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1、1自我复习与检测(十二)Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1Qinghai lies in the _(西部) of China. 2The fish we caught last week is still _(活着的)3They took a taxi to the _ (机场) yesterday.4There are many people in the _ (市场) at the weekend.5The show was _ (取消) because of the terrible weather.6He

2、joined the army nine years ago. And now he is an _ (军官).用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1My mother has already finished _ (make) the apple pie.2They have been _ (marry) for ten years.3_ (luck), I passed the English test last week.4I am about _ (visit) my grandparents.5Have you decided whether _ (play) basketball or

3、not this afternoon?6The meeting _ (begin) by the time I got there. .根据汉语意思完成句子1聚会开始的时候,他还没有露面。When the party began, he didnt _ _2所有的票都已经被卖完了。All the tickets have _ _ _3今天早上,布朗先生遇到了我,捎了我一程。This morning, Mr. Brown met me and _ _ _ _4你怎么这么快就变成了一个不同的人?How could you _ _ a different person so quickly?5到我起

4、床的时候,我爸爸已经进浴室了。_ _ _ I got up, my father _ _ into the 2bathroom.6当我到家的时候,我妈妈正在打扫房间。When I arrived home, my mother _ _ _ _.2017绵阳完形填空My greatgrand mother, Winifred Hastings, got rich in a mining(采矿) town out West. But her _1_didnt come from gold or silver, but from soup, steak, apple pie, and good co

5、ffee.In the early 1900s, Winifred arrived in Silver City with her husband. But he caught a fever and died suddenly. With the little money she had, Winifred decided to open a practical restaurant to_2_ all the hungry miners in town.The restaurant only had wooden boxes for tables, but business was ver

6、y good_3_. The miners _4_ that Winifred was a great cook, _5_ they ate in her restaurant every day. One time, Winifred had a small accident in the restaurant. A fire started in the kitchen and her customers had to put it out. “The town mayor walked in _6_ there was still a lot of smoke in the room.

7、“Winifred, ” he said, “what are you cooking back there?” Everybody_7_In 1905, Winifred got married again and moved out of town. On her _8_day in Silver City, a photographer took her picture. The picture is over my desk at home. It shows Winifred with about fifty miners standing in front of the resta

8、urant. At the top of the photo _9_ says: TO WINIFRED, THE BEST COOK IN THE WEST. _10_ YOUR BOYS.( )1.A. wealth Bskill Cfamily Dhealth ( )2.A. cost Bentertain Cwarm Dfeed ( )3.A. sometimes Banyway Csomewhere Danywhere ( )4.A. found out Blooked through Ccame across Dthought up ( )5.A. but Band Csince

9、Dalthough ( )6.A. if Bafter Cwhile Dbefore ( )7.A. cried Blaughed Creplied Dfollowed ( )8.A. best Bworst Cfirst Dlast( )9.A. he Bshe Cit Done( )10.A. WITH BFOR CBY DFROM.阅读理解3Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and their children Larry and George went to Big Mountains by car for Thanksgiving. Soon Father stopped t

10、he car. “Here we are!” he said.There was a large house in front of them with a big chimney(烟囱) at the back wall. Behind the house on the left, there was a small apple garden and on the right there were big trees.When Father gave the children the keys, they jumped out of the car, ran to the house to

11、open the door and went in. There was a large sitting room and a kitchen downstairs. There was a big fireplace in the corner of the room. The kitchen was small but nice with a fridge at the left wall. They began to clean the house and then put the food in the fridge. Then they went for a long walk in

12、to the forest.The family came back much later and Larry shouted, “Our front door is open!” They came in and went into the kitchen. “The fridge is open!” shouted George. “And there is no fish or fruit in the fridge, ” Mother said.“I know what happened. While we were out we had our food stolen, ” said

13、 Mr. Jackson. “Im going to call the police.”Soon the police officer came. He looked everywhere in the house and in the garden. Then he looked up at the chimney.“Start a fire in the fireplace, ” said the policeman. “Then come out to watch your chimney.”Mr. Jackson started a fire in the fireplace. Sud

14、denly out jumped a little raccoon(浣熊) from the chimney to a tree and was gone. “I cant believe my eyes. How cute it is!” said Mr. Jackson.“Now you know who stole your food, ” said the policeman.( )1.Why did the Jackson family go to Big Mountains?ATo take apples home.BTo see animals.CTo spend their h

15、oliday.DTo visit their friends.( )2.What did the Jackson family do after they put the food in the fridge?AThey took a walk.BThey cleaned the house.CThey had a meal.DThey watered apple trees.( )3.The policeman asked Mr. Jackson to start a fire to _Acook some foodBkeep them warmCwarn the animal to run

16、 awayDdrive the raccoon out( )4.How did Mr. Jackson feel when he saw the raccoon?AAngry. BSurprised.CNervous. DScared.4.书面表达假如你是李梅。你的美国笔友 Tom在昨天的 email 中告诉你,最近他对中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望你能给他介绍一些经典故事。请你根据下面所给图画,给 Tom回复一封 email,向他讲述这一经典故事,并希望知道他对该故事及主人公的看法。80 词左右。Sima Guang hit the tank(缸)_详解详析课内基础盘点.1.west 2.a

17、live 3.airport 4.market5canceled 6.officer.1.making 2.married 3.Luckily4to visit 5.to play 6.had begun.1.show up 2been sold out3gave me a lift 4turn into5By the time; had gotten6was cleaning the room课后能力提升.1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C7B 根据上文镇长问的一句话“你正在后面做什么菜”可推知,镇长的话让矿工都笑了。故选 B。8D 根据上文“moved out of town”

18、可知,Winifred 从这个镇上搬走,说明是“最后一天” 。故选 D。9C 10.D.1.C 2.A 3.D54B 由倒数第二段中的“I cant believe my eyes.”可推断,Mr. Jackson看到小浣熊的时候,觉得很惊讶,故答案为 B。. One possible version:Dear Tom, Im very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese stories. Well, let me tell you a famous one with the name “Sima Guang hit the

19、 tank”Once Sima Guang was playing hide and seek with several children in the backyard. There was a large water tank in the yard. It was full of water. When the kids were playing, one child accidentally fell into the tank. Other children were so frightened that they started to run, crying for help. H

20、owever, Sima Guang was different. He thought it over and then had an idea. He picked up a big stone and threw it at the tank. “Bang!” The tank broke and the water ran out. The kid was saved.Do you like the story? What do you think of Sima Guang?I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Li Mei


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