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1、1Unit 1 Lifestyles李仕才一、阅读理解。Amazing Facts About Elf OwlsBrief IntroductionThe elf owl (a kind of owl) is mostly found in the southwestern parts of the United States and Mexico.During the spring and summer seasons,it moves to Arizona and New Mexico.It returns to Mexico for the winter.The elf owl does

2、nt build its nest.It lives in tree holes.FeaturesThe elf owl is a yellow bird.Its wings are dark and about 48-61 centimeters long.Its eyes are bright yellow.Its feet are large.It is the smallest owl of the species.It is about 12.5-14.5 centimeters long.It is also the worlds lightest owl,weighing not

3、 more than 40 grams.In general,female elf owls weigh more than male ones.The female usually lays three eggs at a time.After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms(蠕虫) for up to 3-4 weeks.After 10 weeks,the young ones are fully grown and ready to take flight.Living HabitsT

4、he elf owls are not aggressive birds.When danger comes,they will fly away in the other direction,rather than staying and facing the danger or the enemies.Besides flying,the elf owl can also walk and climb like a parrot.The elf owl is most active after dusk,during the night,and just before dawn.It ca

5、n produce many different kinds of sounds.It can live for 3-6 years in the wild.If they are kept in cages,they can live for 10-14 years.The elf owls are now in danger because of the loss of habitat.Cutting down trees will result in lack of places for them to live in.1.According to the first and secon

6、d paragraphs,an elf owl may_.A.build its nest in treesB.have yellow wings2C.have big and dark eyesD.live in Mexico in winter2.What can we learn from the text?A.The female elf owl takes care of her children for about four weeks.B.The elf owl sleeps at night and looks for food during the daytime.C.The

7、 female elf owl lays one egg at one time.D.The elf owl can live no longer than six years.3.What is the character of the elf owl?A.Shy.B.Peace-loving.C.Hard-working.D.Selfish.参考答案: 1.D; 2.A; 3.B解析: 本文对濒临灭绝的姬鹄的外貌及生活习性进行了详细的介绍。1.D 细节理解题。根据“It returns to Mexico for the winter.”可知,姬鹄在冬天的时候可能会居住在墨西哥。2.A 细

8、节理解题。根据“After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms(蠕虫) for up to 3-4 weeks.”可知,雌姬鹄会照顾它们的幼鸟大约四个星期。3.B 推理判断题。根据“The elf owls are not aggressive birds.”可知,姬鹄是一种爱好和平的鸟。二、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2017潍坊模拟)A 13year study of early childhood development 61._(make)b

9、y Harvard University has shown that,by the age of three,most children have the big potential 62._(understand)about 1,000 wordsmost of the language they will use in ordinary conversation for the rest of their lives.Furthermore,research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity

10、,it can decline 63._(great)during the second and third years of life.Researchers say that the human personality 364._(form)during the first two years of life,and during the first three years children learn the basic skills they will use in all their later learning both at home 65._ at school.66_ is

11、generally acknowledged that young people from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds tend to do less well in our education system.As a result of the research evidence of the 67._(important)of the first three years of a childs life,a pilot programme 68._ focused on parents as the childs first teachers star

12、ted in the US.As the programme shows,working with the family,rather than bypassing the parents,69._(be)the most effective way of 70._(help)children get off to the best possible start in life.【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。多年的研究表明,小孩的个性是在两岁前形成的,在三岁前能学会基本的学习技能,且到三岁的时候绝大多数孩子能理解大约一千个单词;研究还表明,父母参与孩子的成长过程是帮助孩子在生活中有个好的开始

13、的最有效的方法。61made 解析:考查非谓语动词。本句真正的谓语是“has shown” ,故空格处应用make的非谓语动词形式;且该句的主语“study”与动词 make之间为被动关系,故应填make的过去分词 made。62to understand 解析:考查非谓语动词。have the potential to do sth.意为“有潜力做某事” ,动词不定式作宾补。故填 to understand。63greatly 解析:考查词性转换。空格处所填词修饰动词“decline” ,故应用great的副词形式。故填 greatly。64is formed 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。从

14、句的主语“human personality”与 form之间为被动关系,故应用动词的被动语态;且根据后半句谓语动词“learn”可知,此处应用一般现在时。故填 is formed。65and 解析:考查连词。both.and.意为“两者都,既又” ,为固定用法。故填 and。66It 解析:考查代词。分析句子结构可知,本句应用 it作形式主语,真正的主语为 that引导的主语从句。故填 It。注意首字母大写。67importance 解析:考查词性转换。the importance of.意为“的重要性” ,为固定用法。故填 important的名词形式 importance。68that/

15、which 解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知“_ focused on parents as the childs first teachers”为定语从句,且该从句缺少主语,先行词为“programme”,指物。故填 that/which。469is 解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。rather than 连接两个主语时,谓语动词采取“就前原则” ,在本句中,谓语动词应由“working with the family”来决定。动名词作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;且由“shows”时态可知,应用一般现在时。故填is。70helping 解析:考查非谓语动词。空格前为介词“of” ,故应填

16、v.ing 形式。故填 helping。三、短文改错。假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。(2017南昌一模)Everyone of us are thinking about the future.I have decided to beco

17、me a middle school teacher.Does it sound surprised?I have had this dream when I was a child.I love children.I dont think to deal with them all years round is just wasting time.On the contrary,to me it means happiness.Like we all can see,teachers are badly needed in our country,and not many of us wan

18、t to become teachers.One of the main reasons of this is teachers work too hard but get too little.In spite of that,Im determining to devote all my life into the cause of education.答案:Everyone of us thinking about the future.I have decided to become a areismiddle school teacher.Does it sound ?surpris

19、edsurprisingI had this dream when I was a child.I love children.I dont think to havedeal with them all round is just wasting time.On the contrary,to me it yearsyearmeans happiness. we all can see,teachers are badly needed in our country,LikeAsnot many of us want to become teachers.One of the main re

20、asons this is andbut offorteachers work too hard but get too little.In spite of that,Im 5to devote all my life the cause of education.determiningdetermined intoto四、七选五All of us know that a balanced diet strengthens the immune system. 1. . The following strategies will help you to jumpstart healthy e

21、ating habits.Morning musthavesResearchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that people who took daily breakfast were a third less likely to become obese(肥胖的) than those who skipped this meal. To enjoy the most benefits, the researchers recommended eating wholegrain foods for breakfast as they ar

22、e rich in fiber. 2. Main meal wisdomIf you need to consume meat, choose fish instead of red meat. Studies have linked high consumption of red meat with cancers such as breast and colorectal cancer as well as heart disease mainly because red meat is very high in saturated(饱和的) fats. 3. Food preparati

23、on4 . As such, cooking methods such as steaming, baking, grilling, boiling or stirfrying are advised.5 Some people like to eat a large meal after a hard days work. However, large meals late at night can cause indigestion that influences sleep. So it is a very good idea to have a lowcalorie fiber dri

24、nk just before leaving the office. It is also not a good idea to regularly have a latenight meal as this could overburden the digestive system.Remember, minor changes in our eating habits can lead to major changes in our health.ALight nightsBFewer night snacksCFish, in contrast, contains more hearth

25、ealthy fatsDDrinking bean milk supplies the body with plant proteinEExperts always suggest preparing food with as little oil as possibleFBut most of us fail to obtain adequate nutrients(营养) due to our troubled lifestylesGFiber aids in stabilizing blood sugar, controlling appetite and keeping the hea

26、rt healthy【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。作者介绍了养成健康饮食好习惯的几种策略。1F 解析:依据首句中的“均衡饮食能增强免疫系统”可知,F 项中的“但是我们大多数人由于混乱的生活方式没能获得充足的营养”与之对应,并引出下句。2G 解析:研究者推荐早餐吃富含纤维素的全谷类食物,故接下来应该说明纤维素对人体的好处,故选 G。3C 解析:该段主要涉及吃正餐的学问,即多吃鱼肉少吃红肉。红肉中含有大量饱和脂肪,故选 C项“相反,鱼肉中含有更多的有益于心脏健康的脂肪”与之作对比。4E 解析:该段主要涉及食物烹饪建议,从后句中的“蒸、烘、烤、煮或炒”这些烹饪方法可知选 E与之匹配。65A 解析:

27、根据后文可知该段主要讲晚上吃大餐会影响消化,再结合上文几个小标题考虑, “晚餐少食”最佳,故选 A。五、书面表达。(2017石家庄检测)假定你是李华,你收到了美国朋友彼得寄来的最新英文小说。请给他回信,要点如下:1小说收到;2回赠礼物;3礼物意义;4邀请来华。注意:1词数 100左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter,_Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Peter,Im glad to receive the novel.Thank you for such a lovely gift as I h

28、ave been expecting one like that for a long time.This novel gives me some insights into American society and daily life.I know youre interested in Chinese festivals,and therefore I choose an album of paper cutting for you.Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese cultural relics,which is often used as a decoration for a joyous atmosphere.I hope it will bring happiness and luck to your family as it always does in China.Best wishes.Expecting you to come to China and experience the rich culture in person.Yours,7Li_Hua


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