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1、1Unit 5 Topic 2(满分:100 分;时间:90 分钟)第 一 部 分 第 二 部 分 总分题号 得分第一部分:听力 (15 分).听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。 (5 分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。 (5 分)( ) 6. A. Yes, she can.B. No, she cant. C. We dont know.( ) 7. A. Yuan Longping. B. Yang Zhenning. C. Deng Xiaoping.( ) 8. A. The Long March. B. Red S

2、tar over China. C. Red Star of China.( ) 9. A. A supermarket. B. A fruit shop. C. A book shop.( ) 10. A. About 29 years. B. 1405. C. 1433.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5 分)( ) 11. Who was Einstein waiting for?A. A neighbour. B. His wife. C. A friend.( ) 12. What was the weather like then? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C

3、. Snowy.( ) 13. Where did Einstein take out the paper from?A. A hat. B. A bag. C. His pocket.( ) 14. Why did Einstein still stand in the rain?A. Because he was not afraid of rain.B. Because he had become wet. C. Because he became lost in thought again.( ) 15. Einstein wasnt careful about how he live

4、d, was he?A. No, he wasnt. B. Yes, he was. C. Sorry, I dont know.第二部分:笔试 (85 分).单项选择。 (10 分)( ) 1. Do you know _? A. where was Confucius born B. when was Confucius bornC. where Confucius was born D. which Confucius was born2( ) 2. Zheng Hes ocean journeys was about _ than last Columbus discovery of

5、America.A. 5 years earlier B. 60 years earlier C. 10 years later D. 50 years later( ) 3. _ people speaking Chinese is larger than that of those speaking English. A. The number B. The number of C. The numbers ofD. The numbers( ) 4. Would you please give the book _ it belongs to?A. to whom B. to which

6、 C. into which D. whom( ) 5. How great Sun Yat-sen was! Yeah, he _ the Qing dynasty.A. brought down B. put down C. broke into D. broke out( ) 6. A lot of tall buildings _ in his hometown in the last three years.A. have set up B. have been set up C. were set up D. set up( ) 7. Chairman Mao was our gr

7、eat leader. We will remember him _. A. for long B. for ever C. sometime D. for some time( ) 8. In 1933, the Red Army faced the danger of _ by the KMT.A. being wiped out B. be wiped out C. wiping out D. wipe out( ) 9. He _ in this school for 10 years since he _ to work.A. had taught; begins B. has ta

8、ught; beginsC. had taught; began D. has taught; began( ) 10. Do you know about Yuan Longping? Only a little. But Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid rice is famous. A. who B. which C. thatD. whose.情景交际。 (5 分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。 Wei Hua: Hello, Han Lei!Han Lei: Hello, Wei Hua. Have yo

9、u watched the news of CCTV?Wei Hua: Yes. 11 Han Lei: Thats too bad.Wei Hua: 12 Hes lost for 14 days.Han Lei: Yes, but I still think he is alive. Maybe he is lying on an island. Wei Hua: 13 His wife and his son are waiting for him. He is a hero.Han Lei: I dont understand why the U.S. doesnt apologize

10、 to Chinese people.Wei Hua: 14 Han Lei: So we should study hard, and make our country stronger one day.Wei Hua: 15 3A. Thats great!B. Thats true.C. I hope so.D. Because our country isnt strong enough.E. Comrade Wang Wei is still not found.F. A U.S. military reconnaissance plane(军用侦察机)broke into(闯入)C

11、hina.G. Its impossible for Wang Wei to come back alive(活着).11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._.完形填空。 (10 分)Chinas Liu Xiang has shown that he is one of the worlds 16 !In the 28th Olympics, Liu Xiang 17 the 110-metre hurdles in 12. 91 seconds. Its as fast as the world record, and the best ever in the Olympics!

12、It was the first mens athletics(田径)gold for China in the Olympics.“I showed Asians could run fast too.”he said.Liu loved sports 18 a child in Shanghai. “He kept 19 every day. He never sat there quietly.” said his mother.In 20 grade, Liu tried high jump. He was always the first to try a higher jump.

13、He would jump 21 he made it! But people said he was not 22 .“I told my mother that I wanted to be in the Olympics.” Liu said.23 , at the age of 15, Liu met his coach(教练)Sun Haiping. Sun thought he could be No. 1 in the 110-metre hurdles. He was right.But young people love Liu not just for his sporti

14、ng talent, 24 for his fashion(时尚). He likes singing with his friends. He sings 25 a karaoke star!Liu likes to make fun of the pimples(痘)on his face.“I would be better-looking if I didnt have them.”he said.( ) 16. A. fastest men B. fastest man C. fast men D. fast man( ) 17. A. beat B. fought C. won D

15、. broke( ) 18. A. when B. as C. while D. so( ) 19. A. to run and jump B. run and jump C. running and jumping D. to run and jumping( ) 20. A. four B. fourth C. the fourth D. the four( ) 21. A. until B. what C. after D. where( ) 22. A. enough tall B. tall enough C. enough highD. high enough( ) 23. A.

16、Luck B. Lucky C. Luckily D. Good luck( ) 24. A. and B. or C. however D. but also( ) 25. A. as B. like C. look like D. seem.阅读理解。(30 分)(A)Chinese Greatest Diplomat(外交官)4Zhou Enlai worked as Chinese first foreign minister from 1950 to 1958. In 1953, he put forward five diplomatic principles(原则). They

17、called for all countries to live peacefully(和平地)together and to understand each other. The five principles became very important to Chinese diplomacy.Zhou also played an important part in Chinese relationship with the U.S.A. At one time, China and America werent happy with each other. To solve this

18、problem, Zhou talked with American diplomats for 12 years. In 1971, Zhou invited some American table tennis players to visit China, which became the beginning of good friendship. The next year, he met the U.S.A. President Richard Nixon on his official visit to China.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 26. Zhou En

19、lai had worked as Chinas first foreign minister for eight years.( ) 27. The five diplomatic principles are mainly focused on that all countries in the world should live peacefully together and to understand each other.( ) 28. The five diplomatic principles are important part of Chinese diplomatic pr

20、inciples.( ) 29. Zhou Enlais Tennis Diplomacy succeeded in 1971.( ) 30. Richard Nixon came to China on his official visit because of the success of those American athletes visiting China.(B)When Mencius(孟子)was a small boy, his father died, so Mencius and his mother were quite poor. One day Mencius r

21、eturned home from school and found his mother making some cloth(布). It was very beautiful and expensive.“How much of your book have you read today?”Menciuss mother asked him.Mencius threw down his book.“I havent read any of it.”he replied.“I played with some friends of mine in the fields.”When his m

22、other heard this, she picked up a pair of scissors(剪刀)and cut the cloth.“Why have you cut your cloth?”Mencius asked.“It was so beautiful and now youve wasted it.”“You have wasted your time.”his mother said.“Now I have wasted mine. Look at the terrible thing we have done.”Mencius learned a lot from t

23、his lesson. After this, he always studied hard.阅读短文,填入所缺的内容。31. After Menciuss father died, he and his mother were not _.32. One day when Mencius got home, he saw his mother _.33. Mencius did not read any of the books, so his mother was very _.34. Menciuss mother taught his son _ time.35. From then

24、on, Mencius studied very _.(C)Steve Ballmer feels excited today, as he is in front of over 2,000 students from Tsinghua University and Beijing University now.Ballmer, president of Microsoft Corp, received a warm welcome at Tsinghua University when he gave a talk on the next generation of the Interne

25、t on September 19th. He came to China last week for a two-day visit. During the time 5he slept only four hours and had many meetings with government officials and businessmen. After all those business matters, he came to Tsinghua University and was asked thousands of questions from the excited stude

26、nts.Ballmer, who joined Microsoft in 1980, was the first business manager hired by Bill Gates, a schoolmate of Ballmers at Harvard. Gates first dropped out of school to start Microsoft and Ballmer was still studying, but he also gave up his studies and joined Bill Gates five-year-old Microsoft in 19

27、80.In his talk to the students, Ballmer described what the Internet will bring to our life. He said there are several hundreds of Tsinghua graduates now working or being trained at Microsoft both in China and in the U.S.A. He also warned the students not to drop out of school and to follow the examp

28、les of Bill Gates and himself.( ) 36. Ballmer gave a talk on _ at Tsinghua University.A. the future of the InternetB. how to use the software made in his company C. what computers will bring to universitiesD. his own experience from Harvard to Microsoft( ) 37. It seemed that Ballmer came to China ma

29、inly _. A. to meet some government officialsB. to give a talk at TsinghuaC. for business matters D. to visit places of China( ) 38. He encouraged Chinese students _.A. to work on software B. to study hard and finish their college educationC. to work for Microsoft in China or in AmericaD. to follow t

30、he examples of Bill Gates and himself( ) 39. From the passage we know Steve Ballmer _.A. graduated from Harvard UniversityB. asked the students a lot of questions C. was Gates schoolmateD. started Microsoft Corp in 1980( ) 40. Which is true according to the passage? A. Bill Gates started Microsoft C

31、orp in 1980.B. Ballmer stayed in China for only four hours.C. Ballmer dropped out of school earlier than Gates. D. Ballmer gave a talk to the students from Beijing University and Tsinghua University.词汇。(10 分)(A)根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。41. The Red Army attacked e_ and wiped them out.42. Sun Yat-sen was the fi

32、rst p_ of the Republic of China.43. Yang Zhenning won Nobel P_.44. I have a little money with me. Its 10 yuan in t_.45. All the Chinese are p_ of Yang Liwei.(B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。46. I spent three hours _(make)the 6model plane.47. When he was in his _(thirty), he took an active part in the battle agains

33、t Qing dynasty.48. Its a pity that his mother _(pass away)last year.49. His mother _(die of)an accident yesterday, so he was very sad.50. If you work hard on it, youll succeed in _(finish)the job perfectly.综合填空。 (5 分)选择下列所给词填空。who where after if that but and because when whether51. I dont know _ he

34、will be back soon.52. Could you tell us _ has been to America twice?53. The old man fell down _ he wasnt badly hurt. 54. He said _ he would return in a week.55. Please show me _ the railway station is.56. He isnt at the office today _ he is ill in bed. 57. They got off the bus _ they went into the s

35、chool.58. The children were playing computer games _ the teacher came in.59. Shall we go for a picnic _ it doesnt rain tomorrow? 60.The students went home _ school was over.书面表达。(15 分)假设你是王影。最近你读了许多有关洪战辉的感人故事,还听了他的报告,恰好班级要召开主题班会,你想把他的感人事迹介绍给你的同学,参考内容如下:洪战辉 25 岁,出 生于一个贫困家庭,小时候母亲因生活困苦离家,他一直照顾弟弟,领养的妹妹(

36、adopted sister)和生病的父亲,他带妹妹上大学,生活艰难,学习刻苦,课余干零活,他虽然生活困难,但谢绝别人帮助。要求:1. 语言规范,格式正确,并发表个人感想。2. 词数 80100 个。_7听力材料:Unit 5 Topic 2. 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。1. Sun Yat-sen who was the first president of the Republic of China for about 59 years. 2. Deng Xiaoping is a great person who has made China richer a

37、nd stronger than before.3. Yang Zhenning is a great man who won the Nobel Prize for Physics.4. I know Jackie Chan. His movies are very popular with the young. 5. Zheng He is the Ming dynasty explorer whom all the Chinese people are proud of. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。6. M: Where was Confucius born? W: I ju

38、st know he was born in a poor family.Q: Can the woman answer the mans question?7. M: Who is that man in the picture? W: Hes Yang Zhenning, a Nobel Physics Prize winner.Q: Whos the Nobel Physics Prize winner?8. A: What are you reading? B: Oh, a novel called Red Star over China. It is about the Long M

39、arch. Q: Whats the name of the book?9. W: Whatre you going to do today? M: Im going to Hongxing Bookshop to buy some historical books.W: Do you know any of Chinas historic events?M: Of course! Q: Wheres the man going?10. A: Hi, do you think Zheng He was a brave man?B: Sure, he led seven ocean journe

40、ys for the Ming emperor from 1405 to 1433. Q: How long did the seven ocean journeys last?. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。Once Einstein was waiting for one of his friends on a bridge. While he was waiting, he was in deep thought. It began to rain. The rain kept on for some time. When Einstein took out a piece of

41、paper from his pocket to write something down, the paper got wet and then he knew that it was raining. His clothes had become wet in the rain. But after he put the paper into his pocket, he forgot he was standing in the rain again.Many scientists are careless about their daily lives. This is because

42、 they 8are too absorbed in their studies.参考答案:Unit 5 Topic 2第一部分:听力. 15 CEDAB. 610 BBBCA. 1115 CBCCA第二部分:笔试. 15 CBBAA610 CBADD. 1115 FECDB. 1620 ACBCC2125 ABCDB. (A) 2630 TTTFT(B) 31. rich 32. making some cloth 33. angry 34. not to waste 35. hard(C) 3640 ACBCD. (A) 41. enemies 42. president 43. priz

43、e 44. total 45. proud(B) 46. making 47. thirties 48. passed away 49. died of 50. finishing. 51. whether/if 52. who 53. but 54. that 55. where56. because 57. and 58. when 59. if 60. after. 参考范文:Hong Zhanhui is a 25-year-old college student. He was born in a poor family. His mother left home because o

44、f the hard life when he was very young. So he had to take care of his brother, his young adopted sister and his sick father. He took his sister to the college with him.Hong Zhanhui studies hard at school and does some jobs after class. Life is hard, but he always refuses others help. He has done so much for his family. Dont you think we should learn from him?

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