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1、学习目标,1.能熟练对话进行有关内容的问答 2.会运用重点句型、用法等表示对某一事物的喜爱程度。 3.通过谈论看电视这个普通的娱乐方式,了解电视节目对人们日常生活的影响。,自学指导1,1、自学内容:课本P2728页的 生词. 2、自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音,提问. 3、自学时间:5分钟 4、自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思,并能英汉互译.,自学检测1,英汉互译。 1.女演员 actress 2.迷人的 charming 3.有教育意义的 educational 4.科学 science 5.悲剧 tragedy 6.纪录片 documentary 7.喜剧 comedy 8结尾 en

2、ding 9.绘画 drawing,自学指导2,自学内容:课本25页1a 自学方法:听录音和扫读。 自学时间:10分钟 自学要求:听并读1a,完成相应习题。完成1b,1c,What do you often do in your spare time?,play basketball,play skateboard,sing songs,listen to music,I prefer watching TV.,watch TV,自学检测2,找2到3组同学进行问答练习(尽量脱离课本),其余同学可以对对话进行评论,纠正。最后老师总结。,自学指导3,自学内容:课本25页1a 自学方法:精读 自学时

3、间:8分钟 自学要求:找出1a 中的重点短语和句子。,自学检测3,1.宁愿做 不愿做 would rather do sth than do Sth=would do sth rather than do sth=prefer to do sth rather than do sth 2.更喜欢做 prefer to do sth 3.比 更喜欢 prefer sth to sth 4.喜欢做 胜过做 prefer doing sth to doing sth 5.在某人空闲的时间 in ones spare time,自学指导4,自学内容:课本2a,2b 自学方法:同组讨论 自学时间:5分钟

4、 自学要求: 会写出节目的汉语名称,Children s Programs,Sports Shows,News Reports,TV Plays,自学检测4,Magic Shows,Educational Programs,World Tour,Animal World,自学检测4,2b. Talk with your partner about your favorite TV programs with the information in 2a by following the example.,Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays

5、or sports shows?,I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.,TV plays,Childrens Programs,News Reports,Sports Shows,自学检测4,A: Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? B: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.,World Tour,Animal World,Magic Shows,自学指导5,自学内容:课本27页1b 自

6、学方法:先找同学评论糾正,最后老师总结 自学时间:5分钟 自学要求:完成1b听力部分,1b. Listen to 1a and complete the table.,TV,music,sports,games,自学检测4,自学指导6,自学内容:课本3和4 自学方法:同组讨论 自学时间:5分钟 自学要求: 先找同学进行评论纠正,最后老师总结,( ) It shows the exciting actions of the characters. ( ) It tells us a story with a sad ending. ( ) It is made with drawings, no

7、t with real people. ( ) It makes us laugh. ( ) It shows us what the future could be like. ( ) It gives facts and information about something.,3,2,6,5,1,4,Science Fiction,Tragedy,Action Movie,Documentary,Comedy,Cartoon,3. Match the types of movies with their explanations.,自学检测6,要点归纳1,1.would rather d

8、o sth. than do sth. 比起做更愿意做eg. I would rather read books than play basketball.比起打篮球,我更愿意看书。当than前后的动作一致时,为避免重复,后者可省 略。eg. I would rather play football than basketball.,要点归纳2,2.prefer v. 更喜欢prefer sth. 更喜欢prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过Bprefer doing sth. to doing sth. 喜欢做胜过做I prefer staying

9、 at home to shopping. I prefer to sing folk songs.,actress n. 女演员 actor n. 男演员 in ones spare time 在某人空闲的时间 prefer sth. = like. better 更喜欢In my spare time, I prefer watching TV. would rather do.than do. 喜欢做胜过做I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.,Summary,1.(2012 江苏无锡) ( ) My father doesn

10、t like shopping much. He would rather _TV at home than _ around for hours in shops.A. watch; walk B. watch; to walk C. to watch; to walk D. to watch; walk 2.(2011 湖北黄冈) ( ) My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. _. Shall we go together?A. So I do. B. So do I. C. So will I. D. So I will.,A

11、,C,当堂训练,3.Bill preferred_ (play) soccer rather than swim.4.He preferred renting a car to _(have)one of his own.5.She preferred _(make) clothes rather than buy in the shops.6.Id rather do my homework by myself than copy others.(改为同义句) I _ _my homework by myself to _others.,Homework,Search for more information about the movies in 3 on the Internet and try to give an introduction in next lesson.,Thank you! Bye!,


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