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1、1Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors李仕才一、阅读理解。You may not think it very mucha used ice cream tub(纸杯) on the beach, a cigarette butt in the sand. But these little pieces of litter amount to around 8.8 million tons of trash in the worlds oceans, poisoning and choking sealife, according to figures from the W

2、orld Wildlife Foundation.Now, in a set of images titled The Price Of Convenience by Waters has shown the destroying effects that casual littering has on creatures. In one image called “your convenience is their extinction”, a sea turtles shell is hollowed out(掏空) and filled with banana skins, soda c

3、ans, and other debris.“It is shocking the amount of trash in the oceans,” Waters, 23, said, describing his project which he has begun a campaign to the WWF. “When you leave litter on the beach,you are treating the ocean like a trash can. When you throw trash over the side of a boat, youre treating t

4、he ocean like a trash can. And when you leave litter at a beach festival or party, its the same.Obviously it would be impossible to clean the oceans but I felt I had to try something.”Waters explained that he, like many other Westerners, has always been aware of environmental concerns but did not be

5、gin to do something about i.The turning point came as he visited Malaysia with his girlfriend last year. He reached the shore to find piles of trash.But it was beautiful, the smell of the air, of the ocean.I had a strong feeling for it after I started researching trash in the ocean. A few months lat

6、er, he came across the video of a sea turtle in obvious agony(痛苦) with a drinking straw stuck up its nostrils(鼻孔).That video inspired the first of Waters three images. “Sea turtles are such gentle creatures. I felt sick watching that video.Trash left on a beach by humans caused so much pain and suff

7、ering.These animals dont have voices so weve got to speak up for them.” he added.2Waters has not yet received a response from WWF regarding his images.For now, he says, he is inspired to develop more campaigns that raise awareness of environmental concerns.1.What can be found in the sea turtles shel

8、l according to the passage?A.Some ice cream.B.Some drawings.C.Some litter.D.Some creatures.2.Why did the turtle in the video seem very painful?A.Because its nostrils were full of cigarette butts.B.Because it had been poisoned and seemed to be dying.C.Because most of its body parts had been injured s

9、eriously.D.Because there was a drinking straw stuck up its nostrils.3.Waters trying something aims to _.A.make the polluted ocean become cleanB.remind people awareness of ocean pollutionC.improve his skill of drawing picturesD.get some support from the WWF参考答案: 1.C; 2.D; 3.B解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的 fi

10、lled with banana skins, soda cans, and other debris可知在海龟的身体里填满了香蕉皮、苏打水瓶子和其他垃圾。2.细节理解题。根据文章第四段第四句的 with a drinking straw stuck up its nostrils可知是海龟鼻孔的吸管让它难受的。3.推理判断题。根据文章第三段最后一句 Waters explained that he, like many other Westerners, has always been aware of environmental concerns可知他通过自己的努力来引起其他人对海洋环境的

11、关注。二、单句语法填空1I am not accustomed to _ (interrupt) when studying or working, so please remember this and dont do it again.3答案:being interrupted2The headmaster hurried to the concert hall, only _ (tell) the speaker had gone.答案:to be told3The escaped prisoner got _ (arrest) immediately he turned up at t

12、he railway station and was sent to prison again.答案:arrested4There were so many cars held up by the heavy rain on the road that we had no alternative but _ (wait)答案:to wait5_ (assume) that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the Olympic Games, what will you do?答案:Assuming6My neck is aching.No wonder.

13、 You _ (play) computer games for four hours.答案:have been playing7For a very long time, people always have been trying to find out the _ (significant) of life.答案:significance8I had gone only a few steps _ I realized that my greeting had been impolite.答案:when9_ (look) ahead, we must expect some change

14、s to be made in our system of government.答案:Looking10In contrast to our ignorance of saving food, many people especially those in povertystricken areas are suffering from _ (starve)答案:starvation三、完形填空。After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. That

15、 Friday after work, I drove over to pick her up.We went to a restaurant that, although not 1 , was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm42 she were the First Lady. During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation nothing 3 butcatching up on recent 4 of each others life. We talked so much that

16、 we missed the 5 . As we arrived at her house later, she said, “Ill go out with you again, but only if you let me 6 you.” I agreed.“How was your 7 ?” asked my wife when I got home. “Very nice. Far 8 my wildest imagination” I answered.A few days later, my mother died of a heart attack. It happened so

17、 9 that I didnt have a chance to do anything for her . Some time 10 , I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant 11 from the same place where mother and I had dined. An 12 note said: “I paid this bill 13 . I wasnt sure that I 14 be there; but I still paid for two plates one for you and the o

18、ther for your 15 .You will never know what that night 16 for me. I love you, son.”At that moment, I 17 the importance of saying in time: “I LOVE YOU” and to give time to our family. 18 in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they 19 , because these things cannot be 20 till “so

19、me other time.”语篇解读:本文通过讲述作者和母亲去吃饭的一次经历,和母亲的突然离世来告诉人们要多花些时间和亲人在一起,这比什么都重要。而不要等到子欲养而亲不待,让人抱憾终身。所以,无论多么忙,我们都应当和家人经常交流、共处,千万不要以各种理由把和家人交流、共处的时间一次次地推迟,因为生活中有些事情是不能往后推的,否则,有可能会留下终生的遗憾!1. A. grand B. comfortable C. adaptable D. assistant【答案】A【解析】grand 宏伟的,豪华的;comfortable 舒服的;adaptable adj.能适应的,可修改的;assist

20、ant 有帮助的。上下文存在让步关系,根据空后 nice 和 cozy 以及前面的否定意义可以判断前面指饭店不是5很豪华,选 A。我们去了一家虽不豪华却很优雅舒适的饭店。2. A. even if B. as though C. so that D. in case【答案】B【解析】even if 即使;as though 仿佛,好像;so that 为了;in case 万一。母亲和儿子在一起感觉非常骄傲,就仿佛和第一夫人一般,此处是一种假设语气,选 B。妈妈挽着我的手臂,宛如第一夫人。3. A. unbelievable B. attractive C. adequate D. extra

21、ordinary【答案】D【解析】unbelievable 让人难以置信的;attractive 迷人的;adequate 足够的,合乎需要的,胜任的,令人满意的;extraordinary 非凡的。儿子和母亲的聊天没有什么大事,只是很随意,根据 but 的转折可知选 D。4. A. accidents B. events C. coincidences D. conditions【答案】B【解析】accidents 事故;events 事件;coincidences 巧合;conditions 条件,状况。母子的谈话只是涉及到彼此生活中发生的事情,选 B。吃饭的时候,我们谈得很愉快也没什么特

22、别的事只是简单描述一下彼此生活中最近发生的事。5. A. bus B. appointment C. movie D. time【答案】C【解析】bus 汽车;appointment 约会;movie 电影;time 时间。从第一段 After 21 years of marriage, my wifewanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie.可知儿子带母亲去看电影,故选 C。我们谈得太尽兴以至错过了看电影。6. A. accompany B. order C. satisfy D. invite【答案】D6【解析】ac

23、company 陪同;order 命令,订购;satisfy 使人满意,满足;invite 邀请。从下文内容可知母亲打算准备请儿子吃饭看电影,选 D。当我送她回到家时,她说: “我会再跟你出去约会,但只要你让我陪着你。 ”我同意了。7. A. date B. dinner C. film D. mother【答案】A【解析】date 日期,约会;dinner 晚餐;film 电影;mother 母亲。根据首段可知妻子让作者约母亲吃饭看电影,由此判断妻子问丈夫约会的情况,选 A。8. A. from B. beyond C. beneath D. out of【答案】B【解析】from 从;be

24、yond 超过,越过,那一边;beneath 在下面;out of 出于。固定短语:beyond imagination“难以想象,超出想象” ,选 B。 “你们的约会怎么样啊?”回到家时我妻子问。 “非常好。比我想象中要好得多。 ”我回答。9. A. instantly B. abruptly C. absolutely D. awfully【答案】B【解析】instantly 立即,马上;abruptly 突然;absolutely 绝对地;awfully 可怕地,十分。根据空后内容可知事情发生得非常突然,作者都没来得及做些什么,选 B。几天后,妈妈由于严重的心脏病发作去世了。发生得如此突

25、然以至我没有机会为她做任何事。10. A. before B. ago C. later D. after【答案】C【解析】before 在之前;ago 在某段时间前;later 后来;after 在之后。从事情的发展可知此处指过了一段时间以后,选 C。11. A. receipt B. bill C. reception D. notice7【答案】A【解析】receipt 收据;bill 账单;reception 接待;notice 注意。根据后句内容可知母亲已经提前支付了费用,由此判断信封里面装的是收据,选 A。12. A. predicted B. adapted C. attache

26、d D. approved【答案】C【解析】predicted 被预测到的;adapted 适应的;attached 附着的;approved 被认可的,经过检验的。在收据上附带着一张便条来说明情况,选 C。13. A. by chance B. on purpose C. for myself D. in advance【答案】D【解析】 by chance 偶然; on purpose 故意; for myself 为自己; in advance 提前。根据后句内容 I wasnt surethat I 14 be there; but I still paid for two plate

27、s 可知母亲没等到和作者一起去吃饭, 是提前支付了费用,选 D。14. A. might B. should C. could D. would【答案】C【解析】母亲不确定自己是否能够再次和儿子一起吃饭,此处表示一种能能力,选 C。15. A. son B. wife C. friend D. colleague【答案】B【解析】son 儿子;wife 妻子;friend 朋友;colleague 同事。从上句内容可知母亲不确定自己是否能够到场,但还是付了两个人的钱,由此判断她计划给作者和他的妻子预定的,选 B。16. A. meant B. paid C. provided D. alloc

28、ated【答案】A【解析】meant 意味着,意思是;paid 付款;provided 提供;allocated 分配。从上文第二段内容可知母亲对上次和儿子在一起吃饭感到特别开心,感觉那顿饭对她意味着很多,选 A。一段时间过后,我8收到一个信封,里面有我和我母亲一起吃晚饭的地方的收据。收据附着一张便条上面写道:“我提前付了款。我不确定我是否还能去哪儿,我付了两份,一份为你,一份为你的妻子。你不知道那晚对我来说意味着什么。我爱你,儿子。 ”17. A. advocated B. appreciated C. admired D. applauded【答案】B【解析】advocated 提倡;ap

29、preciated 感激,领悟;admired 羨慕;applauded 鼓掌。从母亲的话和母亲的去世作者应该珍惜和家人在一起的重要性,选 B。18. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing【答案】D【解析】Something 某事;Anything 任何事;Everything 一切;Nothing 没什么。此处表达了作者清楚地认识到:没有什么会比你的家人更重要的啦,选 D。19. A. demand B. need C. deserve D. desire【答案】C【解析】demand 要求;need 需要;deserve 值得;

30、desire 渴望。家人是最重要的人,他们应该得到我们更多的关注,得到更多的时间,选 D。20. A. put off B. called off C. taken off D. turned off【答案】A【解析】put off 推迟;called off 职消;taken off 起飞,脱掉;turned off 关掉。根据上文可知作者懂得了及时说“我爱你”的重要性,他也提醒读者“设有比你的家人更重要的了”所以不要把与他们共度的时光推迟到其某个时刻。 那一刻, 我明白了及时说出“我爱你”以及给予我们所爱的人他们应该得到的时间的重要性。生命中没有什么比你的家庭更重要。多花些时间陪陪你的家人

31、,因为9这些事情不能被推迟到“改天” 。四、单句改错1It seems of great significance for him to be informed regardless what has happened at home and abroad._ 答案:regardless 后加 of2Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the building, which dated back to as early as 800 years ago._ 答案:dateddates3Im fed up this w

32、eather. Its time we had some sunshine._ 答案:up 后加 with4Which is announced in todays paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems with the new theory._ 答案:WhichAs5If only I looked ahead a few days ago! Then I wouldnt have been feeling so worried now._ 答案:looked 前加 had五、单元语法现在完成进行时1(2018山东济南调研)O

33、ver the past decades, sea ice _ (decrease) in the Arctic as a result of global warming.答案:has been decreasing2(2018山东师大附中月考)Oh no! Were too late. The train _ (leave)Thats OK. Well catch the next train to London.答案:has left3Youd better not call the manager between 7 and 8 this evening, for he _ (have) an important meeting then.答案:will be having4The girl has a great interest in sport and _ (take) badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.答案:has been taking5(2015陕西卷)Marty _ (work) really hard on his book and he thinks hell have finished it by Friday.10答案:has been working


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