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1、Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 3 Safety,课前自主预习,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,suddenly,sudden,blood,rock,stick,stranger,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,strange,careless,锋利的; 锐利的,carelessly,恐怖的; 吓人的,take off,go down,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,stick out of,all of

2、a sudden,lie down,大声呼救,谢天谢地,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,如此以至于,开车送某人到,拯救某人的生命,went,down,lay,so,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,down,sticking,out,of,look,to,at,give,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,me,a,big,hug,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 knee n. 膝;膝盖;膝关节,观察 My hand and knee were bleeding. 我的手和膝盖在流血。 Hi

3、s left knee was hurt in a traffic accident. 他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,课堂互动探究,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,探究 在表示“跪着;屈膝”时,knee常用_(单/复)数形式。表示“在某人的膝下”时,通常用at sbs knee. Go down on your knees!跪下!,复,活学活用,1你可以让孩子坐在你的膝盖上。 You could seat the baby _ _ _.,Lesson 15 My Helmet Sav

4、ed My Life!,on,your,knees,2 stick v. 插入;穿入,观察 I found a nail sticking in the tyre. 我发现轮胎上扎了一根钉子。,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,探究 stick作_词时,意为“插入;穿入”,其过去式和过去分词均为stuck。 常用结构:stick out of意为“从伸出来”,也可表达为stickout of,意为“把从伸出来”。 Some branches stuck out of the wall. 一

5、些树枝伸出了墙外。,动,拓展 stick还可用作名词,意为“枝条”,也可译为“棍,棒;手杖”。 He picked up some sticks to make a fire. 他拾了些树枝来生火。 The old man cannot walk without a stick. 这位老人没有手杖走不了路。,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,2 (1)护士把针扎进我的胳膊。The nurse _ the needle into my arm.(2)当火车正在行驶的时候,不要把你的手伸出窗外。Dont_ your hand_ _ the window when

6、 the train is running.,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,stuck,stick,out,of,3 careless adj. 粗心的,观察 But Ill never be careless again! 我绝不会再粗心大意了! The careless driver ran his car into a wall. 这位粗心的司机把汽车撞到了墙上。,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,探究 careless 可作_语或_语。该词属

7、于派生词,词根为care,反义词为careful, 副词为carelessly,名词为carelessness。 It was careless of you to leave your camera in the taxi. 你把照相机落在出租车里,实在太粗心了。,表/定,定/表,3 (1)2017成都 I was so c_ that I made the same mistake again.(2)2017连云港 If we keep using our natural resources _ (满不在乎地), they will run out sooner or later.,Les

8、son 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,areless,carelessly,句型透视,1 I felt so terrible that I lay down again.我感觉如此糟糕,以至于我又躺下了。,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,探究 sothat是固定结构,意为“_”。该结构中,so是副词,常用来修饰_词或副词,that 引导_状语从句。 Playing football is so exciting that many people in the

9、world like it. 踢足球是如此令人兴奋,以至于世界上许多人喜欢它。,形容,如此以至于,结果,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,拓展当sothat引导的结果状语从句是肯定句时,可以与“be _ to do”进行转换;当其引导的结果状语从句是否定句时,可与 “_” 或 “be notenough to do”进行转换。 He is so clever that he can understand what I said. He is clever enough to understand what I said. 他很聪明,能明白我说的话。,toot

10、o,enough,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,He is so short that he cant reach the book on the shelf. He is too short to reach the book on the shelf. He is not tall enough to reach the book on the shelf. 他太矮了, 够不到架子上的书。,活学活用,1(1)2017扬州他说得太快,不能清楚地表达自己的想法。(翻 译句子)_,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,He

11、spoke so fast that he cant express himself clearly./,He spoke too fast to express himself clearly.,(2)2017营口Why didnt you write down what the teacher said? Because she spoke _ fast _ I couldnt follow her. Atoo; to Bvery; that Cenough; to Dso; that,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,D,(3)Jenny was to

12、o excited to express herself clearly.(改为复合句) Jenny was _ excited _ she couldnt express herself clearly.,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,so,that,2 When my mother got to the hospital, she gave me a big hug.当我妈妈赶到医院时,她紧紧地抱住了我。,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,探究 give sb. a big hug 意为“_”, 其中的hug为_词。 The little girl gave her mother a big hug. 小女孩紧紧地抱住了她的妈妈。,紧紧地拥抱某人,名,2不要忘了紧紧地拥抱你的妈妈!Dont forget _ _ your mother _ _ _!,Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!,to,give,a,big,hug,


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