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1、Lesson 25 Jennys Family,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 5 Family and Home,课前自主预习,member,son,daughter,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,drive,policeman,radio,走着去上学,用警用对讲机交谈,drive a bus,the Smith family,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,Jennys,What does,do,a,driver,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,driving,talking on the police radio,Lesson 25

2、 Jennys Family,F,T,F,T,T,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 family n. 家;家庭,观察 This is Jennys family. 这是詹妮一家人。 These three families come from three countries. 这三个家庭来自三个国家。 His family are watching TV now. 他们一家人现在正在看电视。,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,探究 family作名词,意为“家;家庭”。其复数形式为_。,注意 (1)family如果指整个家庭,作主语时,

3、谓语动词用单数形式。 (2)family如果指家庭中若干成员,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。,families,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,活学活用,Peters family _ a big one. His family _ all at home today. Ais; is Bis; are Care; is Dare; are,B,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,2 the Smith family 史密斯一家人,观察 We are the Smith family. 我们是史密斯一家人。,探究 “the姓氏family”表示“某某一家人”或“某某

4、夫妇二人”,作主语时,谓语动词用_形式。,复数,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,拓展该短语也可表达为 “the Smiths”,即“the姓氏s”,其含义和用法与“the姓氏family”完全相同。在该结构中,姓氏名词的第一个字母必须大写。例如: The Greens are watching TV. 格林一家人正在看电视。,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,活学活用,布莱克一家人很友好。 The _ _ are very friendly. _ _ are very friendly.,Black family,The Blacks,Lesson 25 Jenn

5、ys Family,3 drive v. 驾驶;用车送 n. 驱车旅行,观察 She is driving a bus. 她正在驾驶公共汽车。 Could you drive me to the station? 你能开车送我去车站吗? Lets take a drive in the country. 我们开车去乡下兜兜风吧。,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,探究 (1)drive作动词时,意为“驾驶”,后跟表示车辆的名词作宾语。 (2)drive sb. to sp.意为“开车送某人去某地”。 (3)drive作名词时,意为“驱车旅行”。常用短语是take a drive,

6、意为“去兜风”。,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,活学活用,(1)你会开小轿车吗? Can you _ _ _? (2)我爸爸每天开车送我去上学。 My father _ me _ school every day.,drive a car,drives,to,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,句型透视,1 What does she do? 她是做什么的?She is a bus driver. 她是一名公共汽车司机。,探究 “What does she/he do?”是询问职业的句型,意为“她/他是做什么的?”其答语为“主语bea/an表示职业的名词”。,Le

7、sson 25 Jennys Family,拓展询问职业的其他常用句型: (1)Whatbe主语?例如: What is your mother?你妈妈是做什么的? Shes a teacher. 她是一名教师。 (2)What is sb.s job?例如: What is your brothers job?你哥哥的工作是什么? Hes a policeman. 他是一名警察。,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,活学活用,(1)“你父亲是做什么的?”“他是一名医生。” _ _ your father _? He is _ _ (2)他的父母是做什么的? _ _ his par

8、ents?,What does,do,a doctor,What are,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,2 She is walking to school. 她正走着去上学。,探究 walk to school意为“走着去上学”,相当于go to school _。,on foot,拓展当walk to后面的地点为地点副词(如here, there, home等)时,to须省略。例如: The shop is not far. Lets walk there. 那家商店不远。我们走着去吧。,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,活学活用,同义句转换 My gran

9、dmother goes to the park on foot every day. My grandmother _ _ _ _ every day.,walks to the park,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,课文回顾,Jennys family,Jim Smith,a worker,working,Mary Smith,a driver,driving a bus,Bob,a policeman,talking on the police radio,Lynn,a student,walking to school,Lesson 25 Jennys Family,


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