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1、1Unit 3Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur同步教案Navigation of the course(课程导航)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. 掌握本课四会单词及短语:rule, training,higher and higher, warnings about safety2. 理解祈使句的用法Teaching important points(教学重点)Mastery words and expressions of the text.Teaching difficult points(教学难点)1. Master imperative se

2、ntence.2. Learn more sentences on expressing fear.Guiding teaching scene(教学情景导入)Today, Brian gets back an e-mail from Li Ming. Its on the hurt of his accident. Lets look at the suggestions of Li Ming. Let us enjoy this email.Teaching steps(教学过程设计)Step1. Show some warnings in the daily life to the cl

3、ass.Take care of the grass, and they have lives as us, too.Never give up learning, net games are harmful!Keep quiet! No litters!Slow down! Dont jump over!Never catch a dinosaur!Step2. Read the diary and pay attention to these sentences.1. You advised him to use a ladder, but he didnt listen.2. You h

4、ave warned him to use the ladder.3. She watched me climb higher and higher.Step3. Warming up. Ask the class to discuss the two questions.If you fall down from a high place, what would happen?What would you do if you see someone falling down?Step4. Listening tasks: Listen to the tape and answer the f

5、ollowing questions:Who is the letter from?Whats wrong with Li Ming in the text?Keys: 1.It is from Li Ming.22. He fell off the tree and his leg was hurt.Step5. Reading tasks: With the questions, read the text and then answer the questions.Did Danny write to Li Ming?When did Li Ming have an accident?W

6、ho took Li Ming to the hospital?How long did it take Li Ming to recover?Keys: 1.Yes, he did.2. When he was seven years old.3. His mother.4. Three months.Step6. Explain the text and remember the language notes.1. You advised him to use a ladder, but he didnt listen. 你建议他用梯子,但是他不听。advise sb. to do 建议某

7、人做某事,其否定形式为 advise sb. not to do=advise sb. against sth。He advised me to go to see a doctor.他建议我去看医生。2. She watched me climb higher and higher. 他看我爬得越来越高。higher and higher 越来越高,其结构为“比较级+and+比较级” ,意为“越来越” 。若比较级由 more 构成,则结构为“more and more+形容词/副词” 。When spring comes, the day gets longer and longer. 当春

8、天来的时候,白天变得越来越长了。Step7. Come to “Lets Do It”. Encourage the students to finish it. Lets see how many students can finish the task without looking at the books. Praise them if you think they do well.Step8. Evaluation standards:根据汉语提示完成句子1. 他跳得这么高。He jumped _ _.2. 这些树长得越来越高了。The trees grow _ and _.3. 老

9、师建议我多读。My teacher _ me _ read more.4. 我不会努力去接一只正在掉落的恐龙。I wont _ _ catch a _ dinosaur.3答案:1. so high 2. taller taller 3. advises to 4. try to fallingHomework(作业)1. Finish the remaining exercises in the book.2. Preview the next reading in the student book.Teaching reflection (教学反思)本节课学生再次巩固了“比较级+比较级”这

10、一知识点,表示“越来越.” 。团结就是力量。如果所有教师都能团结起来,进行有效的合作,分享共同的资源。那我们的课堂教学肯定会事半功倍。我这里的合作分为“横向” 和“纵向”两种:1. “横向”也就是同一学科的同伴合作。每位教师在教学上总有自己的长处和短处,所以我们要加强同一学科间的同伴合作,利用集体的优势,做到取长补短,相得益彰。还有,同一学科,不同的年级段都由不同教师任教,我们对自己所教年级段的学科知识比较熟悉,但对其他年级可能就比较陌生。然而知识是有连续性的,如果能通过同事合作,对以前或以后的知识有所了解,然后进行适当的复习或提前渗透,那我想,以后学生学起来肯定会更轻松,更容易。2。 “纵向”也就是不同学科的同伴合作。在我们日常工作交往中,可能会比较注重同学科间的合作,比如,集体备课,教研活动等等,而忽略了不同学科间的合作。


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