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1、1Lesson 5 May I Have a Book?.根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.可以;可能_ 2.原谅_ 3.借_ 4.二_ 5.三_ 6.商店_ 7.后来;以后_句型1.打扰一下,我可以借一本书吗?_ _. May I _ a book?2.给你。_ you _3.不客气!_ _!4.没关系。Thats _5.再见。See you _.单项选择( )1.Jenny _ my friend.I am _ friend.Aare; her Bis; herCam; her Dare; his( )2.May I borrow your crayons?_. Here you are.

2、ANo BSureCGood DNot at all( )3._. May I have a book, Jenny?ASorry BExcuse meCHello DHi( )4.Thank you very much._ANo. BYes.COK! DYoure welcome!( )5.I can get some pencils_ you.A. in B. onC. with D. for( )6. We can _ sports on the playground.A. to play B. playingC. plays D. play 2( )7.I am sorry._AOK!

3、 BIts OK.CThats OK. DThats right.( )8.I dont have _ pens.Asome BanyCa Dan( )9.You can borrow a pen _ your classmate.A. to BinCfrom Don( )10.I have no colour pencils now. I can _ some from my classmates.Awrite BneedCborrow Dshow.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文I am Alice. Now I am 1.i_ the classroom. I need some

4、 2._(crayon). But I 3._(not have) any crayons. I can 4._(borrow) some from my classmates or 5.b_ some at the store.根据汉语意思完成句子1我可以借两支铅笔吗?May I_ two_, please?2这是李明。他是一个男孩。_ _ Li Ming._ is a boy.3我没有钢笔。I_ _ any pens.4我可以去商店买一些蜡笔。I can_ and _ some _ at the _.5向我们出示五。_ us _.连词成句1a, may, pen, have, I_?2do

5、nt, any, I, erasers, have_.3have, three, I, pencils_.4some, buy, crayons, can, he_.5get, I, can, him, some, for_.34教师详解详析.单词: 1.may 2.excuse 3.borrow4two 5.three 6.store 7later 句型: 1.Excuse me; have/borrow2Here; are 3.Youre welcome4OK 5.later .1.B 主语是第三人称单数,be 动词用 is; Jenny 是女孩,用形容词性物主代词 her代替“詹妮的”

6、。2B sure 意为“当然” ,表示同意。3B 在英语中,当打扰别人时应说“Excuse me.” 。4D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B9C borrow sth. from sb.意为“向某人借某物” 。10C.1.in 2.crayons 3.dont have4borrow 5.buy.1.borrow/have; pencils 2.This is; He3dont have 4.go; buy; crayons; store5Show; five.1.May I have a pen2I dont have any erasers3I have three pencils4He can buy some crayons5I can get some for him


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