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1、1非谓语动词李仕才课程目标:非谓语动词是高考中非常重要的语法知识,是高考的重点和难点,无论在单选、完形填空还是书面表达中,所占分值均很大,学习时要足够重视,把它与谓语动词区分开,掌握其不同形式的用法和区别。一、学习目标1. 非谓语动词不同形式的基本用法。2. 非谓语动词不同形式的区别,及其和某些从句的转化。二、重点、难点1. 动词不定式和动名词作主语和宾语的区别。2. 动词不定式和现在分词作定语、状语的区别。3. 非谓语动词不同形式的区别和用法。三、考情分析非谓语动词在高考中所占分值很大,学生掌握起来有难度,所以必须重视该语法的学习,重视其基本用法,并研究历年来关于该语法的高考题。知识梳理:非

2、谓语动词【基本用法 1】1. 非谓语动词指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词) ,即动词的非谓语形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句中的其他成分。2. 非谓语动词也是动词的一种,它们有着动词的其他特点,可以充当主语、宾语、状语等。非谓语动词与谓语动词是相对的概念。【基本用法 2】非谓语动词与谓语动词的不同点有:1. 非谓语动词可以有名词作用(如动词不定式和动名词) ,在句中作主语、宾语、表语。2. 非谓语动词可以有形容词作用(如动词不定式和分词) ,在句中作定语、表语或宾语补足语。3. 非谓语动词可以有副词作用(如动词不定式和分词) ,在句中作

3、状语。【例句】Wonderful! In fact, it was much more exciting than expected.好极了!事实上,它比期望的更刺激。As soon as the fans saw their football stars, they felt like hugging them.粉丝一看到他们的足球明星,就想拥抱他们。一、动词不定式考点一 动词不定式的不同形式【用法】主动 被动2一般式 to write to be written进行式 to be writing /完成式 to have written to have been written1. 一般式

4、:不定式的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词的动作之后。2. 进行式:不定式的进行式所表示的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生。 3. 完成式:不定式的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。4. 被动形式:和动作的执行者之间是被动关系。【例句】We plan to pay a visit. 我们计划花钱去参观。The patient asked to be operated on at once. 病人要求马上手术。The boy pretended to be working hard. 男孩假装工作得很努力。I happened to have seen the f

5、ilm. 我碰巧看过这部电影。【考题链接】1. She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest答案:C解题思路:句意:她到达山顶,然后停在路边的一块大石头上休息。stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事。2. His first book _ next month is based on a true story. A. published B. to be published

6、C. to publish D. being published答案:B解题思路:句意:下月即将出版的他的第一本书是基于一个真实的故事创作的。考查非谓语动词作定语。由 next month 可知,动作还没发生,应用动词不定式,故排除 A、D; publish 与 book 间具有动宾关系,应用动词不定式的被动式,故选 B。考点二 动词不定式作主语【用法】动词不定式短语作主语时,常用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语不定式置于句后。【例句】To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. =It is very hard to finish the wo

7、rk in ten minutes.十分钟之内完成这项工作是很难的。【考题链接】Its important for the figures _ regularly. A. to be updated B. to have been updated C. to update D. to have updated答案:A解题思路:句意:数据定期更新是很重要的。本题考查动词不定式作主语的用法,其中 it 是形式主语;并且因为 regularly 表示经常发生,故选 A。考点三 动词不定式作表语3【例句】Her job is to clean the hall. 她的工作是打扫大厅。He appear

8、s to have caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。【考题链接】The foreigner seemed his way.A. to be losing B. to have missedC. to have lost D. missed答案:C解题思路:句意:外国人似乎迷路了。本题考查动词不定式作表语。seem 后常接动词不定式;并且不定式的动作发生在 seem 之前,故选 C。考点四 动词不定式作宾语【用法】1)常与作宾语的不定式连用的动词有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage,

9、 help, agree, promise, prefer, 如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用 it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面。2)动词不定式也可充当介词宾语。3)有些动词或动词词组可以用“动词+疑问词+不定式”的结构作宾语。【例句】He decided to help me but I pretended to have finished my job. 他决定帮助我,但是我假装已经完成我的工作了。I have no choice but to stay here.我别无选择,只有呆在这里。【考题链接】I remembered _ the door b

10、efore I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights. A. locking B. to lock C. having locked D. to have locked答案:B解题思路:考查非谓语动词。句意:在离开办公室前我记住了锁门,但是忘记了关灯。remember to do sth.意为“记住要去做某事”,remember doing sth.意为“记得以前做过某事” 。本题是对发生在过去的情况的客观陈述,根据 but 可知前后是互相对立的两件事情,即“记住了锁门而忘记了关灯” ,故选择 B 项。考点五 动词不定式作宾语补足

11、语【用法】1)在复合宾语中,动词不定式可充当宾语补足语,如下动词常接这种复合宾语:want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite.2)介词有时也与这种复合宾语连用。3)有些动词,如 make, let, see, watch, hear, feel, have 等与不带 to 的不定式连用,改为被动语态时,不定式要加 to。【例句】4I saw him cross the road. =He was

12、 seen to cross the road.我看到他穿过了马路。With a lot of work to do, he didnt go to the cinema. 因为有很多工作要做,他没有去电影院。【考题链接】1. John was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment.A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing答案:A解题思路:句意:约翰被惩罚洗一周卡车。make, let, see, watch, hear, feel, have 等与不带 to 的不定式连用,改为被动语态时,不

13、定式要加 to。故选 A。2. We saw the bird flap its wings and away.A. fly B. flied C. flew D. flying答案:A解题思路:句意:我们看到鸟儿拍打着翅膀飞走了。make, let, see, watch, hear, feel, have 等与不带 to 的不定式连用;故选 A。3. With a lot of difficult problems_, the manager felt worried all the time.A. settled B. to be settled C. settling D. to se

14、ttle答案:D解题思路:句意:因为有许多难题要解决,这个经理一直感到忧虑。本题考查非谓语动词。 “with+宾语+动词不定式”表示将要做某事。to settle 作定语,表示被动意义。考点六 动词不定式作定语【用法】1. 动词不定式作定语,放在所修饰的名词或代词后。2. 与所修饰名词有如下关系动宾关系:注意:1)不定式为不及物动词时,所修饰的名词如果是地点、工具等,应有必要的介词。2)如果不定式修饰 time, place, way,可以省略介词。3)如果不定式所修饰名词是不定式动作的承受者,不定式可用主动式也可用被动式。【例句】I have a meeting to attend. 我要出

15、席一个会议。He found a good house to live in. 他找到了一所能居住的好房子。This is the best way to work out this problem. 这是解决这个问题的最好的方法。说明所修饰名词的内容【例句】We have made a plan to finish the work. 我们制定了一个完成这项工作的计划。被修饰名词是不定式的逻辑主语【例句】He is the first to get here. 他是第一个到这里的人。【考题链接】5What else do we need for this trip besides food

16、to eat and special clothes to wear?A tent _ in.A. sleep B. sleeping C. to sleep D. slept答案:C解题思路:句意:除了吃的食物和穿的特殊衣服外,这次旅行我们还需要别的什么?一顶用来休息的帐篷。考查非谓语动词作定语。设空处表示未来的动作,故需用不定式作后置定语,此处不定式短语 to sleep in 和它所修饰的名词 tent 之间为动宾关系。易错选 D。只是想当然地认为 tent 和 sleep 之间为被动关系,而没有意识到 sleep 的主语只能是人而误选。考点七 动词不定式作状语【用法】A)表目的:注意不

17、定式放句首时,逻辑主语与句子主语要一致。【例句】He worked day and night to get the money. 他日日夜夜地工作就是为了挣钱。B)表结果:常用 only 放在不定式前表示强调(表示偶然的结果) 。【例句】He arrived late to find the train gone.他到得很晚,结果发现火车走了。C)表原因:一般用在形容词后。【例句】They were very sad to hear the news.他们听到这个消息很悲伤。【考题链接】1. George returned after the war, only_ that his wife

18、 had left him.A. to be told B. telling C. being told D. told答案:A解题思路:句意:乔治战后归来,却被告知他的妻子已经离他而去。考查非谓语动词。only to be told 表示出乎意料的结果,George 与 tell 之间是被动关系,用 be told; telling 中 tell 与 George 之间是主动关系,不符合逻辑关系;表示出乎意料的结果时,only 后不接 doing 形式,C 项不符合语法。故选 A。2. Having finished her project, she was invited by the s

19、chool _ to the new students.A. speaking B. having spoken C. to speak D. to have spoken答案:C解题思路:句意:完成计划后,她被学校邀请去给新生发言。考查非谓语动词。在此句中,to do sth.作目的状语,故选 C。即学即练:1. This machine is very easy _. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.A. operating B. to be operating C. operated D. to operate6答案:D解题思路:

20、句意:这台机器很容易操作,任何人在几分钟之内都能学会使用它。考查动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。在“be+性质形容词+不定式”结构中,应用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。常见的此类形容词有 easy, hard, difficult, interesting, heavy, pleasant, comfortable, safe, dangerous, impossible 等,该类形容词说明的是不定式的性质。2. Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _ his plane high up in the sky.A. finding B. to find

21、C. being found D. to have found答案:B解题思路:考查非谓语动词。句意:汤姆乘出租车去机场,结果却发现飞机已经起飞了。only to do 表示意料之外的结果;现在分词作结果状语, 表示自然而然的结果。发现飞机飞走发生在到达机场之后,所以应排除 D 项,故应选 B。3. Simon made a big bamboo box _ the little sick bird till it could fly.A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep答案:D解题思路:考查非谓语动词。动词不定式用来表示目的。故选 D。句意:为了让生病的

22、小鸟待到会飞,西蒙做了一个大的竹盒子。二、过去分词【用法】过去分词只 有一种形式:规则动词由动词原形加词尾-ed 构成。不规则动词的过去分词没有统一的规则要求,要一一记住。和所修饰词之间是被动关系,表示动作的完成。考点一 过去分词作定语【用法】注意:当过去分词是单词时,一般用于名词前,如果是过去分词短语,就放在名词的后面。过去分词作定语相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。【例句】Our class went on an organized trip last Monday. 上周一我们班开展了一次有组织的旅行。Those elected as committee members will atten

23、d the meeting. 当选为委员的人将出席这次会。【考题链接】Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _ from the library. A. to borrow B. to be borrowedC. borrowed D. borrowing答案:C解题思路:句意:怀特夫人让学生们看了她从图书馆借来的一些旧地图。borrowed 在句中作定语修饰 maps, 二者间是被动关系,故用过去分词。考点二 过去分词作表语【用法】71) 注意 be +过去分词,如果表示状态是系表结构,如果表示被动的动作是被动语态。2) 有些过去分词由不及

24、物动词构成,不表示被动,只表示完成。【例句】The window is broken. 窗户破了。 (系表)【考题链接】In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. A. sticking B. stuckC. to be stuck D. to have stuck答案:B解题思路:考查非谓语动词作表语。remain 为系动词,其后接过去分词构成系表结构,表示有成千上万的游客被滞留在国外。句意:在四月份,数以千计的度假者因为火山灰云而滞留海外。考点三 过去分词作宾语补

25、足语【例句】With the work done, they went out to play. 工作做完了,他们出去玩了。【考题链接】1. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _for a meal to be cooked.A. laid B. laying C. to lay D. being laid答案: A解题思路:本题考查非谓语动词。with 后接复合结构,a table 与 lay 之间为被动关系,且有 already 暗示,故空白处应用过去分词表被动和完成。句意:起居室干净又整洁,为做饭

26、准备的餐桌也已摆好。2. Excuse me, manager, a man calling himself Mr. Smith is asking to see you.Thanks, but I have had no appointment _ with anybody today.A. make B. made C. to make D. making答案:B解题思路:考查非谓语动词。make an appointment“约会(见) ”为固定搭配。appointment 和 make 之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。句意:打扰一下,经理,一个自称史密斯先生的人想要见您。谢谢

27、,但是我今天没约任何人。考点四 过去分词作状语【用法】过去分词作状语表示原因、时间、条件和让步。【例句】Praised by the neighbours, he became the pride of his parents. 受到邻居们的表扬,他成为父母的骄傲。 (表示原因)Once seen, it can never be forgotten. 一旦它被看见,人们就忘不了。 (表示时间)Given more time, Ill be able to do it better. 如果给予更多的时间,我能做得更好。 (表示条件)Though told of the danger, he s

28、till risked his life to save the boy. 8虽然被告之危险,他仍然冒生命危险去救那个男孩。 (表示让步)【考题链接】1. _ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.A. Use B. Using C. Used D. To use答案:C解题思路:考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词 use 和逻辑主语 one tin 之间是被动关系,应用过去分词表被动。句意:如果小心使用,一罐可以持续六周。2. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until _ to.A. spoke

29、n B. speaking C. speak D. be spoken答案:A解题思路:本题考查非谓语动词。until 引导时间状语从句,但 until 后仅接了动词,所以可判断出缺主语,此时主语是 he,并且省略了 be;until spoken to 可视为 until he is spoken to 之略。故选 A。句意:他是话很少的人,直到和他说了,他才会说。即学即练:1. When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses. If _, they can result in illness or even death.A. br

30、eathe in B. to be breathed in C. breathing in D. breathed in答案:D解题思路:考查非谓语动词。breathe in 与 they 之间是被动关系,且表示条件,并且省略 if_=if they are breathed in.故选 D 项。句意:当一个坟墓被打开时,新鲜的空气扰乱了里面的细菌。如 果被人吸入,它们会导致疾病甚至死亡。2. Would you like to join us?Id love to, but I have to have my bicycle _first.A. repair B. repairing C.

31、to repair D. repaired答案:D解题思路:考查非谓语动词作宾补。have sth. done 是固定结构,意为:让某人做某事。repair 与 bicycle 之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。句意:你要和我们一块去吗?我想去,但是我首先要修一下自行车。3. This problem may lead to more serious ones if _unsolved.A. making B. leaving C. keeping D. left答案:D解题思路:考查非谓语动词。if_是省略,该句的逻辑主语是 this problem,并且有 be 的形式;又因为 l

32、eave 与 problem 之间是动宾关系,且根据句意可知用表示被动的过去分词,故选 D 项。句意:如果这个问题不解决,它可能会导致更严重的问题。4. _ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself _at the party.A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; noticed C. Dressed; noticing D. Dressing; being noticing答案:A解题思路:本题考查非谓语动词。dress 表示“穿着”时是及物动词,用于 dress sb.或 sb. be dressed,此时 dressed 作状语;“make +宾语+宾语补足语”意为“使某人” ,notice 与宾语之间是动宾关系,并且作宾语补足语,故选 A。句意:穿上最漂亮的裙子,这个女孩试图使自己在宴会上受到关注。9


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