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打字机,蒸汽火车,剪彩波尔卡,剪彩波尔卡又名快速波尔卡。这部作品为纪念某铁路通车的剪彩仪式,于1896年创作并首演了带有描绘色彩的管弦乐曲。,剪彩波尔卡 A部a主题,旋律,XX XX XX X X O X O,X X X X X O X O,O O O O XX X XX X,剪彩波尔卡A部b主题,B,c,d,剪彩波尔卡B部c d主题,A,a,b,剪彩波尔卡第三段落?主题,(XX X),尾声,A,a,b,B,c,d,A,a,b,尾声,引子,单三部曲式结构,情绪欢快活泼的速度快速的拍子2/4拍子常用节奏型XX X,爱德华施特劳斯,奥地利的轻音乐 作曲家、指挥家、小提琴家。 整个家族支配了19世纪维也纳的轻音乐时代,为历任奥地利皇帝和帝国的公卿贵族创作大量圆舞曲和波尔卡。,圆舞曲,波尔卡,

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  • NASA NACA-RM-L52B13-1952 Effects of some primary variables of rectangular vortex generators on the static-pressure rise through a short diffuser《矩形旋涡发生器的一些初级变量对通过短扩散器静态压力上升的影响》.pdf NASA NACA-RM-L52B13-1952 Effects of some primary variables of rectangular vortex generators on the static-pressure rise through a short diffuser《矩形旋涡发生器的一些初级变量对通过短扩散器静态压力上升的影响》.pdf
  • NASA NACA-RM-L52C11-1952 Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a twisted and cambered wing of 45 degrees sweepback and aspect ratio 8 with and without high-lift andolds.pdf NASA NACA-RM-L52C11-1952 Low-speed longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a twisted and cambered wing of 45 degrees sweepback and aspect ratio 8 with and without high-lift andolds.pdf
  • NASA NACA-RM-L52E02-1952 Longitudinal frequency-response and stability characteristics of the Douglas D-558-II airplane as determined from transient response to a Mach number of 0 .pdf NASA NACA-RM-L52E02-1952 Longitudinal frequency-response and stability characteristics of the Douglas D-558-II airplane as determined from transient response to a Mach number of 0 .pdf
  • NASA NACA-RM-L52E06-1952 Effects of stabilizing fins and a rear-support sting on the base pressure of a body of revolution in free flight at Mach numbers from 0 7 to 1 3《当马赫数为0 7至1.pdf NASA NACA-RM-L52E06-1952 Effects of stabilizing fins and a rear-support sting on the base pressure of a body of revolution in free flight at Mach numbers from 0 7 to 1 3《当马赫数为0 7至1.pdf
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