NASA NACA-RM-L51L10-1952 Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of spoilers of large projection on an NACA 65A006 wing with quarter-chord line swept back 32 6 degrees《在高.pdf

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NASA NACA-RM-L51L10-1952 Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of spoilers of large projection on an NACA 65A006 wing with quarter-chord line swept back 32 6 degrees《在高.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-RM-L51L10-1952 Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of spoilers of large projection on an NACA 65A006 wing with quarter-chord line swept back 32 6 degrees《在高.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-RM-L51L10-1952 Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of spoilers of large projection on an NACA 65A006 wing with quarter-chord line swept back 32 6 degrees《在高.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-RM-L51L10-1952 Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of spoilers of large projection on an NACA 65A006 wing with quarter-chord line swept back 32 6 degrees《在高.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-RM-L51L10-1952 Wind-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of spoilers of large projection on an NACA 65A006 wing with quarter-chord line swept back 32 6 degrees《在高.pdf_第5页
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2、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IF NACA RM 5mo - NATIOmAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WIKD-TUMNEL INVESTIGATION AT- HIGH SUBSOKCC SPEEDS OF SPOILERS OF L if not small, they had the same sign as the rolLing-moment coefficient8 which is usual

3、ly considered a favorable condition. Figure 6 indicates that the rolling-moment coefficients generally increased with increase in Mach number for small angles of attack. In the angle-of-attack range (near 120) where the spoilers rapidlylost effectiveness, rolling-moment coefficients were larger-at M

4、 = 0.4 than at M = 0.6 and 0.8. The comparative effects of perforated and nonperforated spoilers and plain ailerons on the lift, drag, and pitching-moment characteristics of the model are shown in figure 7. A comparison of the lateral con- trol characteristics is shown in figure 8. A perforated spoi

5、ler of Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 NACA RM L5lL10 0.10 projection, which had about 37 percent of the area of the pm- jecting surface removed, had less drag at all Mach numbers than the RO- perforated, and the perforated produced

6、 rolling moments that were 20 to 35 percent less than the nonperforated at small angles of attack. This percentage difference became less as the Mach number increased. There was very little difference in pitching-moment characteristics between the two spoiler configurations. Plain ailerons of 0.20 a

7、nd h-0 percent semtspan located outboard were deflected loo up on one wing and 10 down on the opposite wing. This aileron configuration was a little better at the UwEr Mach numbers in producing rolling moment than the 0.10 spoiler (fig. 8). The effec- tiveness of the spoilers at the lower angles of

8、attack increased with Mach number, whereas the effectiveness of the ailerons decreased above a Mach number of 0.6. The ailerons retained much of thelr effectiveness at the higher angles of attack, but the spoilers became ineffective at 16O and above. CONCLUSIONS * A wind-tunnel investigation was mad

9、e through a Mach number range from 0.4 to 0.91 to determine the effect of spoilers on the aerodynamic characteristics of a model with the uarter-chord line of the wing swept back 32.6 and having an NACA 2 5.006 afrfoil section. The right wing was equipped with 50-percent-semispan spoilers of 0.25 ch

10、ord maximum projection located inbaard on the 70-percent-chord line. For comparison with nonperforatedspoilers., a perforated spoiler and plain outboard ailerons of 0.20 chord and 40-percent semispan deflected loo up and down were tested. As a result of the investigation, the following conclusions b

11、ased on tests of the configurations described are justified: 1. At the lower wing angles of attack an increase in spoiler pro- jection produced an increase in rolling moment for spoiler projections UP to 0.25 chord. 2. Spoilers rapidly lost effectiveness above a wing angle of attack of 8 and were in

12、effective at 16O and above. 3. Spoilers of small projection (0.0%) located on the wing lower surface were only slfghtly less effective in producing rolling moments than spoilers of the same projection located on the wing upper surface. 4. At the lower wing angles of attack the effectiveness of the s

13、poilers in producing rolling moments increased with increase in Mach number. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA RM L51LlO 5. Spoiler projection on the wing upper surface produced small - positive increments of pitching moment but ha

14、d little effect on stability. 6. A perforated spoiler was less effective in producing rolling moments than a nonperforated one. 7. Plain outboard ailerons retained much of their effectiveness in producing rolling moments at high angles of attack, whereas spoilers became ineffective at high angles of

15、 attack. Langley Aeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautfcs Langley Field, Va. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 REFERENCES NACA Rh4 L5lL10 1. Fischel, Jack, and Tamburello, Vito: Investigation of Effect of Sp

16、an, Spanwise Location, and Chordvise Location of Spoilers on Lateral Control Characteristics of a Tapered Wing. NACA TN 1294, 1947 2. Fischel, Jack, and Hasrmond, Alexander D.: Investigation of Effect of Span and Spanwise Location of Plain and Stepped Spoiler Ailerons on Lateral Control CharacterLst

17、ics af a Wing with Leading Edge Swept Back 51.3. NACA RM LgK02, 1950. 3. Bollech, Thomas V., and Pratt, George L. : Effects of Plain and Step Spoiler Location and Projection on -the Lateral Control Characteris- tics of a P ain and Flapped 420 Sweptback Wing at a Reynolds Number of 6.8 x 1 , and Gray

18、, Joseph L., Jr.: Charts for Determining Jet-Boundary Corrections for Complete Models in 7- by 10-Foot Closed Rectangular Wind Tunnels. NACA ARR L5G31, 1945 9. Herriot, John G.: Blockage Corrections for Three-Dimensional-Flow Cloaed-Throat Wind Tunneb, with Consideration of the Effect of Compressibi

19、lity. NACA Rep. 995, 1950. (Formerly NACA RM 728. ) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2F NACA RM 510 - TABLE I FUSELAGE ORDINATES -, 9 pasic fineness ratio 12, actual fineness ratio 9.8 achieved by cutttng off the rear one-sixth of the

20、bodg X 0 30 -45 . - 75 1.50 3 -00 4.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30 .oo 33 .oo 36.00 39-00 42.00 49.20 r 0 .13% .1788 .2568 9 4332 .*78 1.1026 1 5558 1.8540 7230 2 0790 2 0 3598 2.4378 2.4858 2.5002 2.2446 2.4780 2.4144 2.3052 2.1372 1.65 L. E. radlus = 0.030 inch Provided by IHS

21、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-10 NACA RM 5110 Area 324 sp in. Aspecf ratio 4.0 Taper fa fio 0.6 Section NACA 65A006 span 36.0 in. Roof chord 1/26 in. Tip chord 6.75 in. c 9.187 in. Quarter-chord lbe/, M .9 LO Figure 6.- Variation of rolling-moment

22、 coefficient with &ch number for various spoiler projection8 and angles of attack. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4F NACA RM L5lLlO -06 .04 o- .02 .5 .6 .7 -8 MQC number, M Figure 6.- Concluded. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

23、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-26 - NACA RM 510 .3 .2 ,f 0 74 2 0 .2 p .6 .8 L iff coefficient, CL (a) Pll x 0.4. Figure 7.- Comparison of the effect of perforated and nonperforated spoilers and plain ailerons on the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch. Provided by IHSN

24、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA RM L5lLl.O - :4 72 0 -2 .4 .6 .8 Lift coefficient, C (b) M z 0.6. Figure 7.- Continued. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-28 Figure 7.- Continued. ” Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA RM L5lLlO /2 0, t? (d) M z 0.91. Figure 7.- Concluded. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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