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1、1Lesson 57 Best Wishes单词闯关1.钱包 _2划(船) _(过去式/过去分词) _3.owner _4senior _短语互译1. 在将来 _2保持联系 _3高中 _4have great memories of _5.move on _6best of luck _7junior high school _句型在线1.我记得我和布莱恩在公园里捡到钱包的那一天。I remember the day _ Brian and I found a wallet in the park.2.将来无论我们做什么,我们将总是对我们在一起的时光有美好的回忆。_ we do in the

2、future, we will always have great memories of our time together.3. 一定要一直保持联系!Be sure to always _ _ _!4尽管我们即将分离,但我们的友谊将长存。_ we are going to part, our friendship will always remain.5我无法相信我们几乎已经过完了初中生活。I _ _ that weve almost finished junior high.26时光飞逝!_ _ _! 7我有信心我们所有人都会做得很好。_ _ that well all do very

3、well.8我愿你万事如意。I _ you the best in everything you do.1 row v. 划(船)观察 I also remember the day we rowed boats in the rain.我还记得我们在雨中划船的那一天。He likes to row and to play tennis.他喜欢划船和打网球。探究 row 用作动词,意为“划船” ,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。其过去式和过去分词均为 rowed,现在分词为 rowing。拓展 row 还可用作名词,意为“划船;排” 。表示第几排时用“Row基数词” ,注意首字母要大写。

4、Im in Row Five.我在第五排。What about going for a row?一起去划船怎么样?Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。活学活用1(1)他们让我和他们一起去划船。They asked me to _ _ _ _ with them.(2)老师要求孩子们站成一排。The teacher asked the children to stand _ _ _2 whatever pron. 无论什么;不管什么观察 Whatever we do in the future, we will always have

5、great memories of our time together.将来无论我们做什么,我们将总是对我们在一起的时光有美好的回忆。探究 whatever 是合成词,由 what 和 ever 构成,意为“_”,相当于_。拓展 类似的单词还有 whenever(无论何时), wherever(无论何地)等。2(1)It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.Awhatever Bhowever3Cwhenever Dwhether(2)2018乌鲁木齐无论你遇到什么困难,你都应尽全力克服。_ prob

6、lems you meet, you should make an _ to deal with them.1 Good luck with your inventions in the future! 祝你将来有好的发明!探究 in the future 意为 “_”, 其中 future 为名词,意为“未来;将来” 。辨析 in the future 与 in futurein the future“在将来” ,多指较长时间以后的将来,不一定从说话的时间开始。in future “从今以后” ,指从说话的时间开始的将来,相当于 from now on。活学活用1(1)今后你最好不要单独外出

7、。You had better not go out alone _.(2)我的弟弟将来想当一名演员。My brother wants to be an actor _.2 Be sure to always stay in touch! 一定要一直保持联系!探究 (1)be sure 意为 “一定要,务必” 。表达“一定要做某事”还可用“be sure从句”和“be sure and动词原形”结构。Be sure to come on time.Be sure you come on time.Be sure and come on time.你一定要准时来。(2)in touch 意为“联

8、系,接触” 。stay/keep in touch (with sb.)意为“(与某人)保持联系” 。拓展 keep in touch with 意为“与保持联系” ,和 stay in touch with 同义,均表示状态。get in touch with 表示动作,意为“与取得联系” 。We have kept in touch with each other for ten years.我们保持联系已有十年了。I got in touch with Lucy last week.上周,我与露西取得了联系。2.(1)Be sure _ before 9:00 am.Acome Bto

9、comeCcoming Dcomes(2)Never forget to _ me after you leave.Astay in touch with Bget into the habit of Ckeep an eye out for Dmake a lot of progress(3)2018恩施改编 Today, WeChat becomes very popular, and quite a lot of 4people like to use it to _ each other.Aget in touch withBcatch up withCkeep up withDcom

10、e up with3 I wish you the best in everything you do.我愿你万事如意。探究 wish 在此译为“祝愿” ,常用结构为wish sb. sth.,表示“祝某人(好运/幸福等)” 。拓展 (1)wish 的其他常见用法:表示“想要” ,常用结构为 wish to do sth.,意为“想要做某事” 。表示“希望” ,常用结构为 wish sb. to do sth.,意为“希望某人做某事” ;“wishthat 从句”意为“但愿;要是就好了” 。此时表示的是某种强烈而又难以实现的愿望,故从句要用虚拟语气。(2)hope 也表示“希望” ,用于表示实

11、现可能性很大的希望,后面可接动词不定式或从句。He hopes to be a doctor. 我希望成为医生。 I hope she will be well again. 我希望她会痊愈。 注意:表达“希望某人做某事” ,英语习惯上不说 hope sb. to do sth.。3(1)我希望他们快点儿来。I wish _ _ _ sooner.(2)2018青岛 Larry hopes _ his English, so he keeps practicing it every day.Ato solve BsolvingCto improve Dimproving5详解详析Lesson

12、57 Best Wishes【课前自主预习】单词闯关1wallet 2.row; rowed3主人 4.级别高的短语互译1in the future 2.stay in touch 3senior high school 4.对有美好的回忆5前进;转变 6.祝好运 7.初中句型在线1when 2.Whatever3stay in touch 4.Though5cant believe 6.How time flies7Im confident 8.wish【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 (1)go for a row (2)in a row2 无论什么;不管什么 no matter what(1)A 句意:人们一般认为孩子想要什么就给什么是不明智的。whatever 意为“无论什么” ;however 意为“然而,无论怎样” ; whenever 意为“无论何时” ;whether 意为“是否” 。故选 A。(2)Whatever; effort句型透视1 在未来,在将来(1)in future(2)in the future2 (1)B (2)A (3)A3 (1)them to come (2)C


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