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1、1UNIT 2 Keeping Healthy TOPIC 2 I must ask him to give up smoking. Section A 教案一、教学目标与要求1. 知识与能力目标熟练掌握单词,熟练运用句型:“You shouldnt play with the CDs! You should have a good rest.” 以及描述应该做的事和不应该做的事。2. 情感态度目标培养学生良好的作息习惯。并且对别人的建议做出正确反映。二、教学重点及难点1. 重点是单词、句子的听、说、读、写。运用正确的句子描述应该做的事和不应该做的事。2. 难点是听、说的句子:“You sho

2、uldnt stay up late! You should go to bed early.”三、课前准备1. 教师自己制作的课件和教材的配套光盘。2. making a mess 自制卡片。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warm upGreeting (谈论天气、以及经常做的事情。)T: hello, everybody.S: hi, teacher.T: how are you feeling today?S: fine, thanks.T: how about the weather today?S: very good.T: ok, lets have our class.S: ok.S

3、tep 2 Presentation and practice2Talk about a picture and teaching of new word “tired”.通过词组学习,引出第一个问题“Who is tired?”初听课文,理解感知。Step 3 Presentation of the text.1. Presentation and practice of the new sentences “You should go to bed early.”通过理解课文,回答问题“What should Kang Kang do?”将 could-should 结合对比语音学习。T:

4、 Jane said to Kang Kang, you should go to bed early.(板书句型。 )2. Presentation of the test and teaching of new word “cause” 听课本配套光盘回答问题“What cause this?” ,引出新词并教授。3. Presentation of the new sentences: “You shouldnt play with the CDs. You should go to bed early”看问题“What shouldnt Kang Kang do?”看课文划出答案,引出

5、重点句子型并板书,注意 should / shouldnt 之后的单词变为红色,为后面讲授 should / shouldnt 之后动词特点,做铺垫。并对板书的三个句子,以及回答进行同位练习和反馈。4. Answer the question: Who helped Kang kang? 看课文最后一幅图片,谈论 Kang Kang,渗透情感教育。T: In our life, we shouldnt stay up late, we should go to bed early. Besides, we should help our friends.5. Repeat the dialog

6、ue and circle “should / shouldnt”.学生跟读全文,圈单词并且回读含有 should / shouldnt 的句子。6. Talk about pictures using should / shouldnt.结合书以及活动手册的练习中的图片,小组练说。7. Activity Book将练说的内容写在活动手册上。Step 4 Consolidation and extension1. Talk about another pictures.课件出示生活中一些不文明行为的图片,让学生用学过的句子,提出建议:S: You shouldnt feed the animals. You should .2. Make the rules for the places of the school.3课件呈现学校里的图片,小组内讨论为这些熟悉的地方制定规则。Step 5 Summary引导学生回顾单词并且总结 should / shouldnt 的用法。Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the dialogue 5 times.2. Try to write the rules for your classroom/ the dining room / the library / the hallway.


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