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1、1Great Scientists李仕才一、阅读理解The American Family Immigration History Center is an exciting new interactive area at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum where more than 100 million Americans may search for their familys beginnings in the New World. Now, for the first time, the passengers records of the s

2、hips that landed some 22 million immigrants, crewmembers and other passengers at the Port of New York and Ellis Island from 1892 to 1924 have been computerized, making it easier than ever to discover your own family history.Five years in the making, the center was developed and funded by the Statue

3、of the LibertyEllis Island Foundation, Inc., which was responsible for the restoration and preservation of the Statue of the Liberty and Ellis Island, and the creation of the Immigration Museum.For visitors to the Museum, the excitement begins at a welcoming kiosk where you can enter ancestors names

4、 and see if their arrival records are included in the database and are available in the History Center in the Museums West Wing. Once inside the Center itself, in the very place where your ancestors (grand-grandparents) may have ended their long journey, you and your family can log on the one of 41

5、computers, type in name, and, within seconds, set in motion your own special journey of discovery.Imagine the excitement youll share with your family as you use the latest technology to sort through a vast computerized archive (档案馆) with millions of records, and see your familys own personal story i

6、n America come to life before your eyes.Millions of hours were spent creating this vast database and, if you find your ancestors names, youll discover answers to questions youve always wondered about. What ship did my family members take? When did they arrive? How old were they? Were they married? T

7、hen, take these valuable records and create your own Family History Scrapbook, preserving forever the story of the past while 2keeping the legacy of your family alive.1.Why is it easier for visitors to find their family histories in the History Center?A. More clerks are employed there.B. All of its

8、documents are computerized.C. Facilities of the museum are restored.D. Workers are more creative than before.2.Who sponsors the restoration of the American Family Immigration History Center?A. Families whose family histories are kept here.B. National Park Service in the United States.C. Local govern

9、ment and visitors to the Museum.D. The Statue of LibertyEllis Island Foundation, Inc.3.The word “kiosk” in the passage is most probably_.A. a museum assistant B.an advertisementC. a selfservice device D. a receptionist4.In which part of a newspaper would this passage most probably be found?A. Scienc

10、e. B. Entertainment.C. Life. D. Travel.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了美国家庭移民历史中心,数以亿计的美国人可以在这里找到他们的家庭。1.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“have been computerized, making it easier than ever to discover your own family history.”可知,参观者容易找到家庭历史是因为所有的档案都是电脑化的。3.C 【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“where you can enter ancestors names and see if their ar

11、rival records are included in the database and are available in the History Center in the Museums West Wing.”可知,画线词指的是一种供参3观者查看数据库中家庭历史信息的自助服务设备。4.D 【解析】推理判断题。本文主要介绍了美国家庭移民历史中心,数以亿计的美国人可以在这里找到他们的家庭,是关于移民话题的,因此最有可能出现在报纸的旅行版面中。二、单句语法填空1Children, when (expose) to an Englishspeaking atmosphere, will pic

12、k up the language much more easily.答案:exposed2When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, (absorb) in conversation.答案:absorbed3Neither I nor Jane and Mary (be) happy about having one examination after another. We really dont want to go to school.答案:are4Always read the (

13、instruct) on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.答案:instructions5(2016四川卷)Were not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives the poor.答案:to6I drew a (conclude) from my own experiences that where there is a will there is a way.答案:conclusion7The police had figured out

14、 the cause of the traffic accident and it was the driver of lorry that should be (blame) for it.答案:to blame8The underground is under (construct) here at present and will be completed next year.答案:construction9(全国卷)It may not be a great suggestion. But before a better one is put , well make do with i

15、t.答案:forward10As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer (handle) the problem.答案:to handle三、完形填空。Life is full of miracles. They surroundus every day. One of these miracles _1_ me recently. I was filling my car at a gas station. Not sleeping well the night befor

16、e, I felt _2_. After paying for the gas I turned my car towards the main road. I looked right and left then my brain sent the _3_ for my foot to push on the gas pedal but nothing happened. _4_, I shook my head to _5_ 4it and gazed down at my foot.Just as I did, _6_, a semitruck roared past my car do

17、ing 60 mph. When I had looked just two seconds _7_, my weary eyes hadnt seen it. If I had been driving onto the road when I should have been my car would have been _8_ and I would have most likely been killed. I sat there for a long time quietly thanking God for _9_ my life before _10_ on the road a

18、nd heading home. This time both my brain and foot worked _11_.As I looked back on that moment later I still couldnt understand it. Did God _12_ my brains signal from _13_ my foot? Did an angel grab my toes to keep them from _14_ on the gas? One question kept coming back into my mind as well: why did

19、 I get this miracle? Finally, I felt the answer _15_ deep within my heart and mind. I heard the _16_coming from my soul saying: “You still have more to do. Your work is not done yet!”Richard Bach wrote: “Here is the _17_ to find if your mission on Earth is finished: if you are alive it isnt.” _18_ u

20、p each day then knowing that your mission isnt done yet. You have more love to _19_, more people to help, more kindness to give. You have one more day to be the miracle God _20_ for you to be.语篇解读:作者在刚加完油准备驶入主路时,由于前一天睡眠不好,脑子和脚不协调没有踩加速油门,这个迟钝的动作让他躲过了卡车,救了他一命。作者由此感谢上苍给了他眷顾,认为这是一个奇迹。1. A. refers to B.

21、appears to C. occurs toD. comes across 【答案】C2. A. disturbed B. tired C. annoyed D. refreshed【答案】B【解析】根据上文。上句话说“我”前一天晚上没有睡好觉,因此应该感到疲惫。A. disturbed 感到不安的;B. tired 疲倦的;C. annoyed 恼怒的;D. refreshed5恢复了的,振作的。3. A. symbol B. order C. message D. signal【答案】D【解析】根据句意,此处意思应该是“大脑发出信号让脚踩油门” 。A. symbol 象征;标志; B.

22、order 命令;秩序;C. message 信息,消息;D. signal 信号,暗号。4. A. Discouraged B. Embarrassed C. Disappointed D. Puzzled【答案】D【解析】根据上文选择。上一句话意思是“大脑发出信号让脚踩油门,但什么事情都没有发生。 ”因此此处“我”应该感到困惑并向下看。A. Discouraged 泄气的;B. Embarrassed尴尬的,局促不安的,为难的;C. Disappointed 失望的,沮丧的;D. Puzzled困惑的,糊涂的。5. A. clean B. clear C. inspire D. remov

23、e【答案】B6. A. instead B. though C. therefore D. besides【答案】B【解析】根据词意辨析。A. instead 代替,而不是;B. though 虽然,尽管,或用于句末补充说明,表示不过、可是;C. therefore 因此,所以;D. besides 除之外(还),况且。 “可是,正当我低头看的时候,一辆卡车呼啸而过。 ”7. A. earlier B. later C. faster D. slower【答案】A【解析】根据上下文,此句句意是“两秒前,我还用疲惫的双眼,视线模糊的看了,并没有发现这一情况。 ”只有选 A .earlier使句子

24、通顺,故选 A。8. A. damaged B. crashed C. scratched D. stuck【答案】B6【解析】根据上下文此句句意指:“但凡当时我的车驶上主路一点点,那现在我的小车肯定被撞了个稀巴烂,我也已经很可能一命呜呼了。 ”A. damaged被损坏的;B. crashed撞毁的;C. scratched 抓伤的;D. stuck 动不了的,被卡住的。9. A. sparing B. taking C. rescuing D. claiming【答案】A 【解析】根据上下文,此处句意应是“我感谢上帝饶了我一命” 。A. sparing 饶恕、赦免的。spare ones

25、life 饶某人一命;B. taking 带走,拿走;C. rescuing 营救、救援;D. claiming 夺去(某人的命)。10. A. picking up B. breaking down C. pulling out D. setting sail【答案】C【解析】根据上下文,上文中讲到“我加完了油,正要驶向主路” ,所以本句句意是“在驶向主路之前祈祷” 。A. picking up 改善,重新开始;B. breaking down 出故障。失败;C. pulling out 驶向路边;D. setting sail 起航。11. A. passively B. poorly C

26、. perfectly D. curiously【答案】C【解析】A. passively 被动地,顺从地;B. poorly 穷困地,差劲地;C. perfectly完美地,理想地;D. curiously .好奇地。根据词意可知,只有选 C使句意通顺,表示“这次我的大脑和脚配合默契” 。12. A. protect B. prevent C. defend D. differ【答案】B【解析】根据上文可知,这句话是作者感叹“难道是上帝阻止了大脑的信号传到脚上” ,从而我没有踩下油门,没有遭遇事故。prevent sb/sth (from doing sth)阻止、阻碍,故选 B。13. A

27、. attacking B. lifting C. touching D. reaching【答案】D 714. A. pressing B. depending C. putting D. focusing【答案】A 【解析】句意:“难道是有天使拉住了我的脚不让它踩油门?”只有 press有压、压迫的意思,故选 A。15. A. forming B. resulting C. disappearing D. surviving【答案】A 【解析】根据句意, “我感觉到答案从内心深处浮现” 。A. forming(使)形成 B. resulting (from sth)(因)发生;C. dis

28、appearing 不见,消失;D. surviving幸存,活下来。16. A. words B. commands C. suggestions D. expectations【答案】A 【解析】A. words 话,诺言;B. commands 命令;C. suggestions 建议;D. expectations期望的事情。根据词意,应选 A,表示“我听到灵魂在说话” 。17. A. solution B. advice C. test D. belief【答案】C 【解析】此句句意指“有个方法可以检验你在世上的任务有没有完成,只要你还活着,那就说明还没有。 ”,只有选 C. tes

29、t符合句意。18. A. Wake B. Stay C. Hurry D. Cheer【答案】A 【解析】A. Wake up 醒来;B. Stay up 熬夜;C. Hurry up 快一点;D. Cheer up 振作起来。参看上题解析。表达“每一天醒来,你就知道你的任务还没有完成” ,故选 A。19. A. share B. gather C. donate D. preserve【答案】A 【解析】A. share 分享,分配;B. gather 收集,聚集;C. donate 捐赠;D. preserve保护,保持。根据上下文,此处选 share 表示“跟人们分享更多的爱,即你要更博

30、爱”最能符合句意,故选 A。你要更博爱、施助、仁慈。20. A. applied B. compensated C. meant D. 8allowed【答案】C 四、单句改错1It doesnt make a sense for parents to give children whatever they want. 答案:去掉 a2They are going to have some trees plant this weekend. 答案:plantplanted3Only if you return them on time I lend you some books. 答案:在 I

31、 前加 will4He was struck by the beauty for the first time he visited Guilin. 答案:去掉 for5The teacher cured him for his bad habits and he made great progress in English. 答案:forof五、单元语法过去分词作定语和表语1(2018河北邯郸一模)Even today the books (print) at the time are valuable and treasured by libraries and book collecto

32、rs.答案:printed2(2018宁夏银川一中一模)Classical Chinese poetry is traditional Chinese poetry (write) in classical Chinese and typified by certain traditional forms.答案:written3The workers (expose) to the radiation are likely to develop diseases.答案:exposed4The player got (injure) in the last match, so he couldnt compete in the final.答案:injured5He looked (worry) after reading the letter because his mother was suddenly ill.答案:worried9


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