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1、1话题 20 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology).话题相关词汇1空间站 space station2失重 zero gravity3软着陆 soft landing4人造卫星 manmade/artifical satellite5气象卫星 meteorological satellite6太阳能电池 solar cell7计算机(网络)的 cyber8网络 cyberspace9网络文化;电脑化文明 cyberculture10网络漫游 net surf11使网络化,使联网 cyberize12搜索引擎 search engine

2、13数据检索 retrieval14点击 pointandclick15登录,上线 log on/log in16. 注销,下线 log off/log out17聊天室 chatroom18基础设施 infrastructure19下载 download20邮件列表 mailing list21电子信箱地址 email address22跟帖 followup message23网站 website24无绳电话 cordless phone25网络 network 26网络礼仪 netiquette27(尤指网络中)对(某人)非礼,非礼函件 flame 28常见问题 FAQ(frequent

3、ly asked questions)29访问路径 access path 30计算机用户 computer user231电话会议 conference call 32电视会议 video conference33电信会议 teleconference 34用户名 user name/alias35网友 Internet buddy 36键友 key pal37笔友 pen pal38网民 cybercitizen; Webster online; netizen39网迷 webaholic 40网盲 internot41沉迷于网络的人 microserf 42计算机迷 computerph

4、ile43计算机盗版 computer piracy44高新技术产业和现代奥运 Hightech andModern Olympics45随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development of economy46人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长the remarkable improvement/steady growth of peoples living standard47先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology48面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5、49科技 science and technology50重大发明 great invention51起飞 take off52搭航班 take the flight53在线 on line54主页 front page/homepage55装备 be equipped with56装备 furnish57电器设备 electric equipment/appliance58数据库 database59密码 password60代码 code61安全码 security code.佳作背诵3古往今来有很多伟大的发明。请你写一篇题为“The Best Invention of All Time”

6、,内容包括:1这个发明是什么;2你为什么觉得这个发明是最好的,至少阐述三个理由。注意:词数 80个左右;开头已经给出,不计入总词数。写作提示:文章的体裁是说明文,主体时态是一般现在时,可多用被动语态。The Best Invention of All TimeThere are thousands of inventions in the world._参考范文The Best Invention of All TimeThere_are_thousands_of_inventions_in_the_world. However, I think the best invention of a

7、ll time is the Internet.Because I find the Internet is very good for shopping.And I use it more and more for buying many kinds of things such as books,CDs, clothes, shoes and so on if necessary.I can also use the Internet for collecting useful and valuable information that I need when I make a project.When free,I can discuss with my classmates,keep in touch with friends and relatives by using Internet at any time.After all its faster and cheaper than using the telephone.


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