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1、1Lesson 19 Time for Breakfast!.根据课文内容,完成下面表格单词1.餐馆_2.十五_3.谷类食物;麦片粥_4.将;愿意_5.色拉_6.糖_7.美味的;可口的_8.杯子_短语1.Time for_2.a glass/cup of_3.would like_4.puton_句型1.早饭有什么?Whats_ _? 2.“你想要什么?” “我想要一杯茶。 ”What _ _ _?Id like _ _ _.3.是吃早饭的时间了!_ _ breakfast!4.我想把糖放到我的麦片粥里。I want _ _ sugar_ my cereal.5.我没有做沙拉。I didnt

2、_ _ _.根据课文内容完成句子1Its time _ breakfast.2They have_, _, _ and_ for breakfast.3Lynns mothers name is _4Jenny wants to put _ on her_She thinks its _5Mrs.Smith wants a cup of _.单项选择( )1.What would you like _?Aeat Beatting Cto eat Deating( )2.Danny _ donuts _ breakfast.Ahave; for Bhas; for2Clike; for Dhas

3、; with( )3.Would you like_?A. any egg B. eggC. any eggs D. some eggs( )4.Its time _ lunch. I want some rice and meat.Afor BtoCon Dof( )5.Some juice _ in the bottle. Aam BisCare Dbe.按要求完成下列各题1Id like some_meat for supper.(对画线部分提问)_ would you like for supper?2Its time for my homework.(改为同义句)Its time _

4、 _ my homework.3Danny would like some donuts.(改为同义句)Danny _ some donuts.4I want some cereal. What do you want? (改为同义句)I want some cereal, and _ _ you?5Would you like some oranges? (作否定回答)No, _.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文Its six oclock in the evening. Its time 1._ (have) supper. The Blacks are sitting at th

5、e table. Mr.Black 2._ (want) some cereal. Mrs. Black would like 3._ (have) a salad.They 4._ (have) a son, Jimmy. He wants a glass of milk. He thinks its 5.d_.连词成句1is, to, it, breakfast, time, have_?2like, cereal, for, I, breakfast, to, have, would_.3am, very, not, I, hungry_.4would, for, what, lunch

6、, you, like_?5likes, salads, Jenny, eat, to_.3本课教学资源素材一 新课教学准备在学习本课之前,可让学生准备好有关食物的词汇,在课上以小组为单位进行对话,介绍彼此早餐食物都有哪些。素材二 课堂活动案例活动一 小组活动:做调查询问本组成员一日三餐的饮食情况,并编成对话。What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper?Name Breakfast Lunch SupperA: What would you like for, B?B: Id likeWhat about you?A: Id like/I am

7、 not very hungry. I just want活动二 任务型教学:制定健康食谱制定一周的健康食谱,包括早、中、晚三餐,注意食物的合理搭配。Breakfast Lunch SupperMonday a glass of milk, some bread, an egg rice, fish,vegetable soupnoodles, fruit salad, porridgeTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday更多备课资源:word 版电子教案、匹配的课件,详见云资源。教师详解详析.单词: 1.restaurant 2.fifte

8、en 3.cereal4would 5.salad 6.sugar7delicious 8.cup短语: 1.是的时间了。2一玻璃杯/杯3想要 4.把放在上句型: 1.for breakfast2would you like; a cup of tea 3Time for 4.to put; on5make a salad.1.for 2.cereal; bread; fruit; juice3Mary 4.sugar; cereal; delicious5tea4.1.C2B 主语 Danny 为第三人称单数,故其谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;havefor breakfast 意为“早饭吃” 。3D 4.A5B 考查可数名词与不可数名词。juice 为不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数,故选 B。.1.What 2.to do 3.wants4what/how about 5.thanks.1.to have 2.wants 3.to have4have 5.delicious.1.Is it time to have breakfast2I would like to have cereal for breakfast3I am not very hungry4What would you like for lunch 5Jenny likes to eat salads


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