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1、1Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry李仕才Section A (3a4b).根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Now, the scientists have enough _(力量) to solve the problems we are facing.2In ancient China, the king usually lived in the _ (宫殿)3Its so _ (阴沉的) that it seems that it is going to rain very soon.4Please _(检查)your homework and make sure

2、theres no mistake in it.5Its good for your health to eat some _ (柠檬) every day.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1You must be ill, because your face looks _ (pale)2The clothes in the shop are nice and cheap. I feel like _ (buy) several sweaters for my parents.3A famous _ (bank) in our city will come to give us a speec

3、h tomorrow.4The bad news made the little girl _ (comfort)5What he said made his sister _(cry) sadly.根据汉语意思完成句子1目前,这个孩子的眼睛没什么问题。There is _ _ _ the kids eyes at the moment.2我们学校将在考试前把所有的家长召来开一个重要的会议。Our school will _ _ all the parents to have an important meeting before the examination.3总之,我已经给了他所需要的东

4、西。In a word, I have given him _ _ _4他弟弟不开心的时候既不看电视,也不玩电脑游戏。His brother _ watches TV _ plays computer games when he is upset.5起初,他们根本不知道圣诞老人其实就是他们的爸爸。_ _ _, they didnt know Father Christmas was actually their father.单项填空( )1.The old man has a bad stomach, and he doesnt feel like _ anything these days

5、.2Ato eat BeatingCeaten Dto be eaten( )2.This movie made him very _. And he told all about the movie to his sister _Aexcited; excited Bexcitedly; excitedCexcited; excitedly Dexcitedly; excitedly( )3.2017河南 Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Susan just stands there and watches us _ sure we dont break

6、 anything.Amake BmadeCto make Dmaking( )4._ its raining heavily, _ the villagers are working hard in the fields.ABecause; so BAlthough; but CAlthough; / DBecause; /( )5.2017西宁 My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents?_ my dad _ my mom likes it. They prefer The Reader.ANeither;

7、nor BBoth; andCEither; or DNot only; but also( )6.The young man is afraid that someone will _ one day, so hes hardworking all the time.Atake his position Bget his placesCtake place of him Dget his work( )7.The famous singer is always worried about _ by a reporter.Ainterviewing BinterviewedCinterview

8、 Dbeing interviewed( )8.2017内江 In some African countries, children are made _ heavy work because their parents have died.Adoing BdoneCdo Dto do( )9.2017鄂州 What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?_ is OK, but I prefer coffee _ milk.AEither; to BEither; withCNeither; to DNeither; with( )10.2017重庆

9、A_ will you finish writing the review of the Indian movie Dangal?In two days.AHow far BHow oftenCHow soon DHow long.完形填空One snowy and windy afternoon, Linda, an 11yearold girl, went out to play. Unluckily, she was blown _1_ a snow ditch(沟) by the seashore(海岸). She was frightened and tried her best t

10、o _2_ the ditch. But the ditch was quite _3_ and she was too weak to do so. So Linda _4_ for help at the top of her voice. 3But she could hear nothing _5_ the terrible noise of the wind._6_ came to help her. She tried again and again. Her face was whipped by the _7_ wind, and she was almost frozen.

11、She wanted to give up hope.Just at that moment, Linda saw a black dog _8_ through the heavy snow. It was Villa, her true friend.She was very glad to see the sign of life. And the dog began to work _9_ it got to Linda. It cleaned the snow around Linda _10_ reached out its big strong head to Linda. Li

12、nda closed _11_ her arms round Villas neck. The dog backed away _12_, pulling her out of the ditch little by little. Successfully, Linda got out of the _13_ at last. Then she stood up! With great difficulties, led by her true friend Villa, she was _14_. Villa, the lovely _15_, was offered the medal(

13、奖章) of Brave Dog of America.( )1.A.under Binto Con Donto( )2.A.fall into Bgo across Cget into Dget out of( )3.A.long Bsmall Cdeep Dtall( )4.A.spoke Btalked Csaid Dcried( )5.A.much Bbut Conly Dmore( )6.A.Nobody BAnybody CSomebody DEverybody( )7.A.strong Blight Clittle Dsmall( )8.A.riding Bleaving Cpa

14、ssing Ddriving( )9.A.because Bbefore Cif Das soon as( )10.A.but Bhowever Cand Dso( )11.A.all Bevery Ceither Dboth( )12.A.easily Bslowly Cquickly Dhappily( )13.A.river Bditch Csnow Dsand( )14.A.saved Bkilled Casked Dfound( )15.A.girl Bdog CLinda Dboy.阅读理解An American boy said he didnt want an 11th bir

15、thday party because he had no friends. But now he is getting something excitingto be a professional hockey(曲棍球) player.Colin and his family visited players and coaches of the Kalamazoo Wings at a restaurant this week. Colin said, “I knew we were going to the restaurant, but I was not expecting the r

16、est.”The team provided the boy with a oneday contract(合同). It will allow him to join the Wings for their home(主场) game on Sunday. Colin will get his own jersey(运动衫). He will drop the game puck(冰球) and even sit on the bench with the players.Colin has trouble communicating with other people. This make

17、s it hard for him to make friends with kids of his age. Children and adults with such trouble often have high IQ, but have problems in social situations.They often have trouble understanding jokes.So his mother created a “Happy Birthday Colin” on a Facebook page. It went_viral and drew more than 2 m

18、illion “likes”. Colins mom said the best reward for her efforts was seeing Colin grow. “I have seen him change greatly 4because he knows he has 2.1 million friends. His selfconfidence has grown.”The Kalamazoo Wings Head Coach Nick Bootland said, “There are things that are much bigger than the game.

19、If we can put a smile on a kids face that deals with a lot of trouble, were excited about that chance.”( )1.The Kalamazoo Wings is a _Apopular game Bhockey teamCschools name DFacebook page( )2.Whats TRUE about Colin?AHe has few friends in his real life.BHe is a really professional hockey player.CHe

20、has trouble with his lessons.DHe is good at telling jokes.( )3.The underlined words “went viral” most probably mean “_”Abecame strange to peopleBbecame popular with peopleCwas known by few peopleDwas easy to get( )4.Now Colin _ than before. Ais much strongerBhas a higher IQCis more confidentDis more

21、 interested in Facebook( )5.The reading above may be taken from the _ page of a newspaper.Aschool nor5To start with.1.B 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:这位老人胃不好,这几天不想吃任何东西。feel like doing sth. 意为“想要做某事” ,故选 B。2C 考查形容词与副词。第一句中的 make 译为“使得” ,是使役动词,后面接形容词作宾语补足语,因此用 excited;第二句中的 tell 是行为动词,应用副词 excitedly 修饰,故选 C。53C 考查非谓

22、语动词的用法。由句意可知,Auntie Susan 站在那儿,看着“我们”的目的是确保“我们”不弄坏任何东西。故此处要用动词不定式表示目的。故选 C。4C although/though 与 but 不能同时出现在一个句子中;类似用法的词还有because 与 so。本题中前后两句为转折关系,故选 C。5A 考查连词词义辨析。句意:“我父母对奔跑吧兄弟很着迷,你的父母呢?”“我爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这个节目,他们更喜欢朗读者 。 ”neithernor意为“既不也不” ;bothand意为“两者都” ;eitheror意为“或者或者” ;not onlybut also意为“不但而且” 。根据答语“

23、They prefer The Reader.”可知,他们都不喜欢奔跑吧兄弟 。故选 A。6A 考查短语辨析。句意:这个年轻人害怕有一天某个人会_,所以他一直在努力工作。根据语境和答语可推知,年轻人是害怕某个人有一天会代替他的位置,才一直努力工作。take ones position 意为“取代某人的位置;代替某人” ;take sb.s placetake the place of sb., 意为“代替某人” 。故选 A。7D 8D 考查非谓语动词。make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事” ,变成被动形式是sb. be made to do sth.。故选 D。9B 考查不定代词

24、和介词的用法。句意:“你要喝什么,茶还是咖啡?” “哪个都行,但是我更喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。 ”根据下文“但是我更喜欢加牛奶的咖啡”可知,茶和咖啡二者之中哪个都行,故第一空填 either; coffee with milk 意为“加牛奶的咖啡” 。故选B。10C 考查疑问词组辨析。句意:“还要多久你能完成印度电影摔跤吧!爸爸的影评?” “两天后。 ”由“In two days”可知是在询问将来的时间,应用 how soon 提问, 故选 C。.1.B into 表示方向性,这里指琳达掉进了雪沟里。2D get out of 意为“从 出来” 。句意:她非常害怕,尽自己最大努力要从雪沟里出来。故选

25、 D。3C 由后文“too weak to do so”可知,沟应该是很深,才很难出来。4D 琳达害怕,所以哭喊着寻求帮助。5B but 在此处译为“除了” 。句意:除了可怕的风声,她听不到其他任何声音。6A 由后文“tried again and again”可知,没人来帮助她。7A 由上文“whipped”一词可知风很大。8C pass through 为固定短语,意为“经过,路过” 。9D 句意:一到琳达身边,它就开始帮忙。as soon as 意为“一就” 。10C11D 这里指琳达“双手环绕住它的脖子” 。both 表示“两者都” 。12B 由后文“pulling her out of the ditch little by little”可知,救女孩很艰难,所以用 slowly。13B14A be saved 意为“获救” 。15B 由短文内容可知,Villa 是一条可爱的狗。.15 BABCA


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