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1、1Unit 4 Stories and PoemsLesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter同步教案Navigation of the course(课程导航)Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 词汇(1)掌握单词及短语:silver, make ones living, dive into, admit to(2)认知词语:fable, woodcutter, axe, dive, admit, policy2. Enable to retell the fableTeaching important points(教学重点)Grasp master

2、y words and patternsTeaching difficult points(教学难点)Enable to retell the fable Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching steps(教学过程设计)Step 1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Let the students talk about the questions in groups. Then encoura

3、ge them to talk about in class.Do you like reading fables? What fables have you read?Do you think it is important to be honest? Why?Step 2. Learning new words and phrases of the text.Use pictures as many as possible. Try to let students grasp them in class.fable n. 寓言 woodcutter n. 伐木工axe n. 斧子dive

4、v. 潜水admit v.承认policy n. 政策silver v.& n. 银(的)Step 3. Listening tasks. Listen to the tape the tape and tell it is true or false. 1. The woodcutter lost his axe on his way home.2. When the woodcutter cried, a spirit appeared.3. When the spirit dove into the water the second time, she brought back a go

5、ld axe.4. The woodcutter got three axes in total at last.Step 4. Reading tasks. Read and finish Exercise 1 on Page 55. Encourage students to finish it independently. Then check answers as a class. After finishing it, ask students to try to retell it.Step 5. Explain the language notes to the students

6、.21. The water was deep, and he could not get his axe back. 水很深,他不能找回他的斧子。get back 此处意为“取回”,跟代词时置于中间,跟名词时可置于中间,也可置于 back后。I got my pen back yesterday. 昨天我找回了我的钢笔。2. He had only one axe, and he needed it to make his living. 他只有一把斧子,他需要靠它来谋生。make ones/ living 意为“谋生”,make 也可换成动词 earn。He made a living b

7、y drawing. 他以画画为生。3. The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe. 精灵又一次潜下去,带着樵夫的旧斧子回到水面。“不定冠词+序数词”表示相对前一个而言的“又一,再一”,为泛指。I have read the book twice, but I want to read a third time. 这本书我读了两遍了,但是我还想再读一遍。“定冠词+序数词”则表示按顺序排列的“第次”,为特指。It is the fifth time that I have met him. 这是我第五次和他见面了。Step6.Come to “LETS DO IT”.1. Do Exercises 2 and 3 on Page 55. Let students work it out in pairs. Then check answers as a class.2. Group work.Find the rest of the fable on the Internet. Act it out.Homework(作业)Try to retell the fable in your own words.


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