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1、1Module 2 Education模块语法专题检测二( )1.2017东营_ the scientists hard work, Tianggong II was launched(发射) successfully.AAs for BThanks toCInstead of DAccording to( )2.2017德州_, there must be life on other planets though none has been discovered.I agree with you. The universe is so large after all.ATo my surpr

2、ise BTo be honestCIn my opinion DAgain and again( )3.Have you got anything to do this afternoon, Lucy and Lily?Yes. _ of us are going to the home for the elderly.AEach BEitherCBoth DAll( )4.2017天水 I have a bad cold. _ is why I didnt go to school.AThis BThatCThese DIt2( )5.2017临沂 A couple from Austra

3、lia welcomed five healthy babies _ January.Aat BinCfor Don()6.2016东营 How do you get on with _ little brother? Ive just had a baby sister. Im worrying about it.A. my B. hisC. her D. your( )7.2017乐山When shall we go hiking again?Make it _ day you like. Its all the same to me.Aeither BanyCone( )8.2017乐山

4、Mike has some difficulty in finishing the task by _. Could you help him?No problem.Ahim BhimselfChis( )9.Dont be afraid of making mistakes. _ of us are perfect after all.ANone BNeither CEach DAll()10.2016湘西There is _ mutton in the fridge. Lets go and buy some.OK! Lets go.A. little B. a littleC. few(

5、)11.We have two foreign teachers here. One is from England, and _ 3is from America.Aanother Bthe otherCother Dthe others()12.Do you know _ this dictionary belongs to?Let me see. Oh, its _Awho does; mine Bwho; meCwhose; mine Dwho; mine( )13.2017宿迁 Your gloves should be made _ leather, for they feel s

6、oft and smooth.Ain BonCfor Dof( )14.2016鄂州The population of China is larger than _ of India.Yes, but Indias population is increasing rapidly.A. it B. oneC. that D. this( )15.2016资阳 There is _ wrong with Toms leg. We should send him to hospital at once. A. something B. anythingC. everything D. nothin

7、g ()16.Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory?No. I think we need_ students.Aanother Btwo othersCmore two Dtwo more4()17.2016潍坊 Hurry up! The movie will begin _ 10 minutes. A. over B. inC. for D. at()18.Do you know the girl _ is drawing a picture?Awhom BwhoseCwhich Dwho()19.Could you pl

8、ease provide us _ some information about the students health?Of course, with pleasure.Ato BofCfrom Dwith()20.2016泰州As a nurse, her work goes _ taking care of her patients.Yes, she always thinks of others.A. beyond B. besideC. behind D. between()21.A new shopping mall will be open _ five years.Ain Bf

9、orCfrom Dbefore()22.Well have dinner at Qianxilong Restaurant, which is famous _ its food.Aof BtoCfor Das( )23.I couldnt do it _ your great help. Thanks a lot! Awith BwithoutCfor Dto 5()24.I wrote _ my brother last Saturday, but I havent heard _ him up to now.Afrom; to Bto; ofCto; to Dto; from()25.B

10、ooks are made _ paper, while paper is mainly made _ wood.Aof; of Bfrom; fromCof; from Dfrom; of()26.2016福州Sally is my best fiend. She is always there whenever Im _. Yeah. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A. in order B. in troubleC. in public( )27.2017随州Who lives together with your grandmother?_.

11、 She lives alone. I often go to see her.ANobody BSomebodyCAnybody DEverybody()28.Is the film interesting?I thought it would be. But _, its very boring.Ain all Bin factCin addition Din future()29. What a nice day! We should go sightseeing_ watching TV in the hotel.Abecause of Binstead ofCtogether wit

12、h Dout of()30.Bonnie looks very smart and is always _ pink, because pink is her favourite colour.6Awith BonCabout Din ()31.The weather in summer in Dalian is cooler than _ in Shanghai.Athis BthatCit Dits()32.Excuse me, is this _ iPad mini? No, it isnt. _ is at home.Ayour; Mine Byour; MyCyours; My Dy

13、ours; Mine()33.Jim sits behind me, so I sit _ him. Aat the top of Bin the end of Cin the middle of Din front of()34._ a terrible rainy night, many farmers houses were destroyed.AIn BForCOn DAt()35.2016鄂州Who looked after your sick grandmother in the hospital?My father did that _He didnt want anybody

14、elses help.A. in fact B. in personC. in total D. in disagreement 7详解详析1B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:多亏了科学家们的努力,天宫二号成功发射。as for 意为“至于” ;thanks to 意为“多亏” ;instead of 意为“代替” ;according to 意为“根据” 。由后句“天宫二号成功发射”可推知前句应表示“多亏了科学家们的努力” 。故选 B。2C 考查固定搭配。句意:“依我之见,尽管还没有人发现,但其他星球上一定有生命。 ”“我同意,宇宙毕竟很大。 ”to my surprise 意为 “令我惊奇的是”

15、 ;to be honest意为“说实话” ;in my opinion 意为“依我之见” ;again and again 意为“一次又一次地”,结合下文“I agree with you”可知上面纯属个人观点。故选 C。3C 4B 考查代词的用法。句意:我患了重感冒。那就是我没去上学的原因。此处指代上文“我患重感冒” ,故填 that,而指示代词 this 指代下文要出现的内容。故选 B。5B 考查介词辨析。句意:一月,来自澳大利亚的一对夫妇迎来了五个健康婴儿。在某月、年前面使用介词 in;at 用于时刻前;for 接一段时间;on 用于具体某一天。故选B。6D 7B either 指“(

16、两者中)的任何一个” ;any 指“任何一个” ;one 指“(替代上文中同类的)一个” 。由答句句意“安排在你喜欢的任意一天吧。对我来说都一样。 ”可知,表示“任一的”any 符合句意。故选 B。8B 考查代词的辨析。问句句意:“迈克独自完成这项任务有些困难。你能帮助他吗?”by oneself 为固定搭配,意为“独自;单独” 。故选 B。9A 10.A 11.B 12.D 13D 考查介词。句意:你的手套应该是皮革制成的,因为它们感觉很柔软光滑。be made in 意为“在制造” ,后接制造的地点;B 和 C 项无此搭配;be made of 意为“由制成” ,后接制作的材料,leather 为制作的原材料。故选 D。14C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.D20A 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.C26B 27A 考查不定代词辨析。句意:“谁和你奶奶住在一起?” “没人,她自己住。我经常去看望她。 ”结合下文的“She lives alone.”可知没有人和她一起住,故选 A。828B 29.B 30.D 31.B 32.A 33.D34C 35.B

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