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1、1Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以 Keeping Healthy 为主题。话题二主要学习有关个人卫生和饮食健康等内容。Section A 部分通过谈论健康的生活习惯学习情态动词 must 及其否定形式 mustnt 表示必要性的用法,如 You must brush your teeth twice a day. 和 You mustnt read in the sun.等。 Section B 部分通过对吸烟有害健康的讨论,呈现一些重要句型和词汇,比如 You

2、d better not read in the sun.,give up 等,并进一步学习情态动词 had better,can,must 和 may 的用法。同时穿插语音学习板块,学习掌握/,/a:/ /的发音以及辅音加元音的连读。Section C 部分通过阅读有关饮食健康的文章复习巩固情态动词must/mustnt/may/can 的同时学会运用简单的阅读策略获取信息和学会保持良好的习惯。Section D 部分是对本话题的总结和复习,最后以 Project 探究活动形式对所学内容进行运用,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。Topic的的内容可以用 5 个课时来完成。第一课时:Section

3、 A-1a, 1b, 1c,2,1d.第二课时:Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2a,2b.第三课时:Section B-3a,3b Section A-3a,3b, Section C-2.第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,3.第五课时:Section D-1,Grammar and Functions,2, Project.第五课时(Section D-1,Grammar and Functions,2, Project)教学设计思路:本节课为本话题第五课时,主要活动为 1 和。首先学生通过听短文完成图片排序,并使用情态动词为图片配文字。然后复习 Grammar 中情

4、态动词的更多用法,通过互动,操练Functions 中有关健康生活习惯的相关表达。接着,通过阅读,选择正确的词汇补全短文,训练学生正确使用情态动词的用法及一些重要短语。最后完成 Project 的调查问卷,通过自己的问卷结果写出建议,巩固本话题所学的词汇与句型。2. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)能复习和巩固掌握正确认读课后单词表中的单词。(2)能正确把握情态动词在具体语境中的运用,能正确地用情态动词进行口头和书面复合表达。2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关健康饮食的对话或文章。(2)能熟练地运用食品名词,为三餐设计健康的食谱,并能就饮食提出自

5、己有益的建议。(3)能正确地运用情态动词,结合食品名词,写一篇有关如何保持健康的文章。3. Emotional aims:通过本课学习,让学生明白日常生活中具体的健康生活习惯有哪些,督促他们养成健康生活的好习惯,摒弃坏习惯。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:用以下短语造句并提出建议:take shower often, wash hands before meals, tidy our room, open the window, drink sour milk, spit in pu

6、blic2. Difficult points: 填空中对情态动词的正确选择。. Learning strategies通 过 看 图 听 听 力 和 综 合 填 空 等 多 种 练 习 , 归 纳 情 态 动 词 的 用 法 。 训 练 学 生 归 纳 知 识 的 能 力 。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪。3V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Getting students ready for learning Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose(Class

7、activity)Get students ready for learning.T: Good morning, everybody! The first two mins is for you to give the everyday report. The report is related to your eating habit. Whos turn to do it ?Focus their attention on the teacher.S1:Its my turn to report. With my mothers good care my eating habit is

8、very good. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother prepares some pickles for me. Sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge. At noon, I will eat in school canteen. Sometimes I will have noodles. At night, my mother often prepares a big meal for me. After

9、dinner, I will eat some fruit. 该部分学生在课前已作为家庭作业完成,教师的主要任务是检查学生作业完成情况。4T: Can you ask any questions according to her duty report?T: Any more questions?T: You are wonderful today.S2: What does she often eat in the morning?S3: Porridge.S4: Does she often go home for lunch?S5: No, she eats in the school

10、canteen.S6:Remark:该部分可分两步进行。第一步进行师生间问候,拉近师生间距离;第二步检查学生的作业。Stage 2(12mins):Task 1Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1(Group work)Let the students to look through 1 and say a phrase corresponding to each picture.T: Everyone, lets turn to page 41and enjoy some pictures. You can wr

11、ite down a phrase below each picture.T: Who can have a try ?Try to write a phrase corresponding to each picture.Ss:S1:wash hands, open the window, put litter into 该部分旨在让学生看图片预测即将听到的内容。5T:Different ideas?T: OK! lets listen and check.the dustbin, tidy the room, spit on the street, S2:The next-to last

12、one is make his bed.2(Group work)Play the recording of 1.T: Ill play the recording of 1. Please listen and number the pictures first.T: Could somebody tell me the answer?T: Do you agree with him?T: Well. Ill play the recording of 1 again and pause when necessary. Then check if you have written the r

13、ight phrases, OK?T: Do you have different ideas about the next-to -last one ?Listen and number the pictures.Ss:S1: The right order is 1-5-3-6-2-4.Ss: Yes!Ss: OK!Ss: No. Tidy our rooms is right. 该部分目的在于通过听录音排序,训练学生获取听力信息的能力,并巩固描述健康生活习惯的有关表达。63(Class work)Ask the students to make sentences according t

14、o 1.T: Now you can make sentences with the phrases you wrote just now and the structures in the box. Please have a try. Is two mins enough?T: Id like one group to say the sentences clearly. Which group wants to go first? OK! Group5 please!Make sentences orally, using the the phrases and the structur

15、es in the box.Ss: Yes!Each student in group5 will say one sentence clearly. S1: We should take shower oftenS2: We must wash hands before mealsS3: We mustnt spit in publicS4: We mustnt drink yoghurtS5: We should tidy our roomS6: We should open the 该部分旨在让学生使用情态动词为图片配文字,巩固学生对情态动词用法的掌握。7windowto keep th

16、e air freshRemark:Stage 3(7mins):Task 2Step Teacher activity Student activityDesigning purpose( Individual work )Check Grammar and Functions T: Ill offer four or five minutes for you to read through Section A-C. Pay more attention to the usage of modal verbs. Then fill in the blanks.T: Volunteer gro

17、ups can show your answers.Go through Section A-C quickly.Group1:S1: You mustnt throw litter around.S2: He thinks smoking can help him relax.S3: It can even cause cancer.S4: I must ask him to give up smoking.S5: May I borrow your newspaper and show it to my father?Group3:该部分旨在引导学生复习情态动词用法及健康生活习惯的表达,培

18、养学生的口语表达能力。8T: Are there any wrong parts?T: That fine.S1: Staying up late is bad for your health.S2: Its bad/good for your health.S3: Dont read in the sun.S4: It will keep you active during the day.Ss: No.Remark:教师应注意引导学生自己归纳本话题所学语法和功能,教师尽量减少对学生的控制。Stage 4(13mins):Task 3Step Teacher activity Student

19、 activityDesigning purpose1.(Class work)Show a picture of cigarette with phonetic syllables and lead in 2. T:Do you smoke? T:Who smokes around you?T: Smoking is bad for our body. Body here means health, pointing to my body and your body. And Smoking can cause illness. Smoking can Read the phonetic s

20、yllables and understand the meaning, answering the questions.Ss: No.S1: My fatherS2:my uncle.Get to realize what the 该部分是通过阅读短文训练学生正确使用情态动词。9cause disease.T:Smoking harms our body while here “harm” means “be bad for”.T:Smoking is bad for our health. Smoking harms smokers and us. (Teacher acts a gest

21、ure of smoking.) It can cause disease. Lets read 2 about smoking and try to complete the passage with the correct words.T:Have you got the answer?T: Great!teacher says. And try to understand the word “disease” by understanding synonymous “illness”.Understand “harm” by understanding “be bad for”.Stud

22、ents read silently and try to finish 2.Ss: Yes!S1: Some people think that smoking can help them relax. In Fact,2.(class activity)Design exercises about the following phrases and structures:take shower often, Have to know the phrases and structures. Then students try to do the exercise 10wash hands b

23、efore meals, tidy our room, open the window, drink sour milk, spit in public.not onlybutas soon asbe surprise to do sth.force sb. to do sthgive up doingcorrectly, paying attention the differences.Remark:学生独立完成部分内容,检验学生灵活运用知识的能力。Stage 5(3mins):ProjectStep Teacher activity Student activityDesigning pu

24、rpose(Group work)Let the students finish testing in project.T: Lets have a test and see how healthy you are.T: Whats your total score? And exchange your paper to see who is the healthiest in your group.Finish the project in group.Ss:Discuss in groups通过两人一组做有关于健康的问卷调查,训练学生的口头表达能力,最后布置短文进行描述,巩固本话题所学的词

25、汇与句型,让学生在真实语境下综合运用本话题所学的知识。11T: Good . We know that healthy living habits are important to our lives. I hope you write a passage about how to keep healthy. You may use the questions in the project as a guide.Remark:教师可以设计多样活动,学生依据表格进行对话和写作。Stage 6(2mins):Assigning HMKStep Teacher activity Student ac

26、tivityDesigning purpose(Class activity)Assign the HMKT: OK. Class will be over soon, For todays homework, Id like you to write a passage about how to keep healthy. And remember the main functions and grammar in Topic2 and preview Topic 3 in Unit 2.Finish the following tasks:Preview the vocabulary an

27、d the dialogue in Section A of Topic 3.该部分目的在于布置家庭作业。Remark:12VI . Blackboard design第五课时(Section D-1,Grammar and Functions,2, Project)We should/shouldntWe must/mustnt Dont spit in public.Tidy our room.take shower oftenwash hands before mealsspit in publicdrink yoghurttidy our roomopen the windowkeep the air fresh


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