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1、1课时训练(二十)(限时:25 分钟).单项填空1.That boy in a white T-shirt is my new classmate. name is Peter. A.My B.YourC.His D.Her2.We sent Tiangong II into the space September 15th. A.by B.onC.at D.in3.Its very hot outside, we feel quite cool in the room. A.or B.soC.because D.but4. you hear me? Sorry, I cant hear yo

2、u clearly.2A.Can B.NeedC.Should D.Must5. have you been away from home? For 2 years, I think.A.How long B.How manyC.How much D.How soon6.I am in a hurry.Can you tell me way to the airport? A.fast B.fasterC.fastest D.the fastest7.Whats your plan for your three-day vacation?Im not sure.Maybe I my uncle

3、. A.will visit B.visitC.was visiting D.visited8.Mike a lot of work for the poor areas since he worked in Africa. A.does B.didC.has done D.will do9.We on the playground when it began to rain yesterday afternoon. A.run B.ranC.are running D.were running10.It is necessary for us good habits in our daily

4、 life. A.keep B.to keep3C.keeping D.kept11.Is there anything special in todays newspaper?Yes.Its reported that another new middle school in YanShan this year. A.builds B.will be builtC.was built D.built 12.Can you tell me ? At 10:00 oclock tomorrow.A.when did they come B.when they comeC.when will th

5、ey come D.when they will come.2018东城二模 阅读理解In July 2017, families in Marion County, Florida, got surprising news about the coming school year. Traditional homework will disappear, at least for primary students.Last year, Dara, a fifth grader, had two or three hours of homework a night.“I had 12 math

6、 questions and six or seven pages of work to do for reading,” she said.Now Daras new homework is only to read for 30 minutes.She enjoys having more time for activities like painting and playing video games.But her mom misses last years assignments.“The kids knew that once they finished those workshe

7、ets, they were done,” she says.“Sometimes, getting Dara to sit down and read for 30 minutes is a challenge.”Around the country, primary schools are experimenting with a no-homework policy(政策).School leaders say the new policy is based on research.Studies have shown that homework does not improve gra

8、des or test scores in primary schools.Paula Fass is the author of The End of American Childhood.She says,“Theres been controversy over homework ever since schooling became a requirement.” Support for 4homework has gone up and down through the years.More than a century later, many still question the

9、role that homework should have in kids lives.Harris Cooper, a professor, has studied more than 50 researches on homework.In his view, homework has a positive effect on achievement.The effect gets larger as kids move through the grades.But even in the early grades, homework has a positive effect on s

10、imple skills.Examples include spelling and math facts.But he warns that homework can have a negative effect as well.“If theres too much of it or if its too difficult, it can lead to frustration,” he says.“And thats not a good thing.”Last year, Kelly Primary School in Holyoke, Massachusetts, eliminat

11、ed(取消)homework.But this year, students in kindergarten through eighth grade have homework once again.But they receive only one assignment per day.The headmaster explained that the school took a balanced way.“We want to build responsibility and structure,” she says.“But we dont want to take away the

12、important time that children have with their families or practising sports.”Kelly Primary School wont be the only school to experiment with the no-homework policy.“One thing you can know is that this is part of a long history of fight over homework,” says Fass.“And that can be expected to continue.”

13、13.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.Dara enjoys reading for 30 minutes every day.B.Daras mother prefers the traditional homework.C.Dara complained she had too much homework last year.D.Daras mother is happy that Dara has more time for free activities.14.What does the word “controversy”

14、in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Doubt.B.Challenge.C.Argument.5D.Agreement.15.Harris Cooper may agree . A.schools should eliminate homeworkB.higher graders should have more homeworkC.homework can help lower graders with simple skillsD.homework has no effect on test scores in primary schools16.Which of

15、 the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Homework: Is It Necessary to Eliminate It?B.Homework: Its History and Great ChangesC.Homework: Is It Beneficial to Students Achievement?D.Homework: Its Influences on Students and Their Families.阅读短文,根据短文回答问题No summer beach vacation in the nort

16、heast U.S. state of Massachusetts is complete without an order of fried clams at a seaside restaurant. People enjoy eating the shellfish, which are dipped(蘸) in a mixture made from flour, water and spices and then cooked in hot oil. One restaurant known for its seafood is Nancys on Marthas Vineyard.

17、Marthas Vineyard is a small island off the coast of Massachusetts. The U.S. President Barack Obama and his family like to visit Marthas Vineyard in the summer. The Obama family often eats at Nancys during their vacations. It seems that one Obama has even started working at Nancys this summer.The Bos

18、ton Herald newspaper first reported that Sasha Obama, the presidents younger daughter has a job there. She is 15 years old. The story says that Sasha Obama is helping the restaurant get ready for its lunch service each day. She is also bringing customers their food orders at a take-out window. She w

19、orks for about four hours. Her last day is Saturday, when the rest of the Obama family arrives 6for vacation. One of the other workers at the restaurant said Sasha started working earlier in the week. She has been using her full name, Natasha, while on the job.Many people followed the story on socia

20、l media. “Sasha Obama” became a hot Twitter topic. One person wrote on Twitter: “Keeping it real.” Another added hashtag “Respect.” But a third person twittered that someone else who really needs the money should have the job. He said that Sasha Obama was only working because people would like the s

21、tory.The Presidents daughter does have a safe team looking out for her. But they have been waiting in a large car nearby while she works.17.Is Marthas Vineyard the name of a restaurant?18.Who first reported the story of Sasha?19.How long did Sasha work at the restaurant a day?20.According to a third

22、 person, why did Sasha work at a restaurant?21.What do you think of Sasha?7参考答案.16 CBDAAD 712 ACDBBD.主旨大意 本文对是否应该给小学生留作业提出了不同的看法,在佛罗里达的一个小学基于研究认为作业不能提高学生的成绩,所以取消了传统的作业。而 Harris Cooper教授认为作业有积极的一面,但不能太多。曼彻斯特的一个小学也开始了作业的实验,在取消作业一年后重新提出每天留一项作业。对于是否留作业的争论还将继续下去。13.B 根据第二段中“But her mom misses last years

23、assignments.”可知,她妈妈怀念去年的作业,所以她的妈妈更喜欢传统的作业。故选 B。14.C 根据第三段中“Support for homework has gone up and down through the years.”可知对于作业的支持很多年来不是上升就是下降,所以大家对此有争议。故选 C。15.C 根据第四段中“But even in the early grades, homework has a positive effect on simple skills.”可知作业能够帮助低年级的学生提高一些简单的技能。故选 C。16.A 通读全文可知本文对于作业是保留还是取消各方持不同的观点,争议没有停止。故选 A。.17.No./No, it isnt.18.The Boston Herald newspaper.19.For about four hours.20.Because people would like the story.21.Although Sasha is a daughter of the Presidents, she behaved as an ordinary girl,and she is easygoing/friendly/hardworking/modest.


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