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1、1Unit 11 随堂小测试 1. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。leave out, friendship, drive sb. crazy, would rather, lately, be friends with1. The boys have had a long _. They care about each other.2. If you _ be alone, well all leave here.3. Mike thought the report was too long, so he _ the third paragraph.4. Hi

2、s words _. I cant stand him any more.5. Joan _ Andy. They stay together all the time.6. Have you seen either of them _?. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The boring movie makes me _(sleep). I want to leave.2. _(drink) too much coffee is bad for your health.3. Jack is _(real) nervous when speaking in front of

3、 so many people.4. I havent been to his house, so I dont know how _(get) there.5. Father is trying his best to make our life _(good).6. Its a(n) _(happy) memory. I dont want to mention it again. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. 我工作时别和我说话。Dont talk to me while _ _.2. 天气如此热,以至于我们不能待在外面。It is _ _ _ we cant

4、stay outside.3. 看!孩子们和他们的老师玩得很开心。Look! The children are _ _ _ their teachers.4. 你知道得越多,就越会意识到自己知道得多么少。_ _ you know, _ _ you will realize how little you know.5. 在我看来,王丁和李辉毫无共同之处。In my opinion, Wang Ding and Li Hui _ _ _ _.6. 我姑姑每次来我家,都会给我带来一些书。My aunt brings me some books _ _ she comes to my house. 根

5、据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Alan, did you have a good time at Alices birthday party last night?B: Well, yes and no.A: (1)_B: At first, a girl next to me kept talking loudly when we were eating. (2)_2A: I agree. Talking loudly while eating isnt polite.(3)_B: After the meal, I came to another roo

6、m and began to watch a movie on TV.A: How did you feel about the movie?B: It was scary. (4)_A: So you stopped watching it, right?B: Yeah, just then Alice came to me and invited me to dance with her. (5)_ I really enjoyed myself in the end.A. What did you do then?B. Id rather stay at home.C. Dancing

7、always makes me excited.D. That made me want to laugh.E. What do you mean?F. Thrillers always make me scared.G. That made me mad.参考答案:. 1. friendship 2. would rather 3. left out 4. drive me crazy 5. is friends with 6. lately. 1. sleepy 2. Drinking 3. really 4. to get 5. better 6. unhappy. 1. Im working 2. so hot that 3. having fun with4. The more; the more 5. have nothing in common 6. each / every time. 1-5 EGAFC


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