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1、1School and Friends单元语法聚焦一 be 动词(am, is, are)的用法1Hello, I m Li Ming!你好,我叫李明!2She s in Class Five.她在五班。3They are very nice.他们都非常友好。4 Is it a ruler?No, it isnt.“它是一把尺子吗?”“不,不是。 ”5What s that?那是什么?通过观察这些教材中的句子,我们可以看到这三个词:am, is 和 are。am, is 和 are是 be 动词的三种形式,意为“是” 。本单元我们重点学习 be 动词的用法。2形式 适用的人称 缩写am I I

2、mhe hesshe shesisit itsthis/that/his namethats/his names(this is 不能缩写)be 动词are you/we/they youre/were/theyre通过表格可以看出:be 动词的形式随主语的变化而变化,具体如下:1主语是第一人称单数 I(我)时,be 动词用 am, I am 可缩写为 Im。例如:I am/Im a girl. 我是一个女孩。2主语是第三人称单数、可数名词单数或不可数名词时,be 动词用 is。he is, she is, it is 和 that is 可分别缩写为 hes, shes, its 和 tha

3、ts,this is 不可以缩写。例如:He is/Hes my teacher. 他是我的老师。Her name is/Her names Jenny. 她的名字是詹妮。注意:(1)be 动词还可与其他词缩写,例如:what is whats, there istheres等。be 动词也可与 not 缩写,例如:is notisnt, are notarent。 但 am 与 not 不能缩写。(2)句中有 be 动词时,变否定句时,在 be 动词后加 not;变一般疑问句时,把 be 动词提到主语之前。例如:I am not in Class One. 我不在一班。Is this you

4、r book? 这是你的书吗?3主语是 you(we, they, she and I, these 等)或可数名词复数(seven coats, many pencils 等)时,be 动词用 are。例如:They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友。记忆口诀3我(I)是 am, 你(you)是 are, is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数 is, 复数 are,不要混淆要牢记。.用 be 动词的适当形式填空1What _ your name?2I _ fine, thanks.3Wang Fang and I _ in the library.4How _ yo

5、ur mother?5Danny and I _ in the library.6This _ my picture.7Their rulers _ white.8The pen _ Li Pings.9_ you a teacher?No, I _ a student.10I _ a boy. Yiyi _ a girl.单项填空( )1.You _ fine, and I _fine, too.Ais; are Bare; amCare; is Dam; is( )2.This _ my good friend. She _ a student.Aare; is Bis; isCam; i

6、s Dis; am4( )3.How _ her friends?Aare BamCis Dbe( )4._ Lily and Lucy twins?Yes.AAm BIsCAre DBe( )5.Are they your classmates?No, _Athis isnt BIm notCthey arent Dthey are( )6.“I” _ a letter(字母) in English.Ais Bam Care Dbe( )7.Are you Wang Hong?_. Im Jenny.ANo, Im not BNo, I amCI am Wang HongDYes, Im(

7、)8.Miss Gao _ our teacher. She _ tall.Aare; are Bare; isCis; is Dis; are( )9.They _ new students. We_ not new.Aare; are Bare; amCare; is Dam; is( )10.Here _ my list.5Abe BisCam Dare.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1I am from China.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ China?2She is my homeroom teacher.(改为否定句)_ _ _ my homeroom teacher.3This

8、 is a red pen.(改为复数句)_ _ _ _4They are my good friends.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ good friends?5Those are our desks.(改为否定句)_ _ _ our desks.话题归纳1.Greetings and Saying Goodbye(问候与告别)(1)问候。英语中,问候有多种表达方法:How do you do?(初次见面常用语。答语:How do you do?)How are you?(比较熟悉的人之间的常用语。答语:Fine, thank you.)Hello!(口语。答语:Hello!)Hi!(口语

9、。答语:Hi!)Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.(早、中、晚问候语。答语:Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.)(2)告别。英语中,告别也有多种表达方法:Goodbye!(答语:Goodbye/Byebye/Bye!)See you tomorrow!(答语:See you tomorrow!)6See you later!(答语:See you later!)2Introductions(介绍)(1)英语中,向他人介绍某人时,常用“This is”这一句型。例如:Mum,this is my friend.妈妈,

10、 这是我的朋友。(2)已被介绍认识的双方常用“Nice to meet you.”(见到你很高兴。)来相互表示友好,可以用“How do you do?”(你好)来互相问候。3Giving thanks(表达感谢)英语中,表达感谢常用 Thanks./Thank you(very much)答语有多种。例如:Youre welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right./My pleasure./Not at all./Its nothing./No problem.7详解详析【实战演练】.1.is 2.am 3are 4.is 5are 6.is 7are 8.is 9Are; am 10.am; is .15 BBACC 610 AACAB.1.Are you from 2She is not3These are red pens 4Are they your5Those are not


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