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1、1Unit 2 How often do you exerciseSection B (2a-4)知能演练提升.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.He still went on working,a it was very late. 2.We all know that “Old habits d hard.” 3.Can you tell me the r of the football match?I didnt watch it. 4.Something is wrong with my teeth.I have to see the d . 5.Mid-Autumn Day is a

2、day for family people to get t . 6.Jane often writes articles for a monthly m . .单项选择1.Can you tell the answers the questions? A.to B.forC.of D.on2. it is raining hard, the workers are still working. A.Although;but B.Although;/C./;although D.But;/3. of the students in my class girls. A.Two fifth;is

3、B.Two fifth;are2C.Two fifths;are D.Fifths two;are4.Its kind you help me with my English. A.of;to B.for;toC.of;for D.to;to5.I like many subjects, maths and history. A.as B.such asC.because of D.of course.完成句子1.你知道如何上网吗?Do you know how to ? 2.但是我们认为放松的最好的方法是通过锻炼。But we think the best way to relax is .

4、 3.百分之三十的学生一周玩一次电脑游戏。Thirty of the students once a week. 4.你应该放松身心。You should relax . 5.我弟弟一点也不喜欢垃圾食品。My brother junk food . .阅读理解Exercising is becoming popular these days.Many of us exercise to be in good health.Doctors say most of the health problems come from these bad habitseating too much,drink

5、ing too much and not taking exercise.Doctors tell us,“Eat and drink less,and exercise more.”3Exercising is good because it is healthy for the mind and the body.Exercise such as playing basketball is fun,and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.Exercising is good for h

6、ealth in other ways,too.Many people say exercising helps them feel better.“Exercising is my doctor,” says a man.Exercising can also help people relax,so today men and women of all ages enjoy exercising.1.Many people enjoy exercising because they want to . A.eat much B.keep healthyC.run fast D.drink

7、less2.Doctors tell us not to . A.exercise often B.drink too muchC.take exerciseD.eat less3.Exercising cant help us . A.relax B.feel betterC.stay with family often D.get fat4.If you exercise often,you may . A.see the doctor less B.become popularC.have more health problems D.have few friends.书面表达根据下列班

8、级活动调查表,用英语写一篇文章。4Class 12,Grade 8:Activity Survey Activities Every Day Twice a WeekFour Timesa Weekwatch TV 60% 20% 20%play sports 10% 20% 70%do homework 100%(All students=100% Most students=51%-99%Some students=1%-50%)答案:.1.although 2.die 3.result 4.dentist5.together 6.magazine.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B.

9、1.go online 2.through exercise 3.percent;play computer games 4.the mind and the body 5.doesnt like;at all.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A. Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 12,Grade 8.Most students watch TV every day.Some students watch TV twice a week.Some students watch TV four times a week.Some students play sports every day.Some students play sports twice a week.Most students play sports four times a week.All the students do their homework every day.5


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