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1、1话题 14 天气(Weather).话题相关词汇1天气 weather2气候 climate3气温 temperature4大气 atmosphere5季节 season6春 spring 7夏 summer 8秋 autumn/fall 9冬 winter 10霜 frost 11冰雹 hail/ice12雪 snow 13雷 thunder 14风 wind 15雾 fog /mist16云 cloud 17雨 rain 18闪电 lightning 19飓风 hurricane 20旋风 cyclone 21台风 typhoon22龙卷风 tornado 23微风 breeze24冰冻

2、 freeze25洪水 flood 26地震 earthquake 27干旱 drought28警报 alarm29雪球 snowball 30雪人 snowman231雨伞 umbrella 32湿气;湿度 humidity33现象 phenomenon34数据 data35环境 environment36污染 pollution37雷电交加 thunder and lightning38温室效应 greenhouse effect39全球变暖 global warming40炎热的 hot41温和的 mild42变化的 changeable43堆雪人 make a snowman44打雪仗

3、 play with snow45温室气体 greenhouse gases46天气预报 weather report/forecast47遭受自然灾害 suffer from natural disaster48晴朗的 sunny/fine49多云的 cloudy50多风的 windy 51多雨的 rainy52多雾的 foggy 53干(燥)的 dry 54湿的 wet55暖的 warm56潮湿的 humid57冻结的;极冷的 freezing 58有点儿 kind of.佳作背诵假设你是 Tom,你在外地旅游。请你给朋友(Jane)寄一张明信片。内容包括:1介绍你所在地点、天气状况和人们

4、的衣着;2你和同伴的旅游活动及感受。注意:词数 80 个左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。写作提示:文章的主体时态是一般现在时,写活动用现在进行时。3Dear Jane,_Yours,Tom参考范文Dear_Jane,Hows it going?At the moment Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Shanghai.The weather is great here. Its sunny and kind of hot in the early July. People are wearing Tshirts and shorts

5、 most of the days.During the trip my aunt takes me to many interesting places every day. Now we are shopping in Yu Garden. There are many shops around here. Look! Some people are taking photos and others are looking at the beautiful things in the shops.I really feel happy to see so many different things in Shanghai.Its an interesting trip.Yours,Tom


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