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1、14 Body language李仕才(必修 4 Unit 4)【短文语法填空】根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Chen Zijiang,1.who is a papercutting expert,learned to do papercutting from an early age.Mr Chen told me that papercutting was a Chinese folk art 2.with a long history.For example,paper cuts of animals 3.found(find)in tomb

2、s date back to the Northern and Southern Dynasty.From his 4.introduction(introduce),I have learned that there are three types of paper cuts today.People usually put 5.up paper cuts on windows and gates during holidays 6.to_bring(bring)good luck.Also,it is used on presents or is used to celebrate wed

3、dings.Paper cuts found in temples are used for 7.religious(religion)purposes.In 8.addition(add),paper cuts are used to make patterns on clothing or decorate jewellery boxes,and dragons are very popular patterns for these designs.I got a lot of useful information for my article from 9.what Chen had s

4、aid.I was also ready 10.to_try(try) out papercutting for myself.阅读理解AThe Britishand especially the Englishare bad at complaining.Because of British politeness rules,according to which confrontation(对抗) should be avoided,people either just do not complain,or sometimes bottle it up and then explode in

5、 an inappropriate outpouring of aggressive complaints.In fact,there is a TV programme which shows the British in typical situations where they would be perfectly justified(有正当理由的) in complaining,but they dont.In one scene,a woman reads a newspaper over peoples shoulders and the people say nothing or

6、 look embarrassed. The British are also well-known for putting up with bad service everywhere from restaurants to airports and railway stations because the standard rules of 2behaviour say that it is bad to draw attention to yourself.This is why,when you travel on the Tube in London and there is yet

7、 another delay,the passengers will look at each other,sigh,smile wearily and raise their eyes to heaven.They might even say,Huh!Typical! in a resigned tone of voice that says that theres nothing that can be done about it.When complaints are made,they are made in an apologetic or a humorous tone of v

8、oice.In France,on the other hand,angry passengers might riot(闹事) and burn down the subway station if they had to put up with the poor service that the London Underground provides.Americans and other Europeans,who are much more direct and in-your-face than the British,often wonder why British people

9、always say “sorry” or “excuse me”when they complain.“Its like theyre apologizing for something that isnt their fault,”they say.They are missing the point.British people are not really sorryit is because the word “sorry” actually works as a distancing mechanism(技巧).This is important in terms of negat

10、ive politeness and not drawing attention to yourself.If you do not say “sorry”or use other distancing words like“could”,“would”,“might”,“possibly” and so on,you will be seen as rude.1.What does the underlined part “bottle it up” in Paragraph 1 mean?A.Put something into bottles.B.Not do anything dang

11、erous.C.Cause problems by hesitating.D.Not allow emotions to be seen.2.The French tend to . A.tolerate bad serviceB.enjoy taking the subwayC.make a complaint humorouslyD.express their dissatisfaction directly3.When the British say “sorry”,they actually want to . A.try not to be rudeB.apologize since

12、rely3C.show their feelings directlyD.draw attention to themselves4.Which can be the best title for the text?A.How to complainB.Complaining politelyC.Poor service in BritainD.Politeness rules across the worldBEnjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater.The

13、se days,musicians are performing in private homes,at haircutting shops,at airports.even on ferry boats.Musicians like house concerts.At music clubs,they often have to perform over loud conversation or deal with people who have had too much alcohol.People at house concerts are more focused on listeni

14、ng to the music.Just a few hours before the Bombadils started singing at the O Hair Salon,Lindsay was cutting hair and Tamera was doing facials.Then,they moved chairs and microphones to create a small performance space.The Bombadils made music in the front part of the hair salon,near the hairdryers

15、and makeup tables.“This is our first show at a hair salon, ”Sarah Frank of the Bombadils told concertgoers at last weeks performance.Frank said she and band members,Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great time“interacting” with the audience.Concerts in peoples homes,or small businesses such as O H

16、airs,are becoming more popular,musicians say.“There is a more relaxed atmosphere, ”said Domenic Cicala,a musician who opened up his O Hair Salon to concerts.“People really get to know the artists.”At house concerts,people get time before and after concerts to meet the performers.Often,the hosts or g

17、uests will provide food and drink.“People really like listening to music in the living room of a friend, ”said Matt Hart,with Aubrey Zoli making up the Local Strangers,a folkrock group based in Seattle.At many such concerts,the musicians do not need microphones.Yet,every word of their songs can be h

18、eard.1Why do musicians like house concerts?4ABecause private homes are easier to get to.BBecause people pay more attention to their music.CBecause they can do other things while performing.DBecause they dont have to bring their microphones.2What impressed Sarah Frank most at her last weeks performan

19、ce?AThe small performance space.BHer first show at a hair salon.CTheir interaction with the audience.DThe more relaxed atmosphere.3How many music groups are mentioned in the text?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.4What may be the best title for the text?AMusicians struggle to make a livingBPeople really get

20、to know the artistsCMusicians find new places to performDConcertgoers wont go to music clubs【解题导语】本文主要介绍了现代音乐会在举办场地的选择上更加多样化,私人居所、理发店、机场等都成为音乐家表演的场所,并且备受青睐。1B 考查推理判断。根据第二段最后一句“People at house concerts are more focused on listening to the music”可知,音乐家喜欢家庭音乐会是因为听众会更专注于倾听音乐。故选 B。2C 考查细节理解。根据第四段最后一句“Fra

21、nk said she and band members,Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great timeinteracting with the audience”可知,上周的表演给 Sarah Frank 留下最深刻印象的是与听众的互动,故选 C。3B 考查细节理解。通读全文可知,本文提到了两个乐队,一个是 the Bombadils,另一个是西雅图的民谣摇滚乐队 the Local Strangers,故选 B。4C 考查标题判断。根据文章第一段,并结合文章的整体理解可推知,本文主要讲述了现代音乐会在举办场地的选择上更加多样化,音乐家发现了私人

22、居所、发廊等新的场所来表演,故选 C。.完形填空Thirteen years ago I fell in love with a white ball of fur that wagged its 5tail at me from behind the bars of a city dog pound.Although I was about to 1 a steady job to follow my dream of becoming a travel writer,I decided to adopt it without a second 2 .Layla had me at the

23、first wag. Although disappointed when I went traveling,Layla was always happy when I returned.And when I sat down to write my 3 ,she would station herself next to my desk and we would have long (often nonverbal) conversations about where Id been and what Id seen.We 4 with each other as only animals

24、and those who love them can. I would read aloud to her what Id 5 .Sometimes shed offer a “woof!” for emphasis.If she turned away to concentrate on cleaning a paw(爪子),I knew I had to 6 . Of course she didnt 7 what I was writing,but this exercise with her was my 8 of self-editing.It was my way of push

25、ing a story to a higher level.Reading to Layla turned a task into a 9 .She became my virtual(虚拟的) 10 in my travels. Watching her reactions to my 11 forced me to pay attention to details.I was telling her the story 12 she were a reader.This helped 13 what I put on the page.Having such a 14 and patien

26、t audience critiquing my writing made me a better writer.In this way,I traveled the world,with Layla 15 at my side. Today I am a travel writer,and I am 16 because my friend of so long is gone.Like many old friends,she and I 17 much over the years,and Im so 18 to her.Whatever 19 Ive had as a travel w

27、riter,I owe a large part to her being at my side for all those years, 20 and simply loving. 1.A.quit B.findC.offer D.keep2.A.time B.excuseC.chance D.thought3.A.stories B.lettersC.papers D.emails64.A.cooperated B.competedC.communicated D.celebrated5.A.seen B.heardC.written D.collected6.A.show off B.s

28、tart overC.count out D.give in7.A.understand B.repeatC.expect D.recognize8.A.memory B.promiseC.purpose D.means9.A.step B.dreamC.duty D.joy10.A.doctor B.guestC.partner D.guide11.A.advice B.replyC.action D.work12.A.as though B.in caseC.now that D.even if13.A.shape B.replaceC.print D.voice14.A.qualifie

29、d B.skilledC.ready D.curious15.A.possibly B.actuallyC.finally D.mentally16.A.worried B.heartbrokenC.scared D.disappointed17.A.received B.sharedC.cherished D.controlled18.A.faithful B.blindC.grateful D.cruel719.A.problem B.experienceC.option D.success20.A.listening B.talkingC.recording D.reviewing.短文

30、改错(2016河南毕业班适应性测试)Last week I got the first prize in the English Speech Contest held in our school.Which made me very excited.I used to be too shy to speak English in the public.It was Susan who asked me practise several times in her office and correct my pronunciation and intonation.Beside,she enco

31、uraged me to be confident and brave whether I wanted to show my talent before others.I followed her advices.That was why I won the first prize.I am deep moved by what he has done for me.I owe her a thousand thanks with her kindness.(必修 4 Unit 4)【短文语法填空】.A【解题导语】本文是议论文。英国人通常礼貌地表达不满。1.D 词义猜测题。根据上文的 peo

32、ple either just do not complain 及下文的“.and then explode in an inappropriate outpouring of aggressive complaints.”可推断,英国人有时不抱怨,有时抑制不满的情绪并最终爆发。故画线部分的意思应是“掩盖或抑制情绪或感情” 。82.D 细节理解题。根据第二段末尾的“In France,on the other hand,angry passengers might riot and burn down the subway station if they had to put up with

33、the poor service that the London Underground provides.”可知,法国人常常直接表达自己的不满。3.A 细节理解题。根据文章末尾的“If you do not say sorryor use other distancing words.you will be seen as rude.”可知 ,英国人说“抱歉”,实际上是为了在抱怨时尽量不表现得粗鲁无礼。4.B 主旨大意题。本文主要讲英国人抱怨的方式非常委婉、礼貌。故 B 项正确。B.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一个旅行作家与他的宠物狗蕾拉的故事。1.A 根据下文的“.to follo

34、w my dream of becoming a travel writer.”可知,当时作者即将“辞去(quit)”一份稳定的工作。2.D 根据下文的“Layla had me at the first wag.”可知,尽管作者即将辞去一份稳定的工作,但是他一见到蕾拉就毫不犹豫地决定领养它。without a second thought“毫不犹豫” 。3.A 根据上文的 travel writer 可推断,此处是说作者写“故事(stories)”的时候。4.C 根据上文的 have long (often nonverbal)conversations 可知,作者和蕾拉彼此互相“交流(co

35、mmunicated)” 。5.C 根据上文的 travel writer 及 When I sat down to write 可推断,作者会把自己“写(written)”的东西大声读给蕾拉听。6.B 根据上文的“If she turned away to concentrate on cleaning a paw.”可推断,如果看到蕾拉转过脸集中精力于清洁爪子,作者便知道自己写的东西不够好,需要“重新来过(start over)”。7.A 当然蕾拉并不“理解(understand)”作者所写的东西。8.D 根据蕾拉的反应判断文章的好坏是作者自己修改文章的“方法(means)” 。9.D 根

36、据上段的描述可知,给蕾拉读自己所写的东西将修改文章的任务变成了一件“乐事(joy)”。10.C 因为作者将旅行中的故事讲给蕾拉听,所以蕾拉成了作者旅行中的虚拟“伙伴9(partner)”。11.D 作者通过观察蕾拉对自己的“作品(work)”的反应迫使自己关注文章的细节。12.A 根据第三段中的描述可知,作者给蕾拉讲故事时“仿佛(as though)”蕾拉是一位读者。13.A 根据下文的 made me a better writer 可知,给蕾拉讲自己所写的东西帮助作者“改进(shape)”自己的文章。14.C 由第二、三段可知,对作者而言,蕾拉是一位“现成的(ready)”听众。15.D

37、根据第二段开头的“Although disappointed when I went traveling,Layla was always happy when I returned.”及第三段开头的 I would read aloud to her what 可知,因为作者旅行回来后将旅途中的故事讲给蕾拉听,所以作者旅行时就像有蕾拉“在精神上(mentally)”陪伴他。16.B 根据下文的“.because my friend of so long is gone.”可知如今蕾拉去世了,作者很“伤心(heartbroken)” 。17.B 根据上文的 Like many old frie

38、nds 可知,像很多老朋友一样,作者和蕾拉多年来“一起经历了(shared)”很多酸甜苦辣。18.C 蕾拉对作者写作的帮助令作者很“感激(grateful)” 。19.D 根据下文的“I owe a large part to her being at my side.”可知,不论作者作为旅行作家取得了哪些“成功(success)”,他都将其中的很大一部分归功于蕾拉的陪伴。20.A 根据第三段开头的 I would read aloud to her 可知,蕾拉总是在“聆听(listening)”作者的作品。.短文改错Last week I got the first prize in the

39、 English Speech Contest held in our school. made me very excited.I used to be too shy to speak English in /the10public.It was Susan who asked me practise several times in her office and my pronunciation and intonation. ,she encouraged me to be confident and brave I wanted to show my talent before others.I followed her .That was why I won the first prize.I am moved by what has done for me.I owe her a thousand thanks her kindness.


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