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,栏目导航,考点一 可持续发展的内涵与基本观念,考点二 实施可持续发展的途径,课后限时集训,资源危机,21世纪议程,当代人,生态可持续能力,社会公正,各种需要,生态环境,后代人,生态环境,发展,生产规模,高消耗,资源,环境承载能力,清洁生产,环境压力,荒漠化,水土流失,水污染,伏季休渔,自然资源,眼前,长远,发展中,生态平衡,生态环境,

  • BS EN ISO 15138-2008 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Heating ventilation and air-conditioning《石油和天然气工业 海上开采设备 供暖、通风和空气调节 n》.pdf BS EN ISO 15138-2008 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Heating ventilation and air-conditioning《石油和天然气工业 海上开采设备 供暖、通风和空气调节 n》.pdf
  • BS EN ISO 15141-1-1998 Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products - High performance liquid chromatographic method with silica gel clean up《食品 谷物和谷物制.pdf BS EN ISO 15141-1-1998 Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products - High performance liquid chromatographic method with silica gel clean up《食品 谷物和谷物制.pdf
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  • BS EN ISO 15156-3-2015 Petroleum and natural gas industries Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant .pdf BS EN ISO 15156-3-2015 Petroleum and natural gas industries Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant .pdf
  • BS EN ISO 15175-2011 Soil quality Characterization of soil related to groundwater protection《土壤质量 与地下水保护相关的土壤的特性描述》.pdf BS EN ISO 15175-2011 Soil quality Characterization of soil related to groundwater protection《土壤质量 与地下水保护相关的土壤的特性描述》.pdf
  • BS EN ISO 15181-1-2007 Paints and varnishes - Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints - General method for extraction of biocides《涂料和清漆 防虫涂料中杀虫剂释放速率的测定 杀虫.pdf BS EN ISO 15181-1-2007 Paints and varnishes - Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints - General method for extraction of biocides《涂料和清漆 防虫涂料中杀虫剂释放速率的测定 杀虫.pdf
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