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1、1Unit 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 4 Dont Smoke, Please!同步教案Navigation of the course(课程导航)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. 让学生懂得吸烟有害健康,被动吸烟甚至更严重2. 让学生找出一些禁止吸烟的地方3. 谈谈吸烟容易引起那些疾病Teaching important points(教学重点)1. New words and new phrases of the text.2. Enable to talk about the harm of smoking.Teaching difficult points(

2、教学难点)Enable to talk about the harm of smoking.Guiding teaching scene(教学情景导入)Hello, everyone. Look at the sign. Whats the meaning of it?Right. No smoking, please. Smoking is a bad habit. It is bad for the person who smokes and his families. It can cause firing. Is there someone smoking at home? If ye

3、s, what should you do now? Great. Ask him/her to give up smoking for the family. Dont smoke, please.教学过程设计Step1. Warming up: Discuss the following questions with your students. List of the serious diseases in the world today. Why do people get ill? What should we do to stay healthy?Step2. Learning n

4、ew words of the text.smoke v. 吸烟 harmful adj. 有害的public adj. 公共的 law n. 法律whenever conj 无论何时 risk n. 危险somebody pron. 有人 disease n. 疾病lung n. 肺 breathe v. 呼吸cigarette n. 香烟 Step3. Read and finish Exercise 1 on Page 9.Ask students to talk about in groups. Then check answers as a class.Step 4. Explain

5、 the text and learn the language notes1. Smoking is also bad for your heart. 抽烟对你的心脏有害。be bad for sth. /sb. “有害于某人或某物”, 也可以用 be harmful to sth. /sb. 或 do 2harm to sb.。例:Smoking is bad for your health. =Smoking is harmful to your health. =Smoking does harm to your health.2. Every year, millions of pe

6、ople around the world die as a result of smoking. 每年,全世界有数以百万的人由于吸烟而死亡。1)million, thousand, hundred, billion等词,表示概数时,加“s” ,跟 of连用;在与具体数字连用时,不加“s” ,也不跟 of连词。Thousands of people visit the island every year.2) as a result of相当于 because of,后跟名词或代词3. Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟有害健康。1) be bad for对有

7、害,相当于 be harmful to,后跟名词或代词。此句也可表达为:Smoking is harmful to your health.2) swimming是动名词。动名词是英语中动词的非谓语形式的一种,起名词的作用。在动名词的短语中,动名词还保留动词的属性,如可以带自己的宾语、状语等。动名词做主语的几种类型:直接位于句首做主语。Swimming is a good sport in summer. 在夏天,游泳是一项好的体育运动。用 it作形式主语,把动名词(真正的主语)至于句末作后置主语。It is no use telling him not to worry. 告诉他不用担心是没

8、有用的。Step 5. Come to “PROJECT”. Divide the class into groups of three or four to finish the task. Discuss the diseases causes by smoking and drinking. It can be divided into two steps. The first step, talk the harm of smoking. Drinking is more harmful then smoking. Many people died from drinking ever

9、y year. They drink too much, but they still drive their cars. Now too many accidents happen on the road.Step7. Evaluation standards:I. 根据汉语提示完成句子1.Lets stop working and have a _(烟).2._(疾病)are usually terrible to us.3. You neednt take the _ (冒险) to do that.4. Junk food is _ (有害的) to our health.I. 1. smoke 2. Diseases 3. risk 4. harmfulStep8. Homework. Make a poster to show the harm of smoking and drinking for people.Homework(作业)1.Finish off the activity book.2. Preview the next reading in the student book.3. Ask the students to ask people around him/her to smoke less and drink less.3


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