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1、1话题 12 饮食 (Food and drink).话题相关词汇1均衡食品 balanced food2绿色食品 green food3健康食品 healthy food4安全食品 safe food5新鲜食品 fresh food6有毒食品 poisonous food7有机食品 organic food8能量食品 energy food/energygiving food9保健食品 healthcare food/protective food10塑型食品 bodybuilding food11垃圾食品 junk food12转基因食品 (GMF)Genetically Modified

2、 Food13点菜 take ones order/have a menu14节食 be on diet15肉类(猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅肉)meats (pork, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, goose)16主食 (大米、面条、面包)main food/staple food (rice, noodles, bread)17蔬菜(大白菜、胡萝卜、黄瓜、番茄、茄子、马铃薯)vegetables (cabbage, carrot, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, potato)18水果(西瓜、菠萝、椰子、梨、李子、樱桃、橄榄、葡萄)fruit

3、s ( watermelon, pineapple, coconut, pear, plum, cherry, olive, grape)19饮料(矿泉水、可乐、果汁、啤酒)drinks ( mineral water, Coke, juice, beer)20快餐(汉堡、三明治、土司、巧克力、薯条)snacks (hamburger, sandwich, toast, chocolate, chips)21餐具(刀叉、筷子、盘子、碟子、牙签/碗/杯)tools ( fork and knife, chopsticks, plate, dish, toothpick/bowl/cup)22味道

4、(美味的、酸甜苦辣、咸的、有臭味的)tastes ( delicious/tasty/yummy, sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty, 2smelly/tasty/yummy)23烹调方式 (煎、煮、蒸、烤)ways of cooking (fry, boil, steam, bake)24成分 (营养、脂肪、维生素、纤维)ingredients (nutrition, fat, vitamin, fiber).实用句型1医生建议人们每天多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果。Doctors suggest people should eat more fresh fruit an

5、d vegetables every day.2过多摄入高脂肪、高糖分、高盐分的食物会增加患心脏病、癌症、高血压、糖尿病及其他疾病的风险。 Taking too much food which is rich in high fat, sugar and salt will increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases.3选择食物时,营养师推荐全麦类、新鲜水果和蔬菜、鱼肉以及瘦肉。When choosing foods, nutritionists adv

6、ise/recommend people to choose whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and lean meat.4让我们为友谊/健康/学习进步干杯!Lets drink to our friendship/health/the progress of all of us.5我今晚 7点要订 6个人的靠窗的座位。Id like to make a reservation for 6 by the window at 7 tonight.佳作背诵假如你是刘洋,你的美国笔友 Anna要随父母一起来中国生活,Anna 想了解一下中

7、国的餐桌礼仪;请你根据以下要点给她发一封邮件。内容包括:1记得准时到达;带份礼物。2吃饭时,长者先开始吃饭;不应该把筷子插在饭中。3就餐后,与主人喝茶,聊一会,但不要待太久。注意:词数 80个左右;开头、结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Anna,I am glad that you and your family will come and live in China._3_I hope you have a good trip.Yours,Liu Yang参考范文Dear_Anna,I_am_glad_that_you_and_your_family_will_come_and_liv

8、e_in_China.Here are some important things you need to know when you are invited to have dinner in a Chinese friends home.First, remember to arrive on time and bring a small gift such as fruit or biscuits. Then, at the table, its polite to let the elder person start eating first.In particular, if you

9、 are eating with a pair of chopsticks, you had better not stick your chopsticks into your rice because its rude in China.After dinner, the host usually offers tea to you. This is the perfect time for you to chat with the host. However,you shouldnt stay for too long.I_hope_you_have_a_good_trip.Yours,Liu_Yang


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