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1、12019年高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空选练(4)李仕才第一部分:完形填空AThese days everyone wants to “get rich” overnight. We all _1_ marrying someone from a wealthy family, making a lot of _2_, or winning the lottery (彩票). But do these things really make us happy? Many of the richest celebrities (名人) happen to be some of the most

2、_3_ people. They buy expensive houses and clothes that they _4_ use. They may become _5_ and even become addicted to _6_. They have become so focused on money and material things that they forget about the people and activities they _7_.Now, more young people have the opportunity for a better educat

3、ion, and better chances of making a high _8_. These are great achievements,_9_ will they make you happy? In the US many young people believe that being rich and being happy are two _10_ things. When attending university, they often choose to study subjects that they are _11_ rather than subjects tha

4、t will get them _12_ jobs. Instead of majoring in “business” or “management”, many American students today have majors like “theater” or “modern dance”. The _13_ is that making a lot of money doesnt mean that you will be satisfied with your _14_. Nowadays, young people are _15_ careers that they lov

5、e doing rather than careers that pay well.I think that as being _16_ becomes more possible, we need to _17_ what the term “fortune” really means. Do we need to have money and material things to be fortunate? Or does _18_ just mean having what we need to be happy? _19_, what things make you happy? Be

6、 honest with yourself. It may take _20_ a rich spouse(配偶)or much money to make you happy! 拥有财富和拥有幸福本质上是有区别的。有些有钱人去购买永远不会去用的昂贵的房子、衣服,沉溺于吸毒,其实他们并不幸福。现在更多的年轻人选择了去接受良好的教育,从事自己乐意从事的职业,上大学、接受教育并不仅仅是为了有一份高薪的工作。1A.think of Bdream ofCcare about Dinsist on答案:B 根据上一句中的 wants和下文可知,这些想法都是“梦想” 。2A.changes Bfriend

7、sCefforts Dmoney2答案:D 要快点富起来,当然要赚到一大笔钱。make a lot of money“赚大钱” 。3A.unhappy BhappyClucky Dunlucky答案:A 从下文那些有钱人的做法可知他们中有些人不幸福。4A.always BreallyCnever Dpersonally答案:C 他们去购买永远不会去用的昂贵的房子、衣服。5A.annoyed BdepressedCsatisfied Dinjured答案:B 此空和下文 become addicted to. 是并列关系,因此选择 depressed“郁闷的,消沉的” 。6A.work Bgam

8、esCadventures Ddrugs答案:D become addicted to.常用来指“沉迷于”一些不良的嗜好。drug“毒品” 。7A.love BhateCenjoy Dknow答案:A 前面的先行词是 people and activities, 因此只能用 love, 而不能用 enjoy“喜欢” 。8A.salary BgoalCdegree Dfame答案:A解析:本文主要讲对财富的追求,故选 A。句意:现在更多的年轻人有机会接受更好的教育,有机会赚到高额的“薪水”(salary)。这里和文章开头呼应。goal“目标” ;degree“程度” ;fame“名誉” 。9A.

9、so BandCbut Dor答案:C 从上下文来看,这里是转折关系。10A.difficult BdifferentCpleasant Dimportant答案:B 联系上下文可知,富有和幸福是不同的。11A.used to Bfamiliar withCrelated to Dinterested in答案:D 根据 rather than和 get them _ jobs 可知此处指选择他们感兴趣的专业。be used to sth.“习惯于” ;be related to“与有关” ;be familiar with“熟悉” 。312A.highpaying Bprizewinning

10、Ctroublesaving Dlongenjoying答案:A highpaying“报酬高的” 。13A.point BpurposeCresult Dquestion答案:A point“要点” 。其他三个选项均不合题意。14A.health BfutureClife Dmajor答案:C 有钱并不意味着对“生活”感到满意。15A.creating BavoidingCmissing Dchoosing答案:D choose career“择业” 。16A.independent BwealthyCunselfish Dfamous答案:B 由于致富已不是问题,我们有必要重新思考“富有”

11、的真正含义。17A.study BunderstandCrethink Drecall答案:C “重新思考”用 rethink, 其他选项不合文意。18A.fortune BcareerCsuccess D. peace答案:A 这里作者以问句的形式提出了本文的观点:富有(fortune)是否就意味着拥有幸福所需要的东西。19A.Even if BIf soCOnly if DIf only答案:B 这里承接上句,if so“如果这样的话” 。20A.kind of Bnothing butCas much as Dmore than答案:D 真正的幸福不只是拥有一个有钱的配偶或有很多钱。no

12、thing but“只不过,仅仅” 。B(2015北京东城区综合练习二)Monday started out great.I woke up on time, ate breakfast and did some last minute studying for my first hour math _1_Ten minutes later,I sat by my 4friends on the bus.We were busily chatting about how we spent our_2_when, THUMP! Ryan _3_over someones foot and lan

13、ded flat on his face in the passage between the two rows of seats.Everyone on the bus laughed crazily.Ryan _4_himself up and made his way to an empty seat.He tried to laugh with us, but his face was bright red with_5_The rest of the morning flew by.I did well in my math test.I read two more chapters

14、 of To Kill a Mockingbird in English class.It wasnt long before the _6_bell sounded.I met my friends from the cheerleading team in the dining hall.Then I couldnt help but _7_Ryan a few tables over,sitting alone.He caught me looking.I smiled at him quickly and turned away.When we finished eating, we

15、_8_out to the courtyard to practice a cheer we wanted to do at that nights football game.After a little _9_, we nailed the cheer, so we decided we only needed to_10_through it one last time.Again, just like the rest of my day so far, the cheer was going great.I raised my leg _11_ one last toe(脚趾) to

16、uch.RIIIPPP! I felt my jeans split down the middle of my backside.I_12_I didnt know what to do but stayed still.Then I heard people laughing, and I saw them pointing.Trying to_13_myself with my hands,I tried to_14_too, but I felt tears began to escape from my eyes.Then I saw Ryan walking toward me.I

17、 remembered earlier that morning when he had fallen and I had laughed at him.This would be his _15_to return the favor.But he didnt._16_, Ryan offered me his jacket to cover up my _17_jeans.He also offered me his phone so that I could call my mom to bring me some _18_I thanked Ryan for his help.And

18、a few days later when I saw him again,I apologized for laughing at him on the bus.Ryan regarded it as no big deal, but my own _19_experience and Ryans kind response taught me about _20_ for others.Thanks to Ryan,I can honestly say that Monday was still a great day!1.A.test Blesson Cwork Dbook52A.ter

19、m Bmoney Cenergy Dweekend3A.tripped Bturned Ctook Dcrossed4A.set Bput Cpicked Dadded5.A.appreciation BembarrassmentCsurprise Ddisappointment6.A.alarm BchurchClunch Ddoor7A.notice BmeetChear Dcall8A.drove BslippedCdanced Dheaded9A.guidance BpracticeCstruggle Ddiscussion10A.lead BwalkCgo Dflow11A.for

20、BinCto Don12A.jumped BsmiledCshook Dfroze13A.clean Bcover Cpush Dhelp14A.point Blaugh Cplay Dreturn15A.hope Bduty Cchance Daim16A.Instead BOtherwise CTherefore DHowever617A.long Btorn Ctight Dworn18A.socks Bjackets Ccoats Djeans19A.positive Bbroad Ccommon Dshameful20A.patience Bexpectation Csympathy

21、 Dadmiration【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的同学 Ryan在车上摔倒了,作者和其他人一块嘲笑他。但是当作者的裤子在公共场合裂开时,Ryan 却帮他避免了尴尬。 自己的尴尬经历和 Ryan对自己的帮助教会了作者:对人要常怀同情之心。1解析:选 A。考查名词辨析。根据第二段第五句“I did well in my math test.”可知,作者是参加数学考试。故选 A。2解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。根据第一段第一句“Monday started out great.”可知,那天是周一,作者和同学们谈论的是刚刚过去的周末。故选 D。3解析:选 A。考查动词辨析。句意为:Rya

22、n 被某个人的脚绊倒了。根据后面的“landed flat on his face”可知,Ryan 被绊倒了。trip over 意为“被绊倒” 。故选A。4解析:选 C。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:Ryan 站了起来,走向一个空座位。set up意为“建立” ;put up 意为“建造,举起,张贴” ;pick up 意为“拾起,捡起,站立” ;add up意为“增加” 。故选 C。5解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,Ryan 在众人面前摔倒了,应是感到很尴尬。appreciation 意为“欣赏,感谢” ;embarrassment 意为“尴尬” ;surprise 意为“惊奇,诧异

23、” ;disappointment 意为“失望” 。故选 B。6解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。根据上文中“The rest of the morning flew by.”及下文中的“in the dining hall”可知,他们在餐厅里应该是吃午饭,所以是午饭铃响了。故选 C。7解析:选 A。考查动词辨析。句意为:(目光)越过几张桌子,我注意到 Ryan独自一个人坐在餐厅里。notice 意为“注意到” ,符合语境。故选 A。8解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。句意为:吃完饭之后,我们去院子里练习晚上足球赛需要的助兴表演。drive out 意为“驱赶,开车外出” ;slip out 意为“悄悄溜

24、出去” ;head out意为“离去,前往” 。根据语境可知,此处是作者从餐厅离开前往院子。故选 D。9解析:选 B。考查名词辨析。根据上一句的“to practice a cheer we wanted to 7do”可知,他们稍做了一些练习。故选 B。10解析:选 C。考查动词辨析。在做了一些练习之后,他们觉得只需再把这个助兴表演最后再排练一遍就可以了。go through 意为“练习,检查” 。故选 C。11解析:选 A。考查介词辨析。句意为:我抬起腿来为了做最后一个够脚趾动作。for意为“为了” ,表目的。故选 A。12解析:选 D。考查动词辨析。根据下一句“I didnt know

25、what to do but stayed still.”可知,作者的裤子后面裂开了,作者不知道该干什么,僵住了。故选 D。13解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,作者感到羞愧,所以想要用手遮住脸。cover意为“覆盖,遮住” 。故选 B。14解析:选 B。考查动词辨析。根据“too”以及上文“Then I heard people laughing”可知,大伙笑了, “我”也试图跟着大家一起笑。故选 B。15解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。句意为:我记得那天早上他摔倒时我嘲笑了他,这将是他报复我的机会。hope 意为“希望,期望” ;duty 意为“职责” ;chance 意为“机会” ;

26、aim意为“目标” 。故选 C。16解析:选 A。考查副词辨析。句意为:但是他没有(嘲笑我),而是用他的夹克遮住了我裂开的牛仔裤。instead 意为“代替,反而” ;otherwise 意为“否则” ;therefore 意为“因此” ;however 意为“然而” 。故选 A。17.解析:选 B。考查形容词辨析。根据第三段最后一句“I felt my jeans split down the middle of my backside.”可知,作者的裤子从中间裂开了,所以要用 torn,意为“裂开的” 。故选 B。18解析:选 D。考查名词辨析。根据第三段最后一句“I felt my je

27、ans split down the middle of my backside.”可知,作者的牛仔裤坏了,此处指打电话让妈妈送牛仔裤来。故选 D。19解析:选 D。考查形容词辨析。作者的裤子在公共场合裂开了,这对作者来说是一次难堪的经历。positive 意为“积极的” ;broad 意为“宽的” ;common 意为“共同的,普通的” ;shameful 意为“可耻的,不体面的” 。故选 D。20解析:选 C。考查名词辨析。作者这次难堪的经历和 Ryan对其的帮助教会了作者对人要常怀同情之心。patience 意为“耐性,容忍,耐心” ;expectation 意为“期待,期望” ;sym

28、pathy意为“同情” ;admiration 意为“钦佩,赞赏” 。故选 C。第二部分:短文语法填空Many teachers believe that handson experience is the _1_(good) way to learn. A group of students in the United States are putting that belief to the test. They _2_ (success) designed and built a robot for discovering unexplored 8mines _3_ the bottom

29、 of the sea. Students made the robot _4_(answer) a challenge from the US. Department of Defense.The students recently tested the underwater vehicle _5_(call) Perseus in a 95meterlong tank of water at the Stevens Institute of Technology.The robot costs about $15,000 to build. The students use a video

30、 game control to direct _6_(it) movements in the tank. Whats more,devices known as Japters _7_ (able) the robot to go up,down and toward its target in the water. Video cameras on the robot send images back to a computer through a 13meterlong cable. Perseus also has _8_ set of lasers (激光),which are u

31、sed to measure the size of an object.The robot is the creation of five undergraduate students. For over six months,they worked up _9_ 20 hours a week to design and build Perseus .DeLorme supervised the project from _10_(begin) to end. He says the specialized requirements of robots were demanding.【语篇

32、导读】 本文通过事实证明:亲身的实践经验是学习的最好方法。1best 考查形容词最高级。此处表示“亲身的实践经验是学习的最好方法” ,故用best。2successfully 考查副词。副词修饰动词 designed和 built作状语,故用successfully。3at 考查介词。at the bottom of 表示“在的底部” ,故用 at。4to answer 考查动词不定式。在这里 to answer是动词不定式作目的状语,表示“制造这个机器人是为了回应美国国防部的一项挑战” 。5called 考查过去分词。此处应用过去分词作后置定语,表示“被叫作” ,故用called。6its 考查代词。由后面的 movements可知,应用形容词性物主代词作定语。7enable 考查动词和时态。分析句子结构可知,主语是 devices,谓语是设空处,故应用动词 enable,表示“使发生” 。且此处是一般性的描述,故应用一般现在时。8a 考查冠词。a set of 表示“一系列” ,故用 a。9to 考查固定短语。up to 表示“达到” ,故用 to。10beginning 考查固定短语。from beginning to end 表示“从头到尾” 。9


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