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1、1Module 5 Cartoons词汇精讲1. fight(1)fight(against /with sb. /sth.)意为“与搏斗,打架,作战” ,过去式和过去分词为 fought。例如:In World War Two, Britain fought against Germany with France.在二战中,英国与法国联合抗击德国。Have you fought with your brother again? 你又和弟弟打架了吗?(2)fight(about /over sth.)意为“为某事而争论,争夺” 。例如:Dont fight about small things

2、. 不要为琐事争吵。The two dogs were fighting over a bone. 两只狗为一块骨头厮咬。(3)fight for sth. 意为“争取获得或完成某事” 。例如:fight for freedom, independence, human rights.争取获得自由,独立,人权等2. lead(1)lead 作动词,意为“引导,带领” 。例如:She leads me in / out. 她带我进来/出去。The road leads you to the station. 这条路引导你到车站。(2)lead to 后接名词或动词-ing 形式,表示“导致,通向

3、” 。例如:The heavy rain led to a flood. 大雨导致了洪水。All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。(3)lead sb. to do sth. 表示“致使/诱惑某人做某事” 。例如:What led you to think so? 什么使你这么想呢?Salesmen try to lead people to buy things they do not need.生意人尽力怂恿人们买他们并不需要的东西。3. mess(1)mess 作名词,意为“混乱, 脏乱” 。例如:He left a mess in the yard. 他把庭院搞

4、得一团糟The kitchen was in a mess.厨房又脏又乱(2)mess 作动词,意味“使弄糟,使紊乱” 。例如:Who messed up my papers?谁把我的文件搞得乱七八糟?You mess up my life. 你把我的生活弄乱了。I messed all things up. 所有事都被我弄糟了(3)mess about 意为“无目的的瞎忙活” 。例如:He always messes about the others stuff.他总是瞎掺和别人的事情。4. expect(1)expect 表示“期待,期望” ,通常为及物动词,直接跟宾语,还可接不定式的复合

5、结构。例如:We should not expect success overnight. 2我们不能期望一夜之间就取得成功。Thats just what we expected. 那正是我们所期望的。He expected her to go with him. 他期望她同他一起去。(2)expect 还可表示“预计,预料”等,后接动词时要用不定式,不用动名词。例如:I expect a storm. 我预计会有场暴风雨来。I expect that I will be back on Sunday. 我预计星期日回来。I didnt expect to find you here. 我没

6、料到在这里碰到你。(3)expect 后可接 that 从句,若从句谓语为否定,注意否定的前移。例如:I dont expect that he has done such a thing. 我预料他不会干出这种事来。 5. invent(1)invent 作动词,意为“发明,创造” 。例如:China invented a space rocket 中国发明了宇宙火箭。(2)invent 作动词,还意为“虚构,创作” 。 例如:Hes a real person, not invented in a dream.确有其人,他不是梦中虚构的。【拓展】(1) discover 意为“发现” ,指

7、有意或无意地发现已经存在尚不为人知的事物。例如:China has discovered oil under the South China Sea. 中国在南海发现了石油。(2) find 意为“找到、发现” ,指偶然发现或经过一番寻找,找到值得或所需的东西,强调找的结果。例如:I found the book I was looking for. 我找到了一直在找的书。(3) find out 意为“查明白、弄清楚” ,多用于经过调查、分析、研究等手段查出的情况,查出的东西往往是抽象的,如时间、事实、真相等。例如:Please find out when the meeting start

8、s. 请查一下会议什么时候开始。(4) invent 意为“发明” ,指经过研究、设计而创造出原本未有的东西。例如:Cai Lun invented the paper. 蔡伦发明了纸。6. createcreate 作动词,意为“创造,创作,创建” 。例如:God creates human beings. 上帝创造了人类。An artist should create beautiful things. 一个艺术家应该创造美丽的东西。It is people who create history. 是人民创造了历史。【拓展】creative 作形容词,意为“有创造性的,有创意的” 。例如:

9、Yoga releases the creative potential in life. 瑜伽释放出生命中创造的潜力。Pay close attention to your own creative ideas. 时刻关注自己创造性的想法。7. satisfy(1)satisfy 作动词,意为“使满意” ,过去分词 satisfied 可用作表语、定语等。例如:That answer wont satisfy her那个答案不会使她满意。He was satisfied to know that他为知道那件事而感到满意。She came in with a satisfied smile.

10、她进来时,带着满意的微笑。Like so many creative people,he was never satisfied.像许多富于创造力的人一样,他从不满足。(2)be satisfied with. 意为“对感到满意” 。例如:3I am satisfied with your explanation我对你的解释感到满意。8. experience(1)experience 用作及物动词,表示“体验,经历”等。例如:The child had never experienced kindness. 这孩子从未受过善待。Have you ever experienced any ju

11、ngle life?你曾经体验过丛林生活吗?(2)有时 experience 的过去分词 experienced 也用作形容词。例如:Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使有经验的教师也可能犯错误。(3)experience 用作不可数名词,表示“经验” ;而表示“经历,感受”时,通常是可数名词。例如:Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师。He has had much experience in this kind of work. 他有丰富的经验做这项工作。Experiences have

12、taught us that chances may be more important than skills.经历告诉我们机遇可能比技能更重要。9. appear(1)appear 表示“出现,露面;到达”时,是不及物动词,因此既不能后接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。例如:A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. 雨后天空出现彩虹。(2)表示“似乎,好像” ,是连系动词,其后可接形容词、名词、不定式等作表语。例如:He appears (to be) quite rich 他似乎相当富有。He appears to be living in t

13、he area. 他似乎就住在这一带。It appears a true story. 它似乎是一个真实的故事。(3)在 it appears 后可接 that 从句或 as if 从句。例如:It appears that he forgot to sign the letter. 他似乎忘记在信上署名了。It appears that he has been waiting a long time. = He appears to have been waiting a long time.看来他已经等了很久了It appears as if shes lost interest in h

14、er job.看来她对自己的工作已失去兴趣。词汇精练I. 英汉词组互译。1.忍不住做某事 _ 2. win the heart of sb._3.climb up _ 4. 受欢迎 _5.think about _ 6. 制造可怕的混乱_7. 擅长做_ 8.的数量 _9.ever since _ 10. 向学习 _II. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全句子。41His joke keeps me l_ so long2The movie _ (结束) in a happy way3Superman is my favorite cartoon h_4I have my own _ (私人的)comp

15、uterDo you have one?5Little Tom made a m_ in the roomThere were things everywhere6Betty l_ the blind man across the road on her way home every day7Our math teacher is very _(幽默) 8He has his _(自己的)room9Edison i_ many useful things10The boy is so c_ that he answers the question in no timeIII.从括号中所给单词的

16、适当形式填空。1The teacher often tells jokes to make his students _(laugh)2Sit down and tell me all your _(new)3Which men are the national _(hero)in Chinese history? 4People were _(deep)moved by her action5. Its time _ (go) to bed.6. I expect _(have) a good time in the zoo.7. Both of them _(buy) presents j

17、ust now.8. I dont want you _(work) too hard.【参考答案】I. 英汉词组互译。1. cant help doing sth. 2. 赢得某人的心 3. 爬上 4. be popular with5. 考虑 6. make a terrible mess 7. be good at 8. the number of 9.自从 10. learn fromII. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全句子。1. laughing 2.ends 3.hero 4. private 5.mess 6. leads 7. humorous 8. own 9.invented

18、10. cleverIII. 从括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. laugh 2.news 3.heroes 4. deeply 5. to go 6. to have 7. bought 8. to work句式精讲1. Its time to watch a cartoon.(1)Its time to+动词原形,意为“该到做某事的时间了” ;Its time for 后接名词或动词-ing 形式,也表示“该到做某事的时间了” 。 例如:It is time to leave. = It is time for leaving. 该是离开的时候了。Its time for school.

19、 该上学了。(2)Its time to中间也可以加上 for sb., 表示“该到某人该做某事的时间了” 。例如:It is time for us to go to bed. 该是我们睡觉的时候了。Its time for you to eat lunch. 你该吃午饭了。2. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people.through 作介词,意为“通过,穿过” ,多指从物体的中间穿过。例如:5The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流经伦敦。【拓展】辨析:through, across 与

20、 crossthrough 介词,指从物体的内部穿过。across 介词,指从物体表面的一边到另一边。cross 动词,指从物体表面的一边到另一边。He went through the forest the next day. 次日他穿过了森林。We walked across the road. 我们穿过马路。We found it impossible to cross the road. 我们发现过马路是不可能的。3. He keeps fighting bad people.(1)keep 作动词,意思是“保持” ,常见的结构为 keep doing sth. 或 keep sb.

21、doing sth.形式,意为“一直做某事或让某人一直做某事” 。例如: The cat keeps running after the rat, trying to catch it. 那只猫一直在追赶老鼠,想要抓住它。You keep me waiting for half an hour.你让我等了半个小时。(2)keep 的后面还可以接形容词,表示“使某物保持某种状态” 。例如: Exercise makes me keep healthy. 运动使我保持健康。Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。4. I dont think we agree.(1)think 后所加的

22、从句是宾语从句,意为“认为” 。例如:I think he is a good boy. 我认为他是一个好孩子。(2) 当 think 后接的宾语从句为含有 not 的否定句时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。例如:I dont think it will rain tomorrow. 我认为明天不会下雨。I dont think you are right. 我认为你不对。(3) think 后经常用 it 作形式宾语,即“ think it(形式宾语) + 形容词+ for sb. + 动词不定式”意为“某人认为如何” 。例如:Do you think it useful for

23、us to read more books? 你认为我们多读书有用吗?5. I cant help laughing when I watch them.cant help doing sth. 意为“禁不住做某事” 。例如:She couldnt help crying when she heard the bad news.当她听到那个坏消息时,禁不住哭了。【拓展】help 的常见用法:(1)help sb. with sth.或 help sb. (to) do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事” 。例如:I have to help my parents with the housewor

24、k. 我得帮助我的父母做家务。Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking. 有时候我帮我母亲做饭。(2)help oneself to. 意为“随便用” 。例如:Help yourself to some fish. 随便吃点鱼吧。(3)with the help of 意为“在的帮助下” 。例如:I work out the problem with the help of the computer.借助电脑,我解决了这个问题。6句式精练I. 按括号中的要求改写句子。1Tintin has been popular for 80 years(就划线部分

25、提问)_ _ _ Tintin been popular? 2I think the ending is happy(改为否定旬)I _ _ the ending _ happy 3Why not have a rest? (改为同义句)_ _ you have a rest? 4Now he has got over 60 story books(改为同义句)Now he has got _ _ 60 story books5Its time for games(改为同义句)Its time _ _ games 6. Lets watch Tom and Jerry. (改为反意疑问句)Le

26、ts watch Tom and Jerry,_ _? 7. We watched Superman yesterday. ( 改为一般疑问句)_ you _ Superman yesterday? 8. He climbs up buildings with his hands and feet. (就划线部分提问)_ _ he _ up building? II.根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1他们赢得了全世界年轻人的心。They have _ _ _ _ young people all over the world 2他们在吉姆家聚会时,把房间搞得乱七八糟。They _ _ _ _when

27、 they had a party in Jims home 3一群学生正在唱歌。_ _ _pupils are singing4在中国的传说故事中,天庭里住着很多神仙。There are many gods living _ _in the legend stories of China5自从学期开始我们已经学了 1000 个单词了。We have learnt 1,000 words _ _last term6. 不论你选择哪一个,你都会满意的。No matter which you choose, you _ _ _.7. 当听到那个有趣的故事时,我们仍不住大笑。We _ _ _when

28、 we heard the funny story.8. 运动使我保持健康。Exercise makes me _ _. 9.史努比生活在自己的世界里。Snoopy _ in his _ _ world. 10. 卡通片仍然受到孩子和老人们的欢迎。Cartoons are still _ _ children and people. III. 补全对话。 根据所给汉语提示完成对话。A: Bill, 1 .(这些天我们太累了 。 ) Lets go somewhere to relax this evening.B: OK. 2 ? (你想去哪里? )7A: Some new films are

29、 on this week. Shall we go to the cinema?B: 3 .(听起来不错。 ) Which film would you like to see?A: Let me look through the poster in the newspaper. ErHow about Coming Home?B: Yeah, Ive heard of it. 4 .(它很感人。 ) Lets go.A: But look at the sky, its going to rain soon.B: Well, its better to take umbrellas wit

30、h us.A: 5 .(电影将在两小时后开始。 ) We can go after supper.B:All right.【参考答案】I. 按括号中的要求改写句子。1. How long has 2.dont think, is 3. Why dont 4. more than 5.to play 6. shall we 7. Did, watch 8. How does, climbII.根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. won the hearts of 2. made a terrible mess 3. A group of 4. in heaven 5. ever since 6.will be satisfied 7. couldnt help laughing 8. keep healthy 9. lives, own private, 10.popular withIII. 补全对话。1. we are too tired these days.2. Where would you like to go? / Where do you want to go?3. That sounds good/great.4. Its so/very moving.5. The film will start / begin in two hours.


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