共汽车停下来再下车,安全第一。故选 C。2 get lost3 D4 (1)looking for (2)cant find句型透视1 to (1)D (2)C2 C


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