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1、1School and Friends阶段能力训练(Lessons 13).完形填空Hello, my name is Bruce. Im a visiting student_1_ China. I _2_ from the UK. Now Im in _3_. This is our _4_. We have lessons here. Mrs.Wang is our Chinese_5_. _6_ is very nice to the students. This is my _7_. _8_ name is Liu Yang. He is a good student. We are

2、 _9_. We often _10_ on the playground. I like my school very much!( )1.A.in Bat Con Dfor( )2.A.am BisCare Dbe( )3.A.grade eight BGrade eightCGrade Eight DEight Grade( )4.A.lab BlibraryCclassroom Dplayground( )5.A.teacher BstudentCman Dwoman( )6.A.He B. His CHer DShe( )7.A.class BclassmateCclassroom

3、Dteacher( )8.A.Her BHis CYour DMy( )9.A.teachers Bgirl Cfriends Dboy( )10.A.play sports Bborrow booksCplan lessons Dhave lessons.阅读理解A: Hi, my name is Adam. Whats your name?B: My name is Rose.A: Welcome to Class Five, Rose. Now we are classmates.B: Thank you. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, to

4、o. Look! This is your desk.B: Thank you. It looks nice. A: Our classroom is nice, too.B: Yeah! I like it very much.Oh, excuse me. May I have your English book? I left(忘带) it at home.A: Sure. Here you are.B: Thank you.A: Youre welcome.( )1.Rose is _Ain Class Four Ba teacher2Ca student Dfive years old

5、( )2.Adam is Roses _Ateacher BfriendCbrother Dclassmate( )3.Rose and Adam are in _Athe classroom Bthe labCthe office Dthe restaurant( )4.Rose left her _ at home.Aschoolbag BEnglish bookCeraser Ddesk( )5.Which sentence(句子) is RIGHT?AAdam is in Class Five.BRoses desk isnt nice.CRose and Adam are in th

6、e library.DAdam borrows an English book from Rose.任务型阅读I am David. I have two good friends.One is Jim, and the other is Alice. Jim is in Class 3, Grade 7. Im in the same class as Jim. Alice is in Grade 7, too. But she isnt in our school. Look! Here is our library. We often get books from it. Our pla

7、yground is over there. We often play on the playground after class. Our school is big and beautiful. We all like it.12 题完成句子;35 题简略回答问题。1They often get books from the _2They are all in _3How many good friends does David have?_4What class is Jim in?_5How is their school?_.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文Good mor

8、ning, Im Tim. Im a new student in Class 1._ (four), Grade Seven.This2._ (be) my classmate. 3.H_ name is Tom. We 4._ good friends, too. Now let me show you 5.a_ my school. I believe(相信) youll like it!3教师详解详析.1.A 在某个国家用介词 in。2A 3C 年级和数词连用时,两个单词首字母均需大写。4C 由下句“我们在这里上课”可知本句介绍我们的教室。5A 6D 由上句 Mrs.可知应用 She。7B 8.B 9.C10A 根据“on the playground”可知此处应为进行体育运动。. 1.C 根据“Welcome to Class Five,Rose. Now we are classmates.”可知答案选 C。2D3A 根据“Look! This is your desk.”可知选 A。4B 5.A. 1.library 2.Grade 7/Seven3Two/2. 4.Class 3/Three.5Its big and beautiful. . 1.Four 2.is 3.His 4are 5.around


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