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1、1课时训练(二)(限时:30 分钟).单项填空1.My sister is a teacher. works in No.19 Middle School. A.I B.Her C.She D.My 2.Alice, when do you get up every day?I usually get up six oclock.Im never late for school. A.at B.to C.on D.in 3.Does your brother like to read cartoon stories?Yes, he doesnt have much time for them.

2、 A.and B.but C.for D.so 4.Which film is , Zootopia or Kung Fu Panda? A.interesting B.more interestingC.most interesting D.the most interesting 5. schoolbag is this? I guess its Lilys.A.Which B.WhoseC.What D.Who6.Amy will send us an email as soon as she in London. A.is arriving B.will arriveC.arrives

3、 D.arrived 7. you make a birthday cake by yourself? No, I cant.A.Can B.MayC.Must D.Should8.Paul a cake for his mother last weekend. A.makes B.will makeC.made D.has made9.Tom, are you listening to music?No.I my homework. 2A.am doing B.will doC.have done D.did10.Our teacher told me hard on my English.

4、 A.work B.workingC.worked D.to work11.A lot of flowers in Beijing International Flower Port every year. A.plant B.plantedC.are planted D.were planted 12.Could you tell me the Great Wall? The day after tomorrow.A.when will we visit B.when did we visitC.when we will visit D.when we visited.2018延庆一模 阅读

5、理解You wake up in the morning.A soft light turns on in your room.You go into the bathroom and the shower starts.After your shower, you go into the kitchen.Your favorite breakfast is already cooked, and its on the table, ready to eat.Now its time to go to work.Its rainy.You live alone, but you find th

6、at your umbrella is already by the door.How is all this possible? Welcome to your future life!Technology will allow homes in the future to be“smart”. Household machines will communicate with each otherand with you.Your stove will tell you when your food is cooked and ready to eat.Refrigerators will

7、suggest recipes(食谱) based on food items you already have.The technology is possible because of tiny information-storing devices called RFID chips.Future RFID chips will store information about all the things in your cupboards.For example, they will record the date that you bought each thing.Other de

8、vices will “read” this information using radio waves.When you need more food, your cupboards will tell you to buy it.Are you tired of the color of your walls? In a smart home, you wont have to repaint them.The walls will actually be digital screens, like TV screens.The technology is called OLED, and

9、 its here already.OLED walls will become clear, like windows or display colors and patterns.A computer network will link these walls with everything else in your house.Called “ambient 3intelligence(环境智能)”, this computer “brain” will control your whole house.It will suit your preferences.Your house w

10、ill learn about your likes and dislikes.It will then use that knowledge to control the environment.For example, it will set the heat in the house to your favorite temperature.It will also turn on the radio in the morning because you like to listen to the news then.But how about your cooked breakfast

11、 and the umbrella you found by the door? For those, you can thank your robot helper.Futurologists predict that many homes will have robots in the future.Robots already do many things.But scientists today are starting to build friendlier, more intelligent robotsones that people will feel more comfort

12、able having around in the house.How soon will this smart home be a reality? Theres a good chance it will be a part of your life in 25 or 30 years, perhaps sooner.13.You should thank for the umbrella you found by the door. A.the smart cupboard B.the radio wavesC.the household machines D.the robot hel

13、per14.According to the passage, the writer believes that in the future . A.painters wont have to paint the wallsB.robots will be more intelligent than peopleC.ambient intelligence will know your interests wellD.your stove will seldom communicate with you15.Which of the following would be the best ti

14、tle for the passage?A.How will we live?B.How will OLED work?C.What will smart house be like?D.How soon will smart home be a reality?.2018海淀二模 阅读短文,根据短文回答问题Email helps workers to communicate at any time, from any place.Email is an important tool, but it can also lead to a waste of time.How can worker

15、s make sure that email is a tool and not a time-waster? Here are some simple tips to follow.They can help you use email more efficiently(高效地) at work.First of all, turn off the sound in your computer that tells you that you have a new email message.That “Youve got mail!” sound is like a telephone or

16、 a doorbell.It interrupts your work.When 4you hear it, you will want to check your messages.And it will take you at least a few minutes to get back to work after that.Can you imagine how much time you waste because of that little sound?Second, limit how often you check your email.Try checking it onl

17、y three times a day, for example, at 9:00, 12:00 and 16:00.Also, limit the time you spend reading and answering email each time.Fifteen minutes is usually long enough.Third, use a separate email account for work and personal life.Do not give your work address to friends or family, and do not give yo

18、ur personal address to people at work.If you are working on several projects at one time, use a separate email account for each one.So you can focus on the most important project.Fourth, you wont have to read all the email messages every time you open your email.You can look quickly at the subject l

19、ines and then decide which messages to answer right away.You can read the others later.Finally, do not always use “reply to all” to answer email.Only send the message to people who need to read your answer.That way, you wont fill your workmates inboxes with messages that they dont need.And they wont

20、 waste time reading them.If you follow these simple steps, you will be a more efficient worker.Best of all, you will be able to leave the office earlier.16.Does email help workers to communicate at any time?17.How long should you spend reading and answering email each time?18.Why is it necessary to

21、use a separate email account for each project?19.How can you decide which messages to answer right away?20.What is the passage mainly about?5参考答案.16 CABBBC 712 ACADCC.主旨大意 本文主要从厨房,家居环境,机器人等方面对未来的生活进行了展望。13.D 根据文章第七段第一、二句“But how about your cooked breakfast and the umbrella you found by the door? For

22、 those, you can thank your robot helper.”可知对于你发现的门口的雨伞,你应该感谢机器人。故选D。14.C 根据文章第六段前三句“A computer network will link these walls with everything else in your house.Called ambient intelligence, this computer brain will control your whole house.It will suit your preferences.”可知叫作环境智能的计算机网络将会把这些墙和房子的其他任何东西连接起来,这个计算机的“大脑”将会控制你的整个房子,它会迎合你的喜好。故选 C。15.A 文章的主旨是讲未来的生活会是什么样。故选 A。.16.Yes./Yes, it does.17.15/fifteen minutes.18.Because it can help you/us focus on the most important project.19.By looking quickly at the subject lines.20.Some tips on how to use email more efficiently at work.


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